Lorraine stood behind Whitebeard.

The direction where the Navy is located is also the last bottom of Karp.

One old and one young are so far apart.

As the pinnacle of physical skills and domineering, both of them knew that there was no need to participate in this war.

It's just that no one wants to undermine their own position.

Off the coast of the island of Marin Fandor.

His Majesty Qiwu Hai had already left the scene and watched this scene from a distance.

"I really want to control the Four Emperors, General, how interesting that would be!"

Doflamingo stood in the air, stepping on invisible thin lines.

"But where did Moria's body go?"

It's strange, this kung fu disappeared after a while, obviously he killed it.

Say it.

He pulled up a thin thread and went straight away.

Hawkeye sits on a small boat and lifts Erlang's legs, what is more shocking than witnessing the fall of the world's strongest man.


The waves rolled up his flat boat, and two large boats appeared at his side.

"Hawkeye Mihawk!"

Bucky shouted, just before, he had been slashed hundreds of times, only to be unscathed.

"Are you?"

Hawkeye remained silent, but heard the hearty laughter of another person.


" "Do you want to go together?"

Shanks lay on the boat and looked at him with a smile on her face.

"No need, just watch here."

"Want a drink?"

"This is war, and you're in the mood too?"

Mihawk felt speechless, and the Red Firth had gone on the wind.

After the big ship left, Hawkeye picked up the supreme fast knife behind him!

The world's strongest black knife!

Pulled the surface of the water to keep the boat balanced.


On the sea, inexplicably Moria's laughter appeared, he was saved by the invisible man under his subordinates, even the ship was invisible, just sober up to see this scene, couldn't help laughing.

"Nani, Hawkeye, wait and see!"

Moriah screamed and stopped speaking, clearly slashed.

In fact.

Hawkeye had long detected the presence of Moonlight Moria, but opened one eye, closed one, and was too lazy to pay attention.

I row, it doesn't matter if you see.

You have to laugh out loud if you die.

Then don't blame me for being ruthless in the world's number one swordsman!

Hawkeye turned away and stared intently at the war that was about to end.

At this point, there are two minutes left!


"It's nice to be young!"

Whitebeard punched out punch after punch, and the already seriously injured red dog was thrown out by a punch, stumbling continuously, bouncing like a stone.

The molten slurry is also shaken to cool it into rock.

The ice and cold were shaken back and shattered.

The green pheasant was hit by the whitebeard at his peak several punches in a row, and he was about to get up with one hand, only to see that the big knife had been cut from his waist.

"It's scary, is this the whitebeard back then?"

The yellow ape tried to block with a flying kick, if it was a whitebeard in old age, his kick could definitely resist, so that the big knife could not fall!


Whitebeard only had two minutes left, and he returned it with his life, forcibly reducing the remaining five years of life, just for the strength of this moment!


The yellow ape's flying kick, the so-called speed is power, was split by a knife, and the strong sense of shock and domineering made his mind hot and coughed up blood.

Since the war, they have all been physically exhausted and even wounded.

After Lorraine appeared, there was combat consumption, as well as Blackbeard's gravitational tearing, and the dark tunnel was shrinking as it shrank into a sea of immeasurable fire.

After burning and tearing, there was the awakening of Luo Ling.

The injuries were further strengthened.

At this point of the battle, Marin Fandor did not have a full state.

Oh, except for the two apparently open ones, Lorraine and Karp.

Even the Four Emperors Kaido and the most powerful general of the navy, Akainu, hit each other hard at the cost of self-explosion.

Even if Whitebeard only has these ten minutes, it is enough to really crush the audience!


Sengoku stood in front of him, and the bruises on his neck and forehead burst out, and he was extremely angry.

"Do you really want to see the new world in the future, a mess? Without the support of the Navy, even your hometown will be at war!

"Warring States, you are too stupid, your king is in the world, is there really a world? Why bear it, you and I both know that the time has come, one day! "

Whitebeard slashed at you!

Domineering and shocking power erupted like thunder!

The Warring States of the Buddha met the enemy with one punch, and the golden light was brilliant!

He had used words to delay time and let Whitebeard spend his last life.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not hesitate and split it with a knife!

"Ahem! Yes! "

The fist of the Warring States can't hold it at all, the shock wave collides with the shock, and the domineering also meets.

The result is that the peak whitebeard is even better!

After only a few seconds, the latter flew straight upside down, stumbled and shattered everything.

"What answer is the world waiting for? Who will uncover the dusty past! Do not be afraid, young man, go to the sea, great secret! It's real!

Whitebeard's roar roared like thunder, and he single-handedly pushed the battle to a position less than a hundred meters away from Karp.

"Shut up! Do you know what you're talking about? "

Iron-boned empty covered in blood, he is the legendary marshal of the navy of the era of the sea thieves, and Whitebeard is the last remnant of that era.

Must get rid of!

"Who is Roger waiting for, and who is One Piece waiting for? GM Army, what a huge wave will be set off! Are you afraid?

Iron-boned, Sengoku!

That war that has swept the world is bound to come!

The war on top is nothing but an appetizer, this time it is the war launched by the pirates to the headquarters of the Navy!

Next time, it will be a big war between the GM army and the world ZF!

Be afraid!

Fate is like a storm that never stops! "


A knife with all your strength, more powerful than any previous one!

This knife in the navy at this moment, even if it is in a full state, only Karp can block it.

For the first time, it was their best friend, Roger!

"Damn it!"


Tie Bone Kong did his best, and all domineering releases had to block this knife!

Never go back, not a step!

Justice, how can you retreat!

Even if it is covered with dust, it is for the lights of ten thousand homes!


The heroic laughter resounded in the sky, and a knife was cut.

The iron-boned hideousness disappeared at this moment, and his domineering spirit was finally exhausted, and his already scarred body.

After experiencing a powerful crack, stand and die!

Newgate is even stronger!

The closer he got to death, the stronger the power he consumed his life in exchange became.

Only the last figure remained.


"Whitebeard, you old thing!"

"Karp, long time no see."

Oh, yes.

Long time no see.

"I also counted that I didn't live up to Roger's expectations, but I was taken advantage of by you."

The corners of Whitebeard's mouth rose, and he smiled.

"Cut, who is like you, in his seventies and still looking for a young man as a son, don't face."

Karp hugged his arms and seemed to be smiling.


Whitebeard laughed loudly, and the big knife stood on the gravel.

His laughter stopped abruptly.

This moment.

The world went quiet.

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