"Nani, what kind of power is this!"

Bucky rides on a battleship on the sea.

The reason why they did not sail on their own was because of the great battles and the huge waves set off, so that their ships could not stop at all.

Darkness engulfed Marin Fando, what was going on inside?

The phone worm has lost its usefulness and simply cannot see the real situation.

People all over the world who were watching the live broadcast sweated.

Can you win?

Will the Navy win!

They have never had this fear that goes deep into the bone marrow.

On a summer island in the New World, people paused under the hot sun, a child cried, and soon everyone covered their mouths and choked in disbelief.

"Don't lose, don't lose!"

"Defeat the pirates and give justice to this world!"

"Mom, are we going to die?"

"No, no, definitely not!"

When my mother said this, she was already in tears.

For most ordinary people, the navy is a symbol of justice.

And for those who suffer deeply, the GM army is their savior.

Only pirates.

Always the embodiment of evil, their very existence is an extreme error.

At that time, Nolandu, as an explorer, also broke through the great voyages and new worlds, but was framed as a big liar.

This free will breeds many pirates with inflated ambitions.

And real explorers, mixed in.

Lorraine knew that it was Im who was deliberately burying the spirit of adventure.

Luffy, who calls himself a pirate, Roger and others are actually explorers at heart.

The hero Tiger once traveled the world as an explorer, but his great strength fell into the hands of Draco.

It would be ridiculous to say that these explorers with free will were not deliberately framed.

Kaido, on the other hand, is a careerist, a true pirate.

In the dark realm, gravity constantly tears at all the buildings, and people can't even stand with all their strength.

Luo Ling's Dharma Heaven and Earth avatar has disintegrated, and the power has returned to its essence.

Everyone felt a burning sensation.

Even if gravity frantically destroys everything, it can't stop this terrifying heat!

The Flame Dragon hovers over the peak of darkness, throwing all its attacks with the giant.

"Fire Dragon Torch!

Thang Long!

Flame gossip! "

Kaido's move is also a perfect fusion of domineering, physical skills, and devil fruit.

The hot heat is enough to rival the red dog, and there is even an overlord-colored domineering wrap around the dragon's head.


The Vulcan Giant of the Red Inu has lost the foundation to stand, and must not waste a little more time, and must devote everything he can to the highest temperature.

The hot dog's head rises up, fighting desperately with the dragon head.

"Dragons are beings high above the firmament!"

Kaido's dragon claws tore through the flame clouds, trying to break the darkness.

The dragon body continued to twist, turning into a steady stream of power, opening the huge dragon head and biting the nose of the dog's head.

"Absolute justice does not require a high-ranking existence!"

The Vulcan giant transformed into a red dog turned into a molten Tengu.

Perhaps, there will be many people who hate him and hate him, thinking that the red dog is just a dog.

But as a navy, he is the hope of countless people!

I don't know how those who died in the demon slaughter order should judge Sakaski.

When Kaido and Akainu face each other, it is the two most controversial characters in the navy and the pirates.

At such a moment, there is only one way to break through the opponent's attack while also hurting the other party!

One is the strongest creature in the world.

One is the strongest combat power of the Navy.

Flame to flame, fire dragon to Hades!

The sound of the dragon groaning was deafening.

The darkness was soaked, constantly tearing the flames, the dragon scales began to twist, and the giants were constantly being divided.

If you don't use your full strength, you won't have a chance!

"Dragon God Broken!"

Kaido's Fire Dragon Head opened its mouth wide and only lasted for a moment before it exploded suddenly.

"Inu Funeral!"

This lava giant dog has the ambition to destroy itself and blows itself up without hesitation!

Suddenly, the flames bloomed like a furnace fire.

The two flames began as a repulsion that did not blend with each other.

When it exploded, the flame was heated up again to the extreme, burning all the oxygen.

Everyone felt the pain of suffocation, not to mention the dark aura that was constantly compressing, reducing people's foothold.

The next moment.

The incompatible high-temperature molten slurry and flame were compressed into a ball due to gravity after exploding.

The flame and the molten slurry converge into a candle flame, erratic.

In a flash.

An unstoppable sea of fire erupted and poured out throughout the dark world!

"Block it with domineering, it's really not possible to jump directly into the sea!"

Sengoku roared and gave the order.

"Pieces of iron!"

The weasel tried to block it with armed color domineering and iron blocks, only to be suffocated by the high temperature in one moment, and fell to the ground as black as charcoal.

"Pieces of iron hurt people!"

Luo Ling shook his head helplessly, and he simply opened dozens of air doors directly.

The sea water broke into the fire, gushing waves, trying to extinguish this arrogant flame.

The steel only touched a little, and it was melted into molten iron by this hot molten flame.

Luo Ling was immersed in the flames, and the domineering silent appearance appeared on the skin, but he resisted the sea of fire, but he could not stop the high temperature from burning his body.

He also followed his heart and integrated the domineering tricolor into every inch of his body, no longer distinguishing between skin and flesh, let alone fighting and defending.

It's just domineering and self-fusion.

"This feeling is not domineering and physical strength, the body does not distinguish each other, advancing and retreating together, but a perfect promotion, there is no longer domineering, physical strength, and the difference between this body in my body.

The body itself is domineering, and domineering is the body.

Luo Ling allowed the sea of fire to devour him, closed his eyes, and felt the subtle changes, only to feel that even every cell in his body was cheering.

Karp stood beside him with the same indifference.

"How good it would be if we could further integrate our skills and enter this perfect realm."

The young man said and closed his eyes, he knew that the real strongest blow in the dark realm was coming!

The only place to stand.

Blackbeard Titch opened his hands wide, laughter endlessly, what flames, he didn't care at all!

"Dark tunnel!"

The Dark Realm obeyed his orders and quickly converged into a clump until the Dark Aura was condensed smaller than Marin Fandor.

Be in it.

Lorraine felt that every limb of himself was being pulled and torn to pieces.

"Throw away the distractions."

Karp patted him lightly on the shoulder, and Loring immediately sensed a strong sense of reassurance.

The fire dragon and the fire dog both self-detonated, and as the darkness collapsed and contracted, condensing after only one building size, it still did not stop shrinking.

In the end, it's just a little black gas behind Blackbeard Tichy.

In the meantime.

The temperature is also rising dramatically, and all those who are included are burning.

The wailing was constant, and even as a vice admiral, he could not bear the severe pain.

"Dark Tunnel ??? Release!"

Blackbeard knew that Marin Fandor had been razed to the ground!

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