Three giants, stand tall against the sky!

Just looking at it makes people feel oppressive.

Above the sea.

Bucky was so frightened that he raised his phone and livestreamed the audience.

"It's terrifying, is this the power of the peak powerhouse? You can destroy the world at will! Unlike me, I only feel sorry for the captain!

"Look, Captain Bucky is as fearless even now, it's amazing, how strong he is, what kind of training he has undergone, to have such a fearless heart!"

"I'm about to cry, it's my honor to be able to chase Captain Bucky in this life!"

The group's fear quickly turned to cheers.


Baji wanted to fly back, but he was afraid because he was afraid, and his body could not move, so he could only rigidize in midair.

He said in his heart: "It's really terrible, what four emperors, Barrett, admiral, you must stay away when you encounter this kind of monster!"

"It's terrible!"


Marin Fando.

The battle has become a hand-to-hand fight.

The dragon hovers and fights the flame giant with flames!

A stick smashed, although the body size was large, but the speed was much slower, and the yellow ape and the green pheasant both seized the opportunity to dodge.

As soon as they were about to dodge, they were caught up by Whitebeard and wanted to blow the hammer.

For this reason, the green pheasant and the yellow ape can only fight back and dodge at the same time.

"Got it?"

The green pheasant calmed down and said.

"That's right."

The yellow ape nodded, and they all judged from several exchanges that it was not the real Luo Ling who cast the magic heaven and earth!

This guy just used the "Doppelganger" first, making it have one-third of his own combat power at the cost of only using one doppelganger.

Its essence should be hiding somewhere in Marin Fandor.

Wait for the moment.

"Why did such a sinister guy become a pirate?"

The green pheasant scolded, fighting with this guy can really infuriate.

"He's not a pirate."

The yellow ape was equally dissatisfied after he appeared.

Iron Bone Sora punched Yu no Hiryu away, who stumbled several steps, fell into the ruins, and struggled to try to get up, even the thunderstorm fell in the distance.

He lifted the ember with one hand, and the flame used by the latter to heal surged wildly, but it was constantly impacted by the domineering energy of the iron bone void, and it was directly thrown to the ground.

"In the end, it's still too much worse."

After the iron bone empty calmly evaluated, he turned his head and looked not far away.

Sengoku punch after punch continuously released shockwaves, and Tiki spat out a mouthful of black blood, but still endured the pain.

Buddha's Sengoku eyes were gloomy, and he couldn't see his expression clearly.

"Where do you think this is? Presumptuous in Marin Fando, even if you are a legend, you will fall.

"Thief hahahaha, a group of waste that relies on the Devil Fruit, just imagine how boring this Marin Fandor would be if he didn't have the Devil Fruit!"

Blackbeard opened his hands and laughed louder.

He had been preparing since the beginning of the battle, and even if the Blackbeard Pirates were defeated, there was no obstruction.

Being beaten by Sengoku again and again until he vomited blood did not end his chance.


All darkness is woven into the most perfect web at this moment!

"Dark Cave Dao • Dark Realm!"

Marin Fandor underground, the dark aura completely erupted!

"You guy!"

The eyes of the iron bone air and the warring states have changed!

Blackbeard's hand spread his fruit power throughout the island.

Although the dark fruit has the power of darkness and gravity, on the other hand, it can also simulate the action of sea floor stones, hidden under Marin Fandor, and intertwined with the sea.

It's impossible to detect at all!

"Devour, make this world a little more interesting!"


Marin Fandor collapsed, the dark realm erupted, enveloping all the powers, and the powerful gravitational force was unleashed.

"The control over the fruit is like a sea lou stone!"

The whitebeard stared with both eyes, and Cong Yun fixed himself on the ground, standing in a fixed posture.

"You dare!"

Sengoku slammed a head-on punch at Blackbeard.

"If you don't make a move, you will be killed!"

Blackbeard Tichy laughed, with blood on the corners of his mouth.

He laughed more and more maniacally, and even raised his hands excitedly, constantly strengthening the dark realm.

Darkness wrapped Loring, and it was about to go dark.

A corrective shadow jumped up!


"I've been waiting for this punch from you for twenty years!"

Barrett is still a giant, "big bullet" form!

The perfect combination of domineering and fruit, physical skills!

Unleash a devastating punch!

He didn't believe it, so going all out, and the fruit ability was not enough to kill Kapu!

"You are an old thing who has lived for decades, why have you dominated the sea for so many years, there are many heroes, this era should be called Barrett!"

"Less of your self-deceptive rhetoric!"

Karp jumped to a high place, his body was so small that he couldn't even compare to a finger after Barrett fitted!

"Stinky boy, your tricks can't deceive these monsters like Marin Fando!"

He shouted aloud.

"No matter where you're hiding!

All to the old man to remember, all swordsmanship, physical skills, gun skills are skills, the three-color domineering is domineering, do not hesitate, make your most instinctive judgment, blast that punch!

No skill, no domineering, instilled with your love, love for justice, for freedom, for ambition, for dreams!

It is the true iron fist of love! "

Iron Fist of Love!

When he heard Karp's words, a figure slowly walked out from a ruin.

He is the Luoling essence that hid after performing the doppelganger technique.

"Old man!"

He remembered every word in his heart and paid close attention to every detail of his attack!

This is probably the strongest fist in the world!

Barrett's giant punch slammed in, and Karp yelled back with a punch.

A small fist is not even a speck of dust.

The force broke through ten thousand, but the big fist like a mountain never moved again!

As if that white-haired old man is the justice of this whole world!



Barrett's combined fist began with Kapu's punch, cracking a series of gaps, which continued to extend to the shoulders, abdomen, skull, and feet.

None of them are spared.

Truly absolute power, without any whitewashing.

Karp landed.

The shattered buildings also all fell from the sky.

Barrett rolled his eyes, unable to believe it all.

He suddenly spat out a mouthful of black blood, his eyes forcibly recovered, stretched out a hand, and said unwillingly: "Why this inexplicable failure again!" "

Why are there so many?"

Where Karp landed, it was Lorling's location.

"I said it earlier, you and Roger are much worse than each other."

Before the words fell, Barrett rolled his eyes and never said a word again.

"Learned? Stinky boy.

Karp's punch directly excited the navies in Marin Fandor.

Most of them were seriously wounded and tried to intervene in the battle from time to time, but all ended in failure.

The aura of darkness is all over Marin Fando, and darkness has enveloped the sky.

The Flame Dragon fought with the giant, and was determined to die.

"Is it going to get dark?"

Karp said with a smile, without a hint of concern.

"The dawn will come."

Loring smiled and looked at the sky.

This time.

It's Kaido's turn, the red dog opens up!


On the sea.

Marin Fandor has become a black sun, collapsing in an instant, compressing, and bursting into extreme gravity.

Rip it all up!

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