"Newgate! Do you want to know the secret of D? I can tell you all!

"Speaking of which, there is also a child in my pirate group with a D in his name."

Under the cherry blossom trees.

One Piece Roger and Whitebeard Newgate pushed cups for a change, which may be a rare joyful moment in his life.

Cherry blossoms flutter and roll up the dust.

Wine and heroes, who can achieve whom.

"You're Whitebeard? Join my pirate group, I have a big plan, Valley of the Gods, you know?

"Isn't this Hive Island?" Lockes.

"Hahahahaha, there will always be a day when I will become the king of the world!"

Hive Island.

The man's laughter was endless, as if the untraceable past was happening in front of him.

How many people in the world are there who can accommodate the qualifications of a king full of ships?

"Newgate! I will retire for a while after this time to let the world take a good look at what is called pirates, a group of little fart children who have played with the family!

"Golden lion, what are you thinking again?" Goo la la! "

They toast and drink together, enemies for life, and friends for life.

The right arm under Rocks has finally supported a glorious era.

"You're Whitebeard? I'm going to beat you! Make a name for yourself! "

Fire Fist Ace? What is this name? He

remembered that Roger said that if he had a son, he would be called Ace.

It's funny, Ace and Roger looked so similar when they were young, how could Whitebeard not recognize it.

Recognize you at first sight, child!

The ups and downs of childhood, the running around when he was a teenager, and the battles of youth again and again, became famous.

In the prime of life, he reached the top and achieved legends.

In middle age, he landed in the New World, the emperor of the sea.

In old age, he stood on the throne for more than 20 years.

"Goo la, how strong this life is, fast, painful!"

He closed his eyes, did not open them again, did not regret, how could he not close his eyes.


On the sea.


Foil Bista's tears couldn't stop pouring out, and a flower bloomed on the sword, blooming and fluttering.


In this life, they have been sheltered by this old man, and how can he shelter them!

The eldest husband, is it not handsome enough to go through his life to the end?

Marin Fando.

It is completely shattered and is gradually sinking to the bottom of the sea.

Soon, the so-called center of the world will disappear from the world.

He's dead!

The Warring States were stunned for a moment, and this battle suffered heavy losses.

Whitebeard is dead, and so is Ironbone!

The three major generals had no spare strength to pursue.

He was also wounded and needed to take care of the island's sailors and generals.

The sun shines.

The tall body of the white beard covered Karp's figure.

No one could see his expression.

Another one?

Perhaps, after leaving the Valley of the Gods, only Rayleigh will be left alone.

Yes, and him, Karp!

"The old thing really picked a good way to die!"

Kaido laughs, and the eldest brother who invited him to join the Rocks Pirates is also dead.

It's just lonely, and as a remnant of the old era, how boring he should be for the rest of his life.


The green dragon soared into the air, enveloping a group of small minions and hovering in the sky.

"This guy is really tough."

Sengoku scolded, but was powerless to pursue.

Luo Ling glanced at the sky, clouds and mist surrounded him, intending to take off directly.

Want to go?

"Poor Kou Mo chases."

With a hand on his shoulder, the red-haired man held Griffin, and Deputy Captain Ben Beckman also pointed his gun at the yellow ape.

Raki Lu ate the large chicken thigh meat and stared around with a serious face, and Jesus Bu aimed his muzzle at the green pheasant, and the latter's expression became serious.

One by one, powerful cadres stood in a row.

The red-haired pirate group, also known as the iron wall pirate group!

An all-round pirate group without dead ends, an elite pirate group known for its strong strength and no shortcomings!

"Coming to pick up the leaks?"

When Sengoku spoke, everyone became vigilant.

This endgame, if you really want to face a group of pirates of the Four Emperors who are not injured, it must be a danger in danger.

"No, we are here to stop this war! If anyone else wants to keep fighting, fight with us! "


This owner of the strongest overlord color domineering in the world today, just standing here is terrifying.

This sentence is undoubtedly the intervention of a neutral person.

It means that all forces take advantage of the opportunity to stop and reduce losses.

Only Luo Ling looked confused.

He had thought that Shanks would have arrived early, after all, there was no matter for Kaido to fight for the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

What the hell is going on?


Everything seems bizarre and unreasonable.

Why "poor Komo chases", doesn't this guy Kaido deserve to die?

It is clear that Shanks now has the advantage, who else on the naval side has the power of World War I besides Karp?

It's not that Karp isn't strong, it's that this deliberate approach makes him feel incomprehensible.

There is only one possibility.


Shanks is working to maintain the balance of the sea, what does he know.

