Luo Ling's fluttering punch blasted out at the yellow ape.

The yellow ape, which condensed into a mass of light jade, foresaw and heard domineeringly, trying to make the body avoid the attack.

"No skills, no moves, don't let yourself be stuck in the frame, swing your fists to your heart's content, and follow your intentions."

Dragon Claw Fist, Fishman Karate, Fishman Judo, Navy Six Style, Sword Truncated Sword, Love Iron Fist.

Luo Ling has developed it to the perfect level of physical art.

When he forgot everything as a part of himself, he finally awakened.

Review Karp's every punch, every step, every understatement and fearlessness.

He felt as if he had turned into a seed, drifting in the starry sky with nothing to rely on, and suddenly glimpsed a vast sea, sweeping up a sea of clouds.

Seeds grow into towering trees that rise from the sea!

The tree is called the treasure tree, and flowers bloom on the tree and bear countless fruits.

This moment.

Loring felt like he had become the supreme treasure tree in the sea!

Domineering is the sea, endless and endless.

The body is the treasure tree, the physical skill is the fruit, regardless of each other, you are me, I am you!

Physical skills require a body to drive, and the fruit also bears fruit from the tree.

Only at this moment, everything mixes together and becomes one.

"A treasure tree is born on the sea, and the tree bears treasure fruit, its name is called a demon, and the human body is endless!"

All this.

It all happened in an instant, a drastic change occurred in Luo Ling's body, the Great Sea Treasure Tree had grown, and the fruits were all born.

He only opened his eyes between the electric flint, and this punch gave his all!

"This fist is called Spirit!"

The spirit fist hit a point in Guangyu, allowing the yellow ape's body to escape, and Luo Ling followed his own wishes and hit his body.

The fist was like a broken bamboo, as if Guangyu and Yellow Ape had become two parts!

The yellow ape was found from the light jade, and flew with a punch, hundreds of meters away, and then the light group turned into light particles and traced the yellow ape's body.

The blood at the corners of his mouth seemed to be a symbol of surprise in his heart.

How is this possible!

"And you, Shibetsu three days, be impressed!"

Luo Ling's elbow bounced back by attacking the yellow ape.

The green pheasant is flashing behind Luo Ling, cold and cold, as long as one does not pay attention, it will become an ice sculpture.


After the cold qi approached Luo Ling's body, it had no effect.

Absolute Zero's fist condensed at one point, trying to penetrate through the domineering barrier, directly stabbing Luo Ling's heart.

He counterattacked with one elbow, and the green pheasant's fist should have stabbed it directly, freezing Luo Ling's little arm until it broke and died at absolute zero.

But Luoling just got some goosebumps on his arm because of the cold, and he reacted very instinctively, but there was no harm in the slightest.

In the eyes of the Warring States, this is the role played by the invisible domineering!


Instead, Luo Ling's elbow poked the pheasant, and there was a pain in the chest, and there was an irrepressible pain, like a sharp thorn, piercing into the body.

The pheasant felt that this pain was similar to the pain of being pierced into the body, skin, flesh and blood layer by layer by something cold.

It's an ice thorn!

Originally, the means he used to attack Luo Ling were precisely used!

While Luo Ling attacked his own body with a punch, he also used his own ice to attack the green pheasant!

As an element of nature, cold ice, cold air.

It became an attack method after being caught by Luo Ling!

What the hell is this power?

He even took a few steps back, and despite the pain, he did not show anything abnormal.

At the very least, control your expression and not be detected by Lorling.

Coincidentally, or intentionally targeted?

If it was done on purpose, it would be terrible!

The pheasant suddenly sobered up.

No wonder the Warring States just said that nature should stay away from Luo Ling!

What incredible power has this kid awakened?

If this power is gained by a more sophisticated and fierce fellow.

Is the other party attacking a red dog?

Looking for its essence and making its body become a normal human constitution, then the molten pulp of the natural ability will itself change from an advantage to a disadvantage!

It's terrible!

This thing is not aimed at the able, it is aimed at any being!

"All things have spirit, that is, the spirit fist, I just let your spirit attack the essence that cannot be elementalized for the time being."

What Luo Ling said was exactly what Qing Pheasant understood from the bottom of his heart.

It seems simple, but it is extremely difficult.

Seeing and hearing is incredibly powerful, and finding the essence of the natural ability.

The armed color domineering should be enough to hurt people in the air, so that its body is no longer elemental, and it plays the role of the person who wraps the ability of the sea, that is, the body is the body, and the element is the element.

