"I came with only one purpose, to dominate Fishman Island, and everyone who came to invade my territory must die!"

Luo Ling's simple and direct words made Hai Xia Jinping quickly change his face.


What's going on?

Say yes and teach me how to do it, and in the blink of an eye it becomes the same operation as the four emperors and the navy, is this how your GM army does things?

"Look at it well, learn a little."

Tiger hugged his arm and said calmly.

In previous years, Luo Ling was haunted, and the reason why he did not leave too many stories in the world was that the Navy worked hard to obtain intelligence, and finally arranged the ambush in the hometown of the tyrant bear.

That battle was also the only time that the yellow ape defeated Luo Ling.

After closing in the Advance City, he grew rapidly as if he had opened the hanging, until he was out of sight!

There is only one reason for all this!

In the silent days, Luo Ling traveled all over the world, and it seemed that he had reached the top of the New World to become the so-called Four Emperors, which was illusory.

In fact, in the four seas, in the great route!

The name Luo Ling has long become the hope of those who plead in suffering!

Like a savior!

Tiger has witnessed Lorraine go to the meeting single-handedly, turning a kingdom that has been ravaged by evil gangsters into a good for all.

Even within the GM Army, he was called the Demon Lord, thinking, he lived up to his name!

Even if it was to make the evil people who escaped by chance in the city smell the change.


The battle of the city was promoted by countless people to look up to and admire, but also fear and disgust.

It's just a part of his life in the past ten years.

"Some people say that I have only been at sea for a month, and I only show up for a few days at a time."

Loring smiled and walked towards Peach Rabbit, the center of the Smoogie battlefield.

He opened his arms and his expression was extremely arrogant.

"The world is wrong, wrong naïve and cute."

"How could I have only been at sea for a week? Except for the killing of Draco in the East China Sea and the war on top, most of the deeds have long been erased.

"So, what exactly have I done?"

"I'll give you an example today!"

What the?

Not to mention that even Smoogie was confused.

For example?

Now it's a battle for supremacy on Fishman Island!

You told me to give an example?

Really when I was a three-year-old!

"I wonder, is there a normal one of Luffy's brothers?"

Solon has seen Lorraine more than once, and he always feels that Luffy's abnormality has a lot to do with Lorling!

In full view.

Lorraine rolled up his sleeves and stretched out a fist the size of a sandbag.

"Obviously, according to everyone's logic so far, whoever has the biggest fist is reasonable.

If a person is too weak, but dare not resist because of fear, but shamelessly put me in danger, then I will never agree.

He said, heading head-on towards Smooge.

For some reason, Smoogie instinctively took half a step back.

This guy is the new Four Emperors with the same name as Bigmom, known as the monster of the Demon Lord.

Single-handedly it is a regiment of four emperors.

After Whitebeard left, no one knows whether Luo Ling is the strongest man in the world.

But he is definitely among the most advantageous candidates!

"Come first, Smooge!"

Luo Ling stepped out, and Smooji's domineering look tried to sense, but he couldn't predict what he would do in the next moment.

The Demon Monarch has never had the habit of pitying Xiang Xiang and cherishing jade.

The fist is not as hard as iron, it can only be said that it smashed into people, and the heart to die is there.


Smoogie tried to use the armed color domineering protective body, but it ended in failure, and the fruit ability was too late to be useful.

With just one punch, Smoogie rolled his eyes on the spot, stumbled a few steps, and crashed to the ground.

"Not bad, you can still shout a word, it seems that you have great potential."

Luo Ling commented seriously.

The Bigmom Pirates followed the general Star Smoogie, as well as many sons and daughters, high-level combat power, when they saw Luo Ling's punch was terrifying, they didn't dare to fight back.

"It is said that the most terrifying thing about the Demon Monarch is that when he is cloudy and mist, and his whole body is emitting golden light, but just now it was just a punch!"

"Smoogie is one of the strongest combat forces under the Four Emperors Bigmom, can't even block his ordinary punch?"

The pirates next to them and Along's subordinates all felt that their throats hurt, and their saliva was not enough to swallow!

Some people start gasping for air so that they don't get hyperthermia due to a fast heartbeat.

"Long time no see, Peach Rabbit!"

