"I'm going to take Whitebeard with me today, which of you can stop me!"

Luo Ling calmly walked to Whitebeard's side.

The latter was unmoved.

Not a single person in the Navy spoke.

Blackbeard dies, Barrett is defeated, and Kaido is powerless to resist.

It's definitely a big win for them.

Nevertheless, they could not be the first to say an armistice, let alone let Newgate go, which would greatly reduce the image of the Navy.

"Goo la la la, Lorling, I am old, returning to the sea is just waiting for death to come, Ace has returned to the sea, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates is free.

The fall of the two four emperors has no impact on this world, the winner is the king, and the future is still left to my sons!

Whitebeard Newgate coughed.

He laughed heartily: "Life, what a magnificent wave!

"After you heal from your injuries, you will have at least another five years to live!"

Luo Ling said this, he also knew the old wounds of Whitebeard's life, as well as asthma.

The bubbles allowed Whitebeard to return to the condition he had not been in before Marin Fandor's injury, and he left here, his body deteriorating, that is, he lived a few more years.

It can be said that when Whitebeard came to Marin Fandor, he did not think about returning alive.

"I promised Ace!"

Before Luo Ling's words fell, Whitebeard laughed.

His hallmarked, upwardly curved beard is slightly cocked.

"Thank you for letting the old man live for a while longer and saving as many sons as possible, I am a remnant of the old era, there is no coast for me to dock in the new era, only dying on the battlefield is the best way for me to call the curtain call!"

Whitebeard's words are not escape and fear, they are facts.

Roger died on the execution table, opening the era of sea thieves.

The golden lion retired for twenty years and was defeated by the supernova Luffy.

What about him?

When I really have a dying heart, I live like this until the moment I die.

He has sheltered many kingdoms and ordinary people in the New World for decades.

Next, let's leave it to the newcomers of the future.

"Ace will do better than me."

Whitebeard smiled and held out a hand at the same time.

"If I can, I really want to take you as my son!"


He stepped forward, his qi and blood were constantly rolling, and the years that had passed were returning at this moment.

The fierce wind blew on his face, and he seemed to have returned to that era!

"Even if you die of old age and illness, you can live for a few more years, Ace, they definitely want you to go back alive!"

Lorraine didn't want to see Ace's lost look, they weren't brothers, they were like brothers!

"They will understand that the old man at least has the freedom to choose death."

Whitebeard came to death, and threw a punch behind him, shaking up waves and winds, not attacking anyone

, but constantly raising huge waves to resist the distance.

On the sea, one pirate ship after another, warships are reluctant to leave.

On the deck there are captains and crew members under the Whitebeard Pirates.

When this great wave appeared before them, a fierce wind followed.

The vibration is extraordinary, very different from before, not aggressive, this is the transmission of information.

Only the Whitebeard Pirates can understand the message.


Immortal Marko, Fire Fist Ace, Foil Bista, Diamond Joz, and all captains know the meaning of Whitebeard's punch.


"This is the captain's last order!"

Marko, as the leader of the first squad, shouted.


"Reply to Daddy!"

The so-called reply, the captain-level figure of the Whitebeard Pirates, must blast the waves!

"Fire Fist!"

Ace threw a punch, and the flames burst out like mountains, evaporating the waves that covered the sky into white air.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I couldn't cry.

Always moved, always fought.

O flame, burning the sins of the world, the waves of the sea evaporated, and many bubbles floated into the sky.

Marin Fandor, has been razed to the ground.

Become a grave.

"Five years, the old man can only live for five years at most, instead of dying and sick, it is better to let the sons become stronger, go to practice, there will be your world in the end!"

Whitebeard punched out head-on, and the already miserable Marin Fandor couldn't bear the damage at all, and shattered into pieces.

All his domineering, power is infused with himself, fully stimulated.

The most advanced use of life return!

Luo Ling turned his head to look at this old man in disbelief!

The turban flew away, and long blonde hair flowed.

The wrinkles on the white-bearded face are all flattened, and the skin becomes delicate and shiny.

His slightly squirmish body stretched out again, and he had returned to his peak state, strong and matchless.

"Don't be surprised, it's only about ten minutes, and it will take all my remaining life."

Whitebeard said indifferently, he saved Ace, and witnessed Blackbeard's death to avenge Saatchi.

No more regrets!

The future should always belong to newcomers, to young pirates!

"I'll take your body."

Lorraine knew that even if he forcibly took Whitebeard, it would be useless, because he had entered the countdown to his life.

"Thank you!"

Newgate was in good spirits, and everything was back!

He stepped forward, his body was in good shape, where there were asthma, aging, diseases, old injuries!

He is a whitebeard, the strongest man in the world!

Has the power to destroy the world!

"Hurry up, Whitebeard is desperate, don't worry about him, just let him use up the rest of his breath!"

The Warring States gave the order, but after the battle with Luo Ling, their already injured bodies were even more injured.

"If you don't block it, you will only have more deaths and injuries."

The pheasant stood up, Marin Fandor split in two, and the huge wall of ice rose up like a tombstone, sheltering everyone behind him.

"You've got into my business!"

The molten slurry melted open a hole, and the severely injured red dog, its body rose and fell with each deep breath.

He couldn't fight at all, he was just holding on with his will.

"Newgate, can you hold it?"

Kaido laughed and stood up, as an awakened animal species, he recovered faster, but he only walked and stood.

Top powerhouses are like this, as long as there is the slightest opportunity, it is possible to stand up.

"You kid has been really presumptuous all these years, but the old man doesn't need you to worry!"

Whitebeard looks like this, and no one dares to compete with him.

He went head-on.

The entire island began to tremble, only to hear a loud noise, and a series of terrifying cracks appeared on the ice wall.

With a click, all of them broke and collapsed into ruins.

The yellow ape stepped forward, and his eyes did not have the calmness before.

The three generals stood in the same straight line, as if they had returned to the beginning of the war at the top.

The Warring States and the Iron Bone Sky also stepped forward.

The countdown to the war has entered less than ten minutes!


It's real! "

There are only nine minutes of life left.

Whitebeard is at its peak to face the highest combat power of the naval headquarters!

On the long knife, the overlord color domineering winding, the armed color overlord air flow, the shock fruit erupted!

Purple, red, black lightning constantly interlaced!

Who can block this knife!

There is no Roger in the world, and who can use divine avoidance?


The five forces of molten slurry, cold ice, light jade, shockwave, and domineering are intertwined, and they collide with this powerful and unparalleled force.


Whitebeard did not take a step back, he jumped up, jumped into the air, and another knife!

The waves are raging and the sky is shattering.

Even the generals were shot off again and again, and both naval marshals kept falling to the ground.

Seven minutes, five minutes, he got more and more courageous!

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