The overlord color is also very outrageous, at this moment, it deters even a moment, giving the element the effect of counterattacking the body.

All this seems feasible, but in fact, it requires all the tricolor domineering to become invisible domineering, that is, high-level awakening!

Luo Ling had already adapted, he felt that the fruit had become a part of the treasure tree, and his domineering energy was as endless as the sea.

Spirit Fist is proof that physical skills have been developed to the level of selflessness!

Tricolor domineering advanced awakening, physical skills without self-level!

Lorling's learning progress since he came to the top war is richer than meeting Kaido in the country of Wano.

Of course.

There is no solid foundation and enough insight.

Lorling will never be able to make it happen.

This moment begins.

It was the war that really became his home turf.

"This feels so subtle, it's like being a supporting actor and audience for more than ten years, and suddenly one day, I punched the protagonist to death, and I found out that the protagonist was myself!"

Luo Ling muttered, in a good mood.

The head and body in the distance are separated, and Blackbeard, who was killed twice by the mending knife, must not have thought of it.

The audience replaced him as the villain and became the protagonist!

In the pirate world, when there is a skill, or domineering to the high-level, selfless, it is the real four emperors, the level of generals.

Before, Luo Ling always felt that he was very marginalized, obviously he was complete in all aspects, but he always felt that he had a gap with the strong.

The fruit of the red dog has been developed to the extreme, with strong lethality, fast dodge, thick blood bars, and vitality like magma.

Kaido fruit is developed to the extreme, there are no shortcomings in all aspects, and the "fire dragon torch" form that the fruit outputs with all its strength can also further enhance the domineering power.

"No wonder!"

Lorraine then believed that Karp could really kill Sakaski in the top war.

The premise is that he will really turn his back on justice, which, of course, is never possible.

"Don't get on it, you can't win me."

Luo Ling stood in place, allowing the continuous attacks of light particles, lasers, lasers, cold ice, frozen gas, shock waves, and domineering.

He stood where he was.

Ren'er east, west, south and north winds, I don't move!

Again and again, it is the figure of the iron bone, the warring states, the green pheasant, and the yellow ape being shot away.

Until the end.

Only Lorin was still standing in place.

"Guys, my GM Army is committed to making the world a better place, don't you want to leave the Navy? Defeat the Draco and kill the Red Earth Continent!

Lorraine joked again, only this time no one refuted.

"Ahem~ The old man seems to be a little better."

Karp stood up, and with him, even the red dog who was sitting in the corner in the distance and couldn't move decided to be a lot more grounded.


Sengoku and Iron Bone gave way to the side.

"Stinky boy, the vast majority of people in this world are sheltered by the Navy and the World Army, and your GM Army is still far behind!"

Karp was dismissive.

"Understand, as long as we are strong enough and shelter enough people, we can replace the navy!"

Lorraine knew that this moment meant Karp's blocking, and the war was coming to an end.

As Karp said, most of the world still needs naval shelter.

Luo Ling dared to kill all the generals here, and Karp had to make a move.

But Lorin can't go either!

As soon as you retreat now, it means that you think that you are defeated and will be passed on, and the image of the GM army will be greatly reduced.

Pirates, navy, GM army, no one can be the first to propose an armistice.


There is a strong enough and neutral force to intervene!


At sea level.

Bucky is still in shock, and the big story of Marin Fandor being razed to the ground has spread around the world.

A pirate ship that was enough to cause shocks from all sides quietly appeared on the side.

"Bucky, what are you looking at in the sky?"


Bucky's hand holding the phone bug was directly released, allowing it to fall and being caught by his subordinates.

"Hey, Shanks, what are you guys doing? I hate you!

"Don't be angry, I'm here to stop the war!"

The redhead looked up and smiled at the old friend, and invited: "Let's go and stop this war together!"

"Who wants to do such a thing with you!"

Bucky said arrogantly.

"It's great, it's really worthy of Captain Bucky, he is talking to the Four Emperors red-haired Shanks!"

"Even refused, such a big thing as stopping the war on top!"

"We follow you and the only thing that is right in this life!"


Bucky was full of question marks, he just didn't want to die.

When the words came to his lips, he yelled duplicitously:

"Little ones, turn the boat and turn the rudder, target Marin Fandor!"

"This war, what Kaido, Whitebeard, Red Dog, Pheasant, it is up to me Bucky to personally stop it!"

Everyone's blood is boiling!

Shanks only smiled and let the companions continue sailing.

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