Why persist in maintaining the final balance at such times?

Luo Ling thought about it, and there was a sudden shock in his ears, it was the Warring States who spoke!

"War, it's over!"

Buddha's Sengoku raised his voice and announced that the war had stopped.

Whitebeard dies, Blackbeard falls, which means that an era is over!

Bucky the clown hugged the phone bug and cursed, "Can you go, Shanks, I don't want to stay with the Navy for a moment!"

"Of course, this treasure map will be given to you as payment."


Bucky held the treasure map and cheered.

The little brothers behind him had long been watching him with adoring eyes and began to go crazy.

Crazy can't help themselves.

"The captain is so powerful, it was he and the red-haired Shanks who joined forces to stop the war!"

"For the sake of righteousness, he gave up taking away the head of the white beard with his own hands!"

"Moving, I will follow Captain Bucky in my next life!"

This group of tearful people did not find out.

A tall figure had walked step by step towards where Whitebeard was.

"What are you going to do?"

The war is over!

But that was the war of pirates and navy!

Lorraine is a GM army!

He had one last thing to do.

A door opened, just a little taller than Whitebeard.

"Taking your corpse is my promise."

He did this, and no one dared to stop him.

On the other side of the door, it was Ace and the ship they were on.

He did all this, still quietly, and turned and walked towards Shanks.

From pirates to navy, and from navy to pirates.

This is exactly his position!

Face the red-haired pirate group led by the red-haired Shanks, and Bucky the Clown.

Phone bugs are still live streaming to the world.

"The balance of this world is broken by me alone!"

As soon as Luo Ling's words fell, the red hair was like a great enemy.

He knows what this means!

"You have to face the whole world alone? Do you know how many people in the world still give Draco Heavenly Gold? Nineteen branches of Draco who live in Marin Fandor do not say.

Just the Great Voyage to the New World, there are thirty-three kingdoms that support them, and there are more in the four seas, in addition, there are many kingdoms and forces in the New World that are ravaged by pirates and occupied by the four emperors.

You are alone, physically, domineering is always at an end.

Shanks said in a deep voice.

"So you mean?"

Lorraine was a little lost in himself, he almost thought that only fighting was the only way.

"You are not enough alone, to let more people walk side by side with you, the balance is broken, it means the chessboard is lifted, do you have enough pieces?"

What the redhead said made Luo Ling's heart tremble.

He was enlightened.


"Hahahahaha, thank you, I almost lost myself"

Lorraine turned his back to the phone bug camera and opened his hands wide.

"Ladies and admirals, vice admirals, and the elites of the Navy, are there any willing to join my GM army?"

"The war is over! Loring! "

The Warring States demonstrated against him, there was Karp behind him, and he was tough when he spoke.

"But the war between the GM Army and the World ZF has just begun! The times are running wild, can you stop it? After

Luo Ling said this, he instantly turned back and looked at the camera.

People all over the world who were watching the live broadcast were frightened.

Someone screamed: "The GM army wants to start an even more terrifying war, Whitebeard did not lie!"

"Hahahahaha, the Great Secret Treasure really exists, I want to go to sea, this is what Whitebeard said, how can there be a fake, he is the closest man to the throne in twenty years!"

"What is the GM Army, isn't Loring a pirate?"

"Shh, don't mention the GM army, it's dangerous to be heard by the nobles!"

On this day, the GM army let the world know in one fell swoop, and became an existence that the world ZF could not hide.

There will definitely be more people to pursue, to explore, to become a part of it.

"Damn Luo Ling, not only let our suppression of pirates go to naught, but also let the name of the GM army completely appear on the stage!"

The Warring States had a headache, he decided to step down after the war, and there will definitely be more headaches in the future, let others bear it!

This moment begins.

GM Army, like pirates and navy, has become a word that makes countless enthusiastic teenagers curious!

"Guys, next time we meet, there will be no old man!"

Loring smiled and walked through the air door and disappeared.

The war is over!

It's just beginning.

The curtain has been lifted, and no one can stop it.

The demon lord Luoling will become the most fierce sinner in the world on a par with the dragon!



The waves crashed against the harbor, and Marin Fandor sank completely to the bottom of the sea.

Standing on the battleship, Karp, the Warring States have mixed tastes in their hearts.

"Our time is over, Karp."

Sengoku overnight whitehead.

"There will always be new people rising to challenge the inherent majesty, didn't you do the same?"

Karp smiled and looked into the distance.


The cherry blossom petals that came from nowhere, fluttering, spinning, light as jade, and disappearing with the wind.

Legend has it that the cherry blossom dance ends.

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