"Goo la la la, a group of little ghosts also dare to come to me this old ghost's trouble!"

The white-bearded Newgate stretched out his hands and suddenly hugged his arms, only to hear a fragmented sound.

The sea shattered into pieces and overturned, and the waves were hundreds of meters high, drowning Marin Fandor.

Above the firmament, the sea of clouds broke into a large net, oppressed down, and made people almost suffocate.

Marin Fandor, the center of the world, shook into more than a dozen, and the sea water poured in through the gap, stirring the heartbeat of everyone.

Badgers coughed and spat out a mouthful of black blood, and in his chest cavity he only felt that none of his internal organs were spared, the whites of his eyes were rendered blood-red, his pupils opened, and he fell to the ground on the spot!

Look at the feet of Whitebeard again.

The Blackbeard Pirates all fell to the ground, covered in blood.

Covered in blood, rolling his eyes, none of them had intuition.

San Juan, who was bigger than a giant, kept bleeding from his mouth and crawled down on the edge of the port.

The Hundred Beast Pirate Group is known for its tenacity of vitality.

Flying quintiles died too much to die.

Whitebeard left hand plague Quinn, right hand drought jack.

Nine billion tusks shattered, and Quinn's mechanical body was shattered and twisted out, like a python.

"You are known as... I..."

Jack tried to say a complete sentence at the end.

The white beard coldly exerted force, and the sharp pain of the crack directly penetrated the whole body.

He trembled with severe pain, never moved again, and stopped bouncing like a grasshopper after autumn.

"It's really old, even if you go into battle, you have to be arranged some second-rate goods, these guys, they should not even be considered third-rate"

He smiled and straightened his spine, his body bursting with unprecedented potential.

Energetic, he said, "Which little rabbit cub is next?" "

Newgate, the sea has been traversing for decades.

He was once the top combat power of the Rocks Pirates, and he was in the limelight.

He is also one of the three legendary sea thieves, invincible in that era of heroic monsters.

He chats with One Piece Roger under the cherry blossom tree, knowing the secret of the blank hundred years and D.

After the death of that man, he stood before the throne for twenty years!

No doubt!

He is the man closest to One Piece!

He's Edward Newgate!

The strongest man in the world who can stop crying for children!

"Lao Ji is in a thousand-mile position!"

He stood up Cong Yun Cut, this peerless good knife, one of the twelve supreme fast swords, had been fighting with him for a long time.

Rival One Piece's blade.

Double-edged duel against the golden lion.

Seen Karp's iron fist.

Stepping on many seriously injured corpses, Whitebeard once again looked excitedly into the distance.

"Boy, don't be afraid! The old man has come to your rescue. "


"How can you stop the souls of freedom from rushing to the sea!"

The ice dragon shattered in an instant.

This is the moment.

Luo Ling was joined by the green pheasant and the yellow ape, kicked the heart position, and frost appeared on his back and back, and he appeared for a moment.

If the green pheasant's all-out punch hits his brain, it may freeze his brain.

The freezing of the heart and brain, absolute zero is only poured into this blow!

Only a click was heard.

The green pheasant was incredulous, he knew it was Whitebeard's means.

This old man of the old era has already defeated those so-called third-rate goods!

As soon as Luo Ling's body tilted, he fell down like this.

Kuzan's Absolute Zero punch was so fast that there was no time to stop.

Not to mention casting new moves.

Luo Ling, who fell to the bottom, was reborn!

"Ahem, or I was careless, facing the two admirals, a little slack."

Luo Ling then slowed down and fell quickly.

Fortunately, he saved a life.

If Whitebeard hadn't been cured to the full state of old age, he would probably have been in danger.


A cloud of light jade fell from the sky, and the yellow ape killed again, even if the green pheasant temporarily appeared in the empty period, there was still the yellow ape's mending knife!

The admirals seem to be at odds, but once they join forces, their combat power can be said to be multiplied.

"If you come early, I will surely die!"

Luo Ling smiled and fell into the abyss, only to see doors open in response.

His figure disappeared with it.

"Never give him any chance!"

The yellow ape fixed his figure, and he also had some regrets.

"He is injured, even if it is a phantom beast species, it will take a while to recuperate, and his heart will be frozen from the root."

The green pheasant said coldly.

"It seems that you guys are very idle!"

The voice is as thick as a bell, full of courage that can only be found after experiencing vicissitudes.

A knife cut sideways, wrapped in overlord color domineering, armed color domineering.

The two generals were directly split in half!

Next second.

They successfully healed, and they evaded the ontology by elementalization in advance.

"Whitebeard, you are old after all, and you are too inferior in speed."

The pheasant's evaluation hit the nail on the head, and what he said was indeed the truth.

If it was Lorling, it would definitely be faster to swing this knife.

"It's useless to not be old, after all, your age is there, and you still suffer from the same asthma as Teacher Zefa, I really hope you won't be cured before you die."

The yellow ape said the most terrifying words in a very peaceful tone.

The blade converged, and Whitebeard did not have the slightest anger.

Speech is also a means in battle.

Red dogs, the Warring States are extremely good at it, one is to stimulate the generals, and the other is to boost morale!

"The little ghosts are really talkative, they like to chat with the old man so much, it's better to go to hell and talk!"

The meaning of the crack is condensed on the fist.

He used his extreme power to punch out, and the green pheasant dodged in the other direction, appearing to be at ease.

"Laser Kick!"

The yellow ape jumped up and kicked over, and the whitebeard had to raise his hand to block it, and the green pheasant also flew and kicked from the opposite direction!

Whitebeard is old and injured, how can he outperform these two admirals who are at their peak in speed.

If this continues, sooner or later there will be a decline.

General, the four emperors are all first-class combat power, far higher than the emperor and deputy!

The elites who swept the Blackbeard Pirate Group and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group in a battle just now are actually just third-rate.

Even if it is the three plagues, in addition to the embers, in front of the four emperors, it is only a third-rate!

"It's not necessary, two big men bully an old man."

Lorling's voice just appeared.

Green pheasant, a look appears on the face of the yellow ape, and you really appear.

"I'm fed up with intrigues, but no matter how strong Lao Tzu is, he will definitely not waste time with you in this bend."

Luo Ling appeared, and a cold breath came out of his mouth.

"Fortunately, I was able to devour everything, and it took me a while to digest your cold qi."

He seemed to be joking, but he already had a trick in his hand.

"Law Heaven and Earth!"

His body continues to grow until he is as tall as the lava giant of the Red Inu.

"Isn't that a target?"

The yellow ape felt that Luo Ling's move was really unreasonable.

"I hope for my size, but I don't know if I throw myself into hard work."

The pheasant agrees.


But the most puzzled is.

Another giant rises from the ground!

He incorporated many of the buildings of Marin Fandor into himself, emitting blue fluorescence.


Barrett's Combined Fruit!

Three giants almost occupied the place of Marin Fandor.

"Is this the power of the truly strong in the world?"

People watching the live stream couldn't believe it.

The same people, how can the gap be outrageous?

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