Three generals on the chair.

The white-haired old man was silent, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

Ace is saved!

Four silly children gathered, he should be happy as a grandfather.

Ace was saved.

Justice is so heavy, it overwhelms him, he should have made a move!

He gritted his teeth, unable to see the change in his eyes.

An old brother who has fought side by side for many years, Sengoku walked down the stone platform with him.

The sailors, who had fallen from high to decadent, cheered again!

Karp, Sengoku shot!

The main general on the pirate's side, Whitebeard, is still seriously injured!

"The war has not stopped, continue to fight, do not be afraid, the justice we carry is the hope of countless people!"

The Warring States turned into a big Buddha, and the golden light was dazzling.

Every sentence seems to have some kind of magic, which makes people's hearts stir.

"We have faced strong enemies more than once, what One Piece, what Golden Lion, what Red Earl!

Justice, never fear!

Fight to the end, sailors!

Karp said nothing.

He didn't make a move on Whitebeard, just stood there, and not a single pirate dared to approach.

For thirty years.

It wasn't justice that shaped Karp.

It was this old man and his best friends who upheld justice!

"Goo la, we old immortals, are we going to go our separate ways after all?

Sengoku, Karp!

Whitebeard grabbed the air with one hand, as if tearing heaven and earth into a giant screen.

Marin Fandor all poured out.

They are not fighting, they are sending off.


Since the beginning of the battle in the Valley of the Gods, they have been sympathetic to each other, enemies and friends.

"Little things, if you want to do evil, step over the old man!"

Karp stood there with his arms folded, shouting at all the pirates and the four brothers.

The four who had already fled were overjoyed.

No matter what the old man says, it is impossible to make a move on them!

The Great Earthquake cracked.

Luffy had already overdrawn all his physical strength, and there was no more left.

"Saab, you're alive!"


Lorraine punched him.

"Stupid, so weak to dare to come to the top war?"

Ace picked up Luffy and smiled without saying a word.


Loring gave them another punch.

"What about you? Ace, if you don't cultivate armed color well, will you still send it to death if you encounter this situation again?

"Saab, let you go early, if I don't slow down just now, you will wait to desperately save Luffy under the red dog."

Luo Ling, who hates iron but not steel, really wants to beat these three people.

In fact, they have long wanted to cry with joy and get together.

This battle does not give a chance at all.

"Wait a minute."

Lorraine stood in the way of Luffy and Ace.

[Hourglass begins to parse and obtain a large number of attributes

] [Qi and Blood +10000, Qi and Blood +3800, Anger +3406, Resentment +6000, Fear +7034] [Pain +4380, Qi and Blood +3804]


The hourglass parsing is complete, and Marin Fandor is full of various bubbles.



Loring took away the exhaustion bubbles of Ace and Luffy, and integrated the qi and blood larger than their heads, and the fighting spirit into their bodies.

"I feel that my physical strength is accelerating!"

The injuries that Ace had suffered from the previous battle with Blackbeard were now beginning to feel a sense of comfort, and his body began to heal faster.

"Luo Ling, I'm not in pain!"

Luffy was pleasantly surprised, jumping alive again.

"You haven't reached the level of perfect integration, body recovery, does not mean domineering recovery, don't be too reluctant."

Luo Ling's eyes looked high seriously.

The execution table had long since fallen to the ground and fell to pieces.

A white-haired old man walked out like King Kong.

Hundreds of warships appeared at sea level.

"World ZF!"

Someone exclaimed that this battle is not only for the Navy, but even the world ZF is on guard against in advance.

"Iron Bone Empty!"

Whitebeard naturally recognized this man hidden deep behind the Warring States, it was Karp, Zefa, the marshal of the Navy during the Warring States period.

Marshal of the World Army!

A man at the pinnacle of world power!

Warring States, since Karp made a move, a new general-level combat power has been added.

"After saving Luffy the Straw Hat from the Demon Lord Luo Ling of the GM Army, the Iron Bone Sky has already set off towards the Great Voyage.

From the beginning, we are waiting for your arrival!


Chi Inu said with a gloomy face.

The yellow ape turned into a light and stood with him.

"This is Marin Fando, almost in the center of the world, symbolizing justice, how can you take advantage!"

"I'm leaving, you can't stay!"

It is difficult for the Whitebeard Pirates to deal with so many powerful combat forces.

Karp, Sengoku, Iron Bone Kong, Red Dog, Yellow Ape, Green Pheasant.

These six people, no matter how strong your white beard is, you will stand in and leave sideways!

One more lorin is equivalent to one more corpse.

"You boy, who are you presumptuous with?"

Behind the three generals, Karp came in a deep voice.

He had to come, and the word justice pressed Karp to take this step.

"Old man!"

