Windswept clouds, flying sand and stones.

One by one, the elite sailors fainted, and even the captain of the navy could not help but foam at the mouth.

Overlord color domineering is the same release as not wanting money.

Block this, you will be brushed by the other, and it is enough to be proud not to kneel.

"It's really hard to stay in front of them."

The ghost spider looked embarrassed, and the weasel beside him had begun to get dizzy.

As an elite vice admiral of the navy headquarters, he is proficient in two-color domineering, but standing in front of this group of monsters, he can only do his best to stay awake!

"It's really a bunch of monsters, and this battle doesn't seem to be with us anymore."

Doflamingo pulled up a long line and took the opportunity to attack Moria.

"Nani, Doflamingo! Why did you make a move on me!

Moriah made a duckling sound, clutching a handful of shadows in his hand.

He wanted to watch the battle well, and it was better to give Kaido a mending knife.

"Shh, whisper Moriah, the person who killed you doesn't want to attract attention."

Doflamingo pointed to the sky with a gesturing look.

Moriah swallowed the shadow in one gulp and got up angrily, really thought that I moonlight Moriah was a person who could bully?

See them do it.

Hawkeye held down the blade, and the battle seemed to have sparked something remarkable, and he wanted to watch it seriously.

"It's just a waste of time to stay, the Whitebeard Pirates have retreated, and the Navy has won."

Hancock turned around and left, and the next battle was no longer part of the agreement.

The old lady looked at this battle and said lightly: "Your victory seems to be meaningless. "

Tsuru, as the chief staff officer of the naval headquarters, she knows extremely clearly what the battle means at this moment.

On the surface of the sea in the distance.

There was also a group of people cheering on the boat.

Ivankov and they have evacuated with Xiaofeng, Klockdar and others.

It is Bucky the Clown who remains!

"It's really worthy of being Captain Bucky, personally serving as the queen of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"I can't stand so far away, Captain Bucky can still fly in the sky!"

"It's so great, only Captain Bucky can have such strong strength!"

Where did this group of fools know that Bucky's legs were just hiding in the cabin, shivering, and his legs trembled.

He flew in mid-air because he was completely frightened and did not dare to move.

Secretly cursed in his heart: "So many overlords are domineering, if they don't leave, they will die without a place to be buried!" But

he still held the live phone bug in his hand and broadcast this scene to the world.

In the picture.

World Live.

Whitebeard, Lorling, Kaido, Sengoku, and Barrett all unleashed the overlord-colored domineering and tore Marin Fandor into five realms.

The three major generals will stand beside the Warring States and stalemate with these four overlord-colored domineering.

An abrupt figure appeared.

His whole body did not release any domineering energy.

I can't perceive the color of armament, the color of sight, the color of overlord.

As if domineering did not exist to him.


Whoever can break through one of the overlord-colored domineering releasers can crack this crazy scene.

However, it also means that this person will be charged by the most violent overlord-colored domineering!

He raised his head, blowing his cloak with momentum, and the word justice was hunting.

"Whitebeard, Immortal Wood, your overlord color domineering is also a lot weaker!"

"Luo Ling, little ghost, don't dangle with your fledgling things!"

"Kaido, the remnant of the remnant party, the loser of the losers!"

"Barrett, your overlord color domineering is far worse than Roger!"

The soldiers who were fortunate enough to hide behind the Warring States heard his comments, and they had a lot of confidence for no reason.

He has always liked to fight freely, unrestrained.

Only at this moment, use a sentence of commentary to calm the hearts of all naval soldiers.

Golden, black, blood red, purple, white overlord color domineering, on him, as if it did not exist!

On top of the perfect fusion, domineering and physical skills, the human body does not distinguish the ultimate meaning of each other.

Fought with two fists for a lifetime, and chased the Roger Pirates to a desperate situation several times.

He walked unwaveringly towards Barrett step by step.

The latter had an unruly smile on his face, as if he was confident that he could beat this old man down!

"What a vitriol, old thing!"

Barrett scolded, judging him as inferior to Roger, and he naturally admitted this.

The old man did not answer, he was just an old naval soldier, why not be scolded for old things!

As long as the word justice behind it still exists in the world, it is enough!

"More than thirty years ago, there was also a group of people who gathered on an island in the New World, claiming to be able to destroy the world!"


Sengoku yelled, signaling him to say something, it was not yet time.

"Damn it!"

Kaido also knew that it was the Valley of the Gods incident, the big event that allowed him to see Roger!


