Ain's eyes lit up with a shimmer, and his lips rose slightly to laugh like a brass bell.

"Laughing at what? I have finally survived the rest of my life, do you think anyone can retreat from the war at the top?

Lorraine rolled his face and sulked.

"The dragon asked me to cooperate with the bear and carry out the mission of the new world."

Saab walked out of the room, a mandate in hand.

Next to him stood a blood-red-skinned fishman, none other than the hero Tiger.

"Looks like it's time for me to return too! Otherwise, you will really be treated as a pirate! "

Lorraine stretched a lazy waist, GM Army means always against the world ZF.

Pirates are not, in order to compete for fame and fortune.

Challengers appear all the time.

If he falls into the trap of the navy and becomes the so-called new fourth emperor, countless pirates will come to challenge him.

Luo Ling was not afraid of any opponent, but only hated the endless, meaningless fighting.

"Mr. Tiger, aren't you going back together?"

Lorraine opened a door and sent Saab away.

For Saab's domineering awakening, the strength of physical strength can be said to be absolutely reliable.

Small island.

The tyrannosaurus roared and ran towards a stegosaurus, trembling with a great earthquake.

But indescribable silence.

Tiger, the man who had been silent, spoke, "Luo Ling, do you know Otohime? "


Of course Lorraine knew the name, the queen of Fishman Island and the mother of the Hundred Star Princess.

A great queen who advocated that fishmen should coexist with humans.

Born with a strange talent and domineering!

It was she who saw the huge sorrow in Tiger's heart after escaping from the Red Earth Continent.

"Did something happen on Fishman Island?"

"Well, my brother Jinping has already left, and we will meet on this island."

Tiger has not returned to Fishman Island since he became a GM army, and it has been nearly ten years.

His lack of a positive answer is enough to show that the matter is big.

Luo Ling looked at it and saw that the domineering color was fused with himself, and the range of perception was the range of his vision.

Passing through the sea, I only saw a chubby fishman in the sea sweeping the waves.

In fact.

A week ago, Jinping was still at Whitebeard's funeral, saying that he said goodbye because of the urgent matter on Fishman Island.

Now it seems that it must be related to the incident that Tiger mentioned.

Isn't that right?

Lorling thought, isn't Hody Jones going to play in two years?

It's still weak!


Lorling thought of something.


"How do you know?"

Tiger didn't expect Lorraine to budget so accurately, could he be a prophet?

It's strange if you can't guess.

To know.

According to the original timeline, Along should be sheltered by Jinping and become a tyrant in the East China Sea.

But because Lorraine saved Tiger, the timeline was slightly distorted.

Aaron returns to Fishman Street to become the overlord again, and if the guess is correct, the original villain Hody Jones also becomes his subordinate.

"Trouble I caused?"

Luo Ling smiled helplessly.

Unexpectedly, he let Along return to Fishman Island, indirectly making him continue to cultivate, fight, and become stronger and stronger.

Just as his mind was flying.

Jinping broke the waves, shook his spirit, and evaporated the seawater.

With one hand in front, salute Lorling.

"In the lower area of pirates, the world calls me Sea Hero Jinping!"

"Big brother, Luo Ling, long time no see!"


Before Loring could come to his senses, the brothers hugged.

He pursed his lips and smiled, thinking to himself, maybe this is to make up for the regret.

Jinping is Fishman Island and the eldest brother of the Sun Pirates.

Tiger is the eldest brother of Jinping, which can be said to be the eldest brother of the eldest brother!

Since Tiger left, Jinpei has carried everything on his own, with the death of Princess Othime.

He even relied on him to become the king of the Seven Wuhai, as well as the power of Whitebeard to guard Fishman Island.

Later, Whitebeard was old, and young pirates often challenged his majesty, and Fishman Island became a battleground for soldiers due to its special terrain.

The role of Haixia Jinping is becoming more and more important.

There is no shortage of righteous people in the world, but it is too rare to see.

Three rounds of wine.

The brothers still didn't speak.

Ain handed Lorraine a cup of freshly squeezed green apple juice, and he thought it was delicious!

"Is there anything bad to say bluntly?"

He broke the silence.


Jinping stood up, his wide body directly clasped his hands into fists, and performed a real fishman karate salute.

"Mr. Loring, have you heard of Princess Otohime of Fishman Island?"


How is this problem again?

Lorraine looked at Ain, who deliberately turned his head away, obviously aware of the incident.

He alone does not know!

No way!

Say that the dragon is right-handed, and the second in command of the GM army?

No matter how bad it is, it is also a four emperors.

"It doesn't hurt to be straightforward."

Luo Ling's scalp was numb, and he didn't want to go around anymore.

"Eight years ago, after Princess Otohime died due to human assassination, my fishman island has become weaker and weaker, and the gap between me and humans has reached an irreparable level.

Just a month ago, with the death of Whitebeard, Fishman Island lost its shelter, and the old man also lost the special rights of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

Fishman Island has become the target of everyone, and Bigmom of all nations claims to include Fishman Island under his command.

The Navy also sent elite Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit, and a large number of pirates poured in, including Straw Hat Luffy..."

Four Emperors, Navy, Supernova!"

Is it so intricate?

"Wouldn't it be nice to call back? Like a white beard.

Lorraine gave the answer.

"This is easy to say, but it is not simple, because there is also a fishman street on Fishman Island, that is, Aaron, who followed Tiger's big brother with me, and he now advocates breaking with humanity and starting a war."

After Jinping finished speaking, even Tiger felt that his face was dull.

They don't feel anger and shame, but grief for the fate of Fishman Island!

To Aaron, to the many fishmen, pirates, to the world!

"Well, now add the inner Along, this group of fish people who are extremely misogynistic."

Luo Ling smiled bitterly, it was outrageous.

This Fishman Island is going to finish the calf.

"You want me to shoot?"


Jinping bowed directly.

"Mr. Luoling, the new fourth emperor, the demon lord Luoling! As long as you take Fishman Island into your pocket, you can suppress the current chaos! "

Repression? Pocket, shelter?

Lorraine smiled.

He knows that Jinping is a pirate after all, and unlike Tiger, he is not a GM army, attaches importance to righteousness, but also lacks something in his thinking.

"You're wrong, Otohime is wrong, and Tiger before is wrong! Aaron is even more wrong!

"If you want to make Fishman Island look new, no longer oppressed, you can't just rely on others!"

"Only if the fist is hard enough can you shut up others!"

It's so hard!

Sea hero Jinping only knows that no matter how strong Fishman Island is, it can't stop the pirates who continue to pour into the new world.

Unless there is a name to suppress it, they dare not be presumptuous.

Fish people are limited, how can they block thousands of troops, not to mention that most fish people are just ordinary fish people.



As Lorling's adjutant, Ain stood up with a face.

"Go, teach the naïve fish a lesson!"


This door leads to the bottom of the sea, open at sea level.

Luo Ling jumped down, and Ain jumped without hesitation.

"Brother Tiger!"

Jinping can't understand Lorling's operation, shouldn't he discuss tactics?

"You should indeed have some enlightenment!"

Tiger hated that iron is not steel.


Haixia Jinping looked puzzled, isn't he a reliable image everywhere, everyone says that he has morality, why is he making mistakes everywhere today?

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