Luo Ling turned and smiled at Peach Rabbit, who was also holding a sword.

"The last time you survived in the country of Wano, it was just your life, and this time there will never be another chance!"

Peach Rabbit only felt annoyed, with her identity and status, she naturally knew the harm that Luo Ling was to the world as a GM army.

Because of this, they will spare no effort to try to take it down!

"My sword skills are not strong enough, but they are also stronger than you, just to respect you, let's use my fists!"

Luo Ling walked forward, and every step made Peach Rabbit stand in a tight position.

For a month.

After the end of the Topping War, the Navy headquarters held more than one meeting, focusing on announcing that Kaido's Hundred Beast Pirate Group had been further strengthened, and entrenched on Beehive Island had become a greater threat.

On the other hand.

It is the demon lord Luoling, who is known as a group of one.

The name of the Four Emperors has always meant at least three conditions.

One person can rival the strength of a country, and the forces under his command can dominate the new world, and the powerful reputation accumulated by fighting again and again.

Lorling, is an exception!

Probably only the Red Count of that year could compare with it, claiming that one person could carry a man of a legendary pirate group.

Three billion Baileys, just a helpless bounty.

World ZF not only wants Luo Ling to be defeated and considered a fierce person, but also does not want him to become more and more popular, so that the influence of the GM army will also increase.

Peach Rabbit knew that it didn't matter if she lost, as long as she didn't let today's events get out.

Thinking of this, Peach Rabbit suddenly felt a kind of fear!

If you don't fight, you think you'll lose!

She has lost before she knows it!

You must not sit back and wait for Lorraine to make a move!

She pulled out Jin Biluo with all her strength!

Turning into a beautiful arc, while looking for Luo Ling's flaws, he was also determined to kill with one blow.

Line, broken!


Luo Ling only took half a step forward, and the peach rabbit killed in front of him, incredibly fast.

Go with the flow and throw a punch, and the pink line will stop abruptly.


Qianying turned into a curve at a faster speed and crashed to the ground.

At the same time that she lost consciousness, the special telephone worm in her hand that was urgently used was turned on.

"I really want to have a story with two beautiful ladies, but unfortunately, you are not strong enough to drink and get drunk early."

Lorraine thoughtfully poured them a glass of green apple juice.

It's the same as a farewell ceremony.

He turned away.

Look up at the two groups of people hurrying in on both sides of the street.

On one side is the king's power, the Dragon Palace headed by Neptune the "Great Knight of the Sea".

On the other side is the Fishman Street forces, led by Along, who hate humans and hate the embodiment of evil in the world.

"The main combat forces of the navy and the pirate side have reached an agreement, so let's give you an example!"

His innocent smile exudes devilish evil.

"Damn, who is evil?"

With all these years of fighting and cultivation, Aaron's bounty has risen from 20 million Baileys to 270 million Baileys!

There are 100,000 fish-man pirates under his command, and more than ten powerful fish-man street combat power!

He originally thought that this time he went to sea, he would definitely be able to make a difference.

Standing in front of this person loses the courage to move on.

"Aaron, remember me?"

Lorraine looked at him with a smile and took the first step.

The loyal subordinates around Aaron all took a step back.

He took another step and smiled unruly, and Along's subordinates even began to be terrified, and their legs trembled.

"Hey, why don't you say hello, obviously I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Luo Ling stepped out in the third step and disappeared directly in place.

There was no hesitation.

Everyone in the Fishman Pirate Group just ran away!

"What are you afraid of, he is only one person, we are 100,000 people!"

Along roared like this, but he didn't notice that his legs were trembling instinctively.

Luo Ling is a three-color domineering advanced awakening, and the spirit and spirit are one!

Every word he said, every look, and even the momentum he stood there was silent and silent, all of them were overlord-colored domineering.

Fear is normal.

"Aaron, I heard that you are going to become One Piece?"

Dear Demon Lord, he has come to his ear to give gentle greetings.


Along only felt a burst of pain, and his face collapsed directly, and he no longer felt anything.

Loring's figure reappeared and looked back at King Neptune .

"I'm done with examples, I want to explain the theory, can you be quiet?"


Fishman Island is silent.

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