"It's wonderful, how many powerful secrets are there in this world!"

Luo Ling originally thought that after the perfect fusion, the physique, domineering, and skill were one.

It is already the ultimate possibility for the strong.

In fact, there are very few people who have multiple devil fruits.

Similar to Lorling, Blackbeard Tichy and other physical mutations, or people with special abilities, it is difficult to come out of one in a hundred years.

He happened to eat a phantom beast species and reached the level of awakening.

The conditions are demanding, and only after all of them are achieved, can you try the perfect integration!

"It's amazing!"

Lorraine drew a circle and tried to trigger several storming currents again.

"I will never give you this opportunity!"

The red dog's eyes were like long knives, and he couldn't wait to swallow Luo Lingsheng alive.

"Next, I will never give you a gap."

The yellow ape put his hands in his pockets, seemingly leisurely, but in fact it was more leisurely than ever.

"Hmm! Do you really think that Lao Tzu does not exist?

Kaido grunted and drank the big wine.

Smash the wine jug.

"It's so lively, war is a banquet! Power is status!

"Before taking Newgate, you admirals, dodge aside!"

"Thunder gossip!"

Lightning and thunder, wrapped around the mace.

Kaido holds a stick like a blade, his steps are like the wind, and thunder is imminent.

"Damn it! Borusalino, this son is extremely dangerous and must be removed!

"Don't worry, Sakaski."

When the red dog made a move, the yellow ape turned around and kicked Luo Ling.

"The strength is good!"

Kaido praised the transformation of the Dao into a dragon man, fighting with the great general and the four emperors, and must be given enough respect!

The red dog blocked the stick, and instead of feeling proud, he became even more angry, and the temperature climbed.


"Of course!"

Kaido was full of flames, the temperature also increased, and an even larger fire dragon was covered in his body!

"Fire Dragon Torch!"

The dragon horns and dragon heads are entangled with overlord-colored domineering and armed color domineering!

The huge fire dragon coiled above Marin Fando, and no one expected that the first to fight would be Kaido, a hundred beasts who drank alone!

"Melting Fire God!"

The molten slurry on the red dog tumbles, constantly running, flowing like seawater, until it transforms into a lava giant that looks like Sakaski!


The two attack with dragon claws and fists, and keep fighting!

A battle of hot heat!

Dragons and giants, who is stronger or weaker?

Marin Fando.


"Kaido once fought with Sakaski, and then he understood this trick?"

When the yellow ape pouted, hundreds of laser kicks were already kicked out in the blink of an eye.

Luo Ling blessed with the golden eye of fire and the tendon cloud, the flying kick became faster and faster, and he blocked it as much as he could.

"The monsters who are less than five years apart, the admiral, the emperor of the sea, but it is as if they have never intersected with each other.

This sea is really thin, and it is easy to forget everything. "

As soon as the pheasant took a step, the 100-meter radius turned into an ice slide.

Luo Ling's body was frozen in a breath, and the yellow ape took the opportunity to kick him to pieces.

"Good cooperation, Admiral!"


The ice chips hit the ground and the wings spread out.

Luo Ling's move was a sideways attack, directly turning the Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod into a nine-toothed nail rake.

Directly nailed the yellow ape out of nine holes.

"It's so dangerous, I almost lost my waist."

When the yellow ape appeared, he had blocked Luo Ling for a moment.


The green pheasant kicked and kicked, and the admirals were all long legs, and this attack also had a chill.

"Dragon Claw ??? Dragon Breath!"

Five fingers to the ground.

The pheasant's right leg shattered like a spider's web, and ice broke in the air, refracting sunlight.


Domineering breath like a dragon, spreading up from the right leg, trying to continue to rage up!

"The breath of the dragon is very mysterious!"

As soon as the pheasant landed, its right leg grew again.

Elementalize in advance!

Luo Ling was surprised, it really deserved to be a natural department, even Ace would go astray, and develop an awakening-level domineering.

What he was more curious about was, what level of battle did Kaido and Akainu have?

So much so that he could develop the "Fire Dragon Torch", a top-notch fruit awakening move.

The difference is that Kaido has all developed in physical skills, armed colors, and overlord color domineering, and there are no shortcomings in all aspects.

The domineering of the admiral is somewhat biased, which is also inevitable.

After all, even their teacher Zefa would say things like "too dependent on the Devil Fruit".

