One year.

The whole world knows.

Demon Lord Luoling, missing for a year!


Chambord Islands.

Since Marin Fandor sank to the bottom of the sea, the headquarters of the Navy has migrated to the New World, under the Red Earth Continent.

Big things keep happening, and people have gradually taken it as normal.


The young pirates were drinking happily, and from time to time a few people turned their eyes to look at the tall man in the corner.

He was surrounded by people, all speechless, eating by himself.

A man with purple-haired sunglasses is drinking a bottle of spirits.

The blood-red skin of the fish man, wearing a towel on his head, gulping down the specialty egg fried rice.

There was also a man wrapped in a long cloth and carrying two swords, and he pointed a little flower pot with his finger, and the moon bloomed quickly.

As for the tall man, there are two beautiful women.

The beauty on the left has long black and beautiful hair, a high nose, quietly drinking coffee, white jade-like little hands holding up her chin, cocking her legs, not knowing what she is waiting for.

The one on the right is a woman with short blue hair, under a cape, black stockings wrapped up to denim shorts, drinking a glass of orange juice.

"Boss, I also want a glass of apple juice, the more sour the better!"

"Good, good!"

The middle-aged man nodded again and again and hurriedly went to squeeze the juice.

He swallowed a mouthful of spit, his hands trembling.

It's terrible.

Can people really eat to this extent?

There are more than 30 plates, all emptied, from seafood fried rice to pasta, and from grilled meat to suki pot.

What the hell is this guy's belly made of?

"It tastes good!"

He drank the sour apple juice, and the smile on his face became more and more wanton.

Footsteps sounded.

Another blond young man walked into the tavern, wearing a top hat, a blue suit, and a hose on his back.

The girl next to her wore a lower hat, also wore a pair of gloves, stockings above her knees, and a delicate figure.

When he saw them appear, the already silent atmosphere in the tavern became more and more depressed.

How could it not be recognized!

These are all big guys in the GM Army!

Especially the man who ate wildly, is the demon lord Luoling who made a big fuss about the top war a year ago and set off a GM storm all over the world!

Since Whitebeard's death, another man who can stop crying for children.

From the four seas to the great voyage in a year.

The world ZF and the navy suppressed again and again, shot one after another.

The Navy unexpectedly admitted two new generals, who are powerful and terrifying like monsters.

After the battle between the new marshal Red Inu and the pheasant, the pheasant walked out of the navy.

It is said that he has joined the GM army.

There are also rumors that this is just a rumor.

How can the dignified Admiral Qing Pheasant, a grand admiral of the Navy headquarters, become a GM army?

As soon as they thought so in their hearts, they heard the sound of tapping.

A tall man in an overcoat walked into the tavern.

As soon as he appeared, he released a powerful cold aura that made it difficult to move forward.

Bone-chilling cold spread throughout the room.


Admiral of the Navy headquarters, really joined the GM Army?

How is this possible!

What exactly happened for a year.

First, the GM army was in full swing, and then one big thing happened.

By now, even the original rumors have been confirmed!

How strong is the GM army now?

"Finally found you, Loring."

"Happy? Kuzan!

Luo Ling's stomach was full, and he yawned comfortably.

"Fighting here? Nearby is Marin Fandor!

"That's a thing of the past."

The green pheasant let out a cold breath, and the power of ice instantly eroded towards Luo Ling's feet.

"It's cold."

Lorraine laughed out loud again.

He suddenly turned around and punched out!

The ice shattered in an instant.

He stood up, frighteningly tall.

Nine meters long!

Everyone fell to the ground in horror.

Their eyes seemed to be full of two words.


What's going on?

Why does Lorin have the power of the Shock Fruit?

Didn't the green pheasant join the GM army in rumors?

How did it become a hunt for Lorling?

And why did they appear in the Chambord Islands!

"Go out and fight!"

Luo Ling punched out, and the tavern collapsed into ruins in an instant.

"The world is waiting for my answer!"


The great earthquake trembled, tearing the sky and the sea of clouds.

The sea churns and turns into earth-shattering waves.

"In the past year of the war, everything I have done has been erased, and I have done a good job, World ZF!

I'm still that sentence, Kuzan, are you sure not to join the GM army?

Lorraine said a few simple words that covered a lot of information.

For a year, he did a lot of things, but all were hidden?

How can it be!

Where does the world ZF come from such a strong force?

Can you erase everything that a man with a reward of four billion Bailey has done?

Luo Ling did not answer, but said to the woman behind him lightly: "Robin, today is the day when Xiaolu flies out to sea, in the past year, he should become stronger, right?"

"Well, the captain will definitely be stronger."

One year, another year!

Everyone came to their senses, and the Straw Hats, who made a big splash in the war on top, also disappeared for a year!

"Go to sea, there is only one last step left, you can gather it!"

Luo Ling strode towards the green pheasant, and saw that there were sailors in all directions, as well as big figures in the navy.

The second generation of pacifists after one improvement, except for the white cape, looks almost exactly like Moriah.

All the lieutenant generals of the headquarters, Fuji Tiger smiled, the green pheasant, and the yellow ape all appeared.

There were even vice admirals from the naval branch, Smogg, Tina and others.

"Demon Slayer Order, begin!"

Outside the Chambord Islands.

The red dog gave the order.

There were many wrinkles on his calm face.

The sea breeze blows the cloak, and the word justice is unwavering.


There was a voice in the phone worm, it was the five old stars.

"Do you know that the Chambord Islands belong to the Draco, and you are trespassing by doing so!"

The red dog is uncomfortable to hear.

He was silent for a moment and said only one word.

"In the past year, he has turned the world upside down, what Draco, this battle is lost, just wait to roll down from the Red Earth Continent!"

The five old stars wanted to say something, but in the end they were speechless.

"Cut the grass and remove the roots!"


The red dog jumped up and landed in port 1 of the Chambord Islands.

If this battle is lost!

It's time for Draco to step down, right?

Should I win or lose?

He was only afraid that the GM army would become the new Draco.

Can't bet!

Akainu calmed his mind and quickly made up his mind.

Absolute justice!


He strode towards the man like Roger, who had a bounty of five and a half billion Baileys!


Lorraine stood in place, quietly waiting for the arrival of the red dog.

He held out a hand and said with the same smile as a white beard:

"Join us, Sakaski!"

"You madman, I'm a marshal!"

"Wouldn't that be better?"

Loring turned and a doppelganger appeared, blocking Sakaski's fist with a punch.

Look around.

The green pheasant, the yellow ape, the vine tiger, and many other lieutenant generals are fighting his doppelganger.

No matter how strong or weak, it is no match for one of his doppelgangers.

His body hasn't shot yet!

"Already invincible?"

The green pheasant complained.

"It was we who forged the real Demon Lord with our own hands!"

Fuji Tiger smiled and drew his sword.

Luo Ling, who calmly watched the play, watched all this quietly.

The breeze is not dry.

What a good day to turn the world upside down.

Thinking back to that afternoon a year ago, it still feels like yesterday.


A year ago.

New world.

A summer island full of dinosaurs.

Lorraine says goodbye to Sabogang and Ace and comes here to reunite with his fellow GM soldiers.

A bounty and newspaper fell into hand.

Ain picked up the newspaper, his face was incredulous, and his small mouth muttered.

"Three billion Bailey, the new fourth emperor of the sea, the demon lord Luoling!"


"Lao Tzu is a GM army! Who came up with this idea?

Luo Ling lay on the chair with an unhappy look on his face and basked in the sun.

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