Luo Ling did not dare to let his guard down, opened the Qi Tian state, clouds and mist, and used a door to replenish the seawater.

"It's really worthy of the navy, unless all four emperors are present, you can't win with your head and resist."

He said this, but his hand snapped his fingers.

Air doors appeared on the surface of the water, on the ice.

"Let's go, you guys staying here will only send you to death, and more monsters will come, this will be the most terrifying melee ever!"

Luo Ling walked in front of Whitebeard and threw a qi and blood mass directly over with an expressionless face.

"Boy, what did you do?"

Newgate's voice was low, and he felt Lorling's non-hostile push just now, speeding up his recovery from his injuries.

Soon, a trace of incredulity flashed in the white-bearded Newgate's eyes, and he hid it with his own determination.

"Even the burns of molten slurry can heal, and those internal organs and my face have obviously been completely burned to ashes."

Qi and blood mean pure vitality.

As long as the brain and heart are still there, holding it in one breath is enough to break through the cocoon and be reborn.


They are all attributes that spill out from outside, and the weak are easily afraid and injured.

The strong are too difficult, even if they are injured, they will not be afraid, and they can stop and reduce their own damage.

The return of life, for example, is the beginning of this form.

"Thank you for taking care of Ace, I'm his big brother!"

"Ace, it's nice to have brothers like you."

Whitebeard laughed.

He didn't believe that anyone could beat Kaido in terms of vitality.

When Luo Ling used that magical method to help him heal, Whitebeard was convinced that he could definitely do it!

"Don't think about it, this will only help you get back to where you were before.

Even after recovery, your aging and asthma are still there.

I can only partially alleviate it. "

Qi and blood bubbles can restore injuries, whether it is organs or nerves.

The cells themselves are already senile and sick.

If there are bubbles such as youth and healing, it can fundamentally solve the pain and aging.

All he did was relieve!


The white-bearded face healed quickly, and the necrotic flesh on the internal organs also shed the charred ashes, and the growth recovered.

"All retreat and return to the sea!"

Newgate shouted and gave the order.

Ace then took Luffy and Saab and they retreated step by step.

"Hurry up, daddy he wants the queen, this is the captain's order!"

The undead bird Marko is behind the brothers, blocking the naval pursuit.

"Great! Daddy he won't die, won't die!

Ace laughed loudly, he saw that the domineering color had awakened, far above the armed color, and his perception was just sharp.

"Whitebeard's state is improving, it is Luo Ling's power!"

Sabo also felt very surprised, he had been practicing physical arts, domineering, and was at the awakening level.


The man's broken chest was close to healing, and his face was back to normal.

The strong did not make a move.

Loring, Whitebeard's camp is also good.

The naval camp is also fine.

What awaits them.

What they have in common is that they all perceive far more than others.

"There are a lot of monsters coming!"

Whitebeard couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, came back from the dead, Ace was saved, and he could really fight behind his back!

No matter what kind of monster he is, he has to taste the power of the Shock Fruit!

"There is a big problem in the advance city."

The iron bone is empty.

"Our old bones also happened to loosen the bones."

The Warring States are waiting for it.

The three generals were silent and had different expressions.


Karp takes a step forward!

The crowd followed him in this step.

"Thief hahahaha, it seems that you have been waiting for us for a long time!"

Blackbeard jumped from a height with the crew.

The dragon groaned.

One after another figures fell from the sky.

"Karp, Sengoku! I miss you so much!

Barrett smiled pervertedly, and for twenty years, he hated Karp all the time.

"Old thing, you're not dead yet?"

Kaido stared at the audience and turned into a human form.

On the ice.

His Majesty Qiwuhai's face changed accordingly.

"Terrible, how many monsters are involved in this big war!"

Doflamingo laughed even louder.


Moriah opened his teeth and claws, desperate to make it a zombie.

"There doesn't seem to be a hundred beasts Kaido in the agreement."

Hawkeye didn't have any worries, no matter how powerful it was, it was no more than a sword.

"Lorling, I seem to have seen him somewhere."

The female emperor flew away the attacker with a fragrant kick.

The eyes of good deeds converged.

Sea level.

Mass retreat of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Wanli Sunshine has sailed and accelerated.


Yamato hugged him and was pleasantly surprised.

"Long time no see!"

Ace punched out.

I couldn't help but turn around.

They gradually moved away from Marin Fandor.

The island seemed to fall into a brief silence.

Too quiet.

Unusual calm.

I don't know who broke out the overlord-colored domineering first, and more and more overlord-colored domineering appeared and rushed madly.

"The biggest war in history has begun!"

Kaido laughed and smashed a stick.

"Go to war!"

Karp jumped up and hit Barrett.


On top of the war, the giant screen opens!

If it's not the peak, don't enter this place!

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