"It's difficult!"

Luo Ling knew that the duel between the strong, especially this kind of big melee, would definitely not drag too far.

His breath settled down, and in one hand, he held the Seagod needle, the air door under his feet opened, and the sea water rose.

"The generals have all made a move, how can we continue to play."


The young man shouted, and the ground, the air, and the tall buildings were full of various doors.

After opening, hundreds of ocean currents converged, hovering in the air like sea dragons, and merging at his feet.

Stepping on the waves of the sea, devouring the heavens and the earth!

Qi Tian Great Saint Dragon Palace, Dinghai God Needle Town Qiankun!

This scene is not weaker than the duel between Akainu and Kaido.

"It's like the end of the world!"

The yellow ape had an idea in his heart, since the last battle in the Chambord Islands, he had been studying the previous battle with Luo Ling's Demon Slaying Order.

Finally came up with a real way to target Luoling.

That is, not entangled, not fighting, only fighting with extremely fast light.

The more bells and whistles the means, the more futile they were in front of Luo Ling.

"Kuzan, don't leave your hands, don't use any moves, attack, do everything you can to attack."

The yellow ape talks and laughs, this is the best way to deal with Luo Ling.

Facing a strong man who is more comprehensive than Kaido, any move you play is bells and whistles.

It is better to raise the temperature to the highest like a red dog, fuse everything, and even the domineering will be burned to open a big hole.

Why is Luo Ling always avoiding the "Hades Dog", even if he fights, he has to swallow enough sea water in advance?

Quite simply, without enough pertinence and preparation, he was hit by a dog and had to open a hole in his body!

The yellow ape turned into a ball of light, blurred and indistinct, without a huge appearance.

Like eight-foot qionggou jade, prismatic jade block.

It seems to be suspended in place, but it is actually spinning at extreme speed all the time!


The green pheasant replied and no longer used any moves.

The cold erodes and instantly freezes the sea, which becomes part of the sea as new currents appear.

He no longer uses any moves to attack, just exerts all his energy to release the cold qi!

The temperature is getting lower and lower, and the speed of the seawater impact has become slower and slower, freezing madly towards the door of the sea.

Absolute zero freezes hundreds of sea dragons in a few breaths, turning them into ice sculptures between heaven and earth.

"The big move is frozen."

Luo Ling was a little regretful, but in fact, he had already accelerated to the peak.

There is not a word of truth in the mouth of the strong!


The yellow ape turned into a jade shuttle to kill, and extreme speed is extreme power!

"Doppelganger, Talisman Charm!"

Thirty-six doppelgangers appeared in front of Luo Ling one by one, opening the talisman charm.

None of them could stop Guangyu and let it be expelled and destroyed.

Until the last one is also passed through the chest!

Didn't dodge!

That's so fast!

The yellow ape gave it all, without the extreme speed of gorgeous moves!

"It's good that there is no conceit, caution is always a good thing, you say?"

Luo Ling appeared behind the light jade and knocked on it with a stick.

Guangyu was knocked away by a stick and fell into a human form, it was the yellow ape!

At the beginning, the doppelganger was his trick, and the gathering of sea dragons was just a pomp.

Only with the ability to use it skillfully, the trick of sneak attack behind it is real!

"I heard that it is a shame for a swordsman to sneak up from behind?"

The pheasant did not hesitate.

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the yellow finch is behind.

The cold air kills, and a flying kick.

This kick will burst out from one point to absolute zero, penetrate the domineering, directly freeze Luo Ling, and freeze the visceral bloodline!

"I'm not a swordsman?"

Lorraine turned, dodged the attack, and swung another stick at great speed.

In this process, the pheasant has already appeared here.

Everything is so fast that it is invisible to the naked eye.

When he laughed, he was actually kicked by the pheasant.

The cold was mad, and the kick hit the heart, and even the heart beat a little slower.

Luo Ling only paused for one breath, and the cold breath that came out of his lungs was already cold.

"Kicking you this kick consumes one-fifth of my physical strength and lives up to the name of the Demon Lord."

The green pheasant let out a cold breath, and his fist had already taken the opportunity to swing out.

"Look at the general!"

As soon as he stood up, the ice dragon under his feet shattered.




Everything is trembling!

One wave is not even, another wave is rising!

Whitebeard, open big!

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