Whitebeard smiled instead, how funny, isn't it?

They were all so young back then, but now they are gray-haired and aged like decaying wood.

"Don't be discouraged, don't be afraid!

Go ahead and defeat every enemy in front of you, no matter who he is!

What the four emperors, the devil, the sea thief!

As long as he is alive, he can be killed!

Karp's hands were already bruised, and he jumped up and swung this invincible iron fist towards Barrett in front of him!

"I'm in the prime of life, and you're old!"

Twenty years!

Barrett originally thought that his armed domineering temperament, which he had painstakingly cultivated for twenty years, would definitely be able to defeat this gray-haired old man.

He turned on his devil form and slammed his punch with great confidence!

Between electric flint.

The overlord-colored domineering that belonged to Barrett was ruthlessly shattered.

All the overlord-colored domineering no longer had each other's obstruction, and they all killed towards Karp.

There is no domineering flow.

It was as if every breath he breathed was inherently domineering.


Comparable to the dull sound of a volcanic eruption!

Four forces tore the earth apart, rolling up the rubble and turning it into a gray mist.


A tall figure flew out upside down like a cannonball and crashed straight into the reinforced concrete.

The buildings in the distance have been smashed into ruins.

The Devil Descendant laughed maniacally, and he stood up and tilted his head, his eyes filled with thick jealousy.

"The strongest navy soldier in history, throughout the sea of the past thirty years, only One Piece King Roger, like you, does not rely on the devil fruit and occupies the supreme position with domineering!"

"Almost broke the bones!"

Barrett had a smile on his lips, he was relieved that he would not be bored only by fighting Karp who had real strength.

In the dust.

Karp walked out head-on, without blood, let alone weakness.

He laughed loudly: "Who else wants to compete with the old man!" "

Mr. Karp!"

When the green pheasant saw this scene, he only whispered, and he knew, how could Karp fall?

He's a hero Karp!

"Old man."

Luo Ling didn't know what to say, he would probably be targeted by yellow apes and red dogs next.

The situation is ever-changing, and no one knows what will happen next.

"Old thing, do you want to cooperate?"

Kaido asked with a smile on Whitebeard.

At that time on Beehive Island, it was Newgate who invited Kaido instead of Captain Rocks to join the group.

For so many years, if you don't deal with it, you can't deal with it, who let it face the navy?

"Take care of yourself!"

Whitebeard smashed out with a punch, and Marin Fandor began to shake again.

"What an enviable power!"

Tichy's eyes were full of thirst for the fruit of the shock.

Legends are returning, fate is groaning.

Darkness, cracking, molten slurry, ice, flashes of light, many forces of nature are intertwined.

It's like an apocalyptic scene.

Lorraine has been surrounded by all the generals.

The old man's solo show is complete, and next comes the battle that belongs to Lorling.

He was silent, and after the Qi Tian state opened, the air doors leading to the sea were already suspended.

"Fixing the Seagod Needle!"

At the same time that Luo Ling smashed the golden hoop rod on the ground, thirteen air doors released a huge column of seawater.

He was in it, forming a perfect space.

The sea water converged into a large bell that sheltered him and kept circling.

"He wants to perform the Fish-Terran Body Technique, directly targeting those with abilities!"

Tie Bone Kong still saw Luo Ling for the first time, and smashed the poison Q with a punch, analyzing Luo Ling's purpose.

"Stay inside."

The green pheasant stepped out, and the cold air swept the entire sea clock in an instant, turning into an ice sculpture.

"You're going to get in the way of me killing him!"

Sakaski punched the ice open a big hole.

"One person to face the three major naval combat forces, you are really confident, the terrible Demon Lord Luoling."

The yellow ape seemed to be smiling, and his eyes were gradually serious.

"Aren't the two of you a bit of a personal vendetta?"

Luo Ling smiled very impudently and snapped his fingers crisply.

The sea clock is just cover.

The door under the bell is his means.

It is a round gate with a radius of 50 meters.

"Good luck, guys."

The words did not fall.

The current soars into the sky!


The green pheasant spat out cold breath, he had condensed ice within the fastest speed, but the speed of the ocean current was too fast to freeze at all.

"They may be in the sky, let's fight first."

Luo Ling smiled wickedly and walked towards the pheasant, the sea water controlled by him, lingering on his arms and five fingers.

Vigorous operation, sudden explosion.

"Dragon Emperor!"

"Violent pheasant beak!"

Sea dragons roar, ice birds neigh!

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