Fishman Island, Dragon Palace Kingdom.

There are five major forces in total, Pirate Smoogie, Fishman Street Aaron, Navy Peach Rabbit, King Neptune and GM Army Loring.

As soon as he made a move, he directly knocked down the three parties with his fists.

Only Neptune was left to look at him.

On the fishman street, all the pirates did not say a word, and the sailors picked up the peach rabbit, but the latter showed no signs of sobriety at all.

Lorraine came to tell one truth, listen or not, two choices.

Neptune has a heavy face, does he really want to join the GM army?

This means being an enemy of the world ZF!

"What are you hesitating about? This is what used to be the Great Knight of the Sea? Didn't you also make waves when you were young, coexisting with Whitebeard in an era, old and old, and your heart old?

Luo Ling smiled, even more frustrated.

"Our well water does not violate the river water, after all, the Dragon Palace Kingdom of Fishman Island is under the command of the world ZF, although we have not participated in the world conference for many years, it is just that we are too busy."

It's not easy for Neptune to speak.

Standing in front of Lorin will be very stressful, and you will often feel numbness in your scalp.

Since Otohime's death, the Dragon Palace Kingdom has refused the invitation to the World Conference, but it has always dared not blatantly say that it has nothing to do with the World ZF since then.

The weight between the two is still obvious.

He also had to do it.

It's like Tiger has become a GM army in the past ten years, and he doesn't dare to return to Fishman Island easily.

Haixia Jinping became His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, not all in order to protect Fishman Island as much as possible.

"You don't provoke others, others want to slap you." Instead of giving in, it's better to stand up from now

on If you can't, there is Fishman Island behind you, and if Fishman Island is not enough, then add New World!

There are still great routes before the New World, all over the world!

Lorraine said this impassionedly, making Luffy confused.

Luffy definitely didn't understand, but he could detect that Lorling's overlord-colored domineering was unusual.

Not only can it be from emotions, words, or even every move, or he can make an impact while standing there doing nothing!

What a wonderful power!

When the battle of Lorraine is over, he must learn this trick!

No one dares to squeak.

Luo Ling's words are indeed only available to the GM Army.

Anyone else who dares to speak out will either be offered a bounty or killed on the spot!

Beads of sweat had appeared on Neptune 's forehead, how could he not know that following the GM army was the right decision to obey his heart.

It's just that before that, he didn't dare to be the countless lives of Fishman Island and accompany him on adventures!

He is a king who must put the lives of all people first!

"Everyone knows that Draco is a nobleman in the world, but what I want to do is to make this world have no nobles, or everyone becomes nobles!

Whoever dares to stand in my way will die!

You too, King Neptune !

Luo Ling's non-stop words made everyone's hearts beat faster, and they kept gasping for air, causing the temperature of Fishman Street to rise suddenly.

All become nobles!

Let there be no nobles in this world!

What kind of grandeur is it that can say this?

"Nani, does it mean that everyone is free?"

Luffy didn't understand it anymore, but he had his own understanding.


Loring smiled.

"That won't work!"

Luffy said angrily, "I'm going to be the freest person, and that is One Piece!" "


Everyone in Yuren Street suddenly gasped, their expressions distorted.

Find death!

Didn't you hear the Demon Monarch just say that there are no nobles in the world?

Why are you so sharp?

Will it be killed with one punch!

They don't dare to speak anymore.

"Luffy, we don't mean freedom when we say it. But it's pretty much the same.

At that time, you can indeed become One Piece, and it is no problem to become the King of the Universe, because it was a time when everyone was free to chase their dreams.

Lorraine said, looking at Neptune again with burning eyes.

"I give you two choices, one is to retire and become an ordinary member of Fishman Island, and the other is to make everyone on Fishman Island the same nobles as you."

Is this a declaration of war?

Neptune took a deep breath, tried to exhale as much as he could, and then regained consciousness on his own.

He didn't know how to speak, how should this be answered?

I am not willing to come down from the throne of king?

Don't want everyone on Fishman Island to have the same status as me?

How does this sound like I'm the villain?

As soon as Neptune thought of this, he suddenly felt a sense of fear.

Just like Peach Rabbit facing Lorling, instinctively thinking that he might lose.

He somehow regarded himself as a villain!

Minneptune is the king of Fishman Island!

It's terrible, what kind of power is this?

"Guys, be reasonable, which one do you choose?"

Luo Ling looked around again, and the eyes of the people were already cloudy.

He retracted his momentum and minimized the influence of the overlord color.

No longer suppressing these people, someone immediately relaxed and fell to the ground paralyzed.

"Brother Tiger, this is just counterproductive and makes all the fish people hate humans even more!"

Haixia Jinping felt that this brute force could not change anything at all.

"Shut up, if you want to make Fishman Island a better place, you must give up your pirate thinking!"

Pirate thinking?

Tiger's words made Jinping directly confused, could it be that Lorling had any other means than to abdicate the king?


Lorraine nodded, his tone determined.

"Since the king is not willing to step down from the throne, and none of the people of Fishman Island want to stand up with a backbone, then the answer is obvious.

From now on, Fishman Island will become the domain of my Luo Ling alone, and you will all become slaves!"

All pirates passing by will hand over the corresponding gold, Bailey, you will build a more magnificent palace for me, and give me the heavenly gold for the Draco. "


Jinping, who was originally suppressed by Tiger, can no longer bear it, this is the GM army?

No wonder the nickname is the Demon Lord, it lives up to its name!

Fishman Island just came out of the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den!

"Okay, then I will kill the king, and all his sons, and the princess of the white star hidden in the tower, I heard that the white star is extremely beautiful, and she is still young, just play with me for a few years!"

Luo Ling walked in the direction of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, his eyes were cold and murderous.

"You dare!"

The overturned star came to the death with a long knife in hand, trying to slash at Luo Ling, but the blade body was only an inch away from Luo Ling, and suddenly broke!

Shark Star and Emperor Star also roared out: "Father, don't hesitate any longer, don't you even care about your sister?" "

They know they're going to die, but they have no choice!

"So many people also want to defeat me?"

Luo Ling only gave them one punch, and no one could stand up again.

"And you, Neptune ."


The Great Knight Neptune can't stand it anymore, he has to strike!

"Get out!"

It was still a punch, which directly hit him and fell to the ground.

Luo Ling kept walking and unswervingly walked in the direction of the Dragon Palace.

In the café, Xia Li couldn't believe this scene, it turned out that it was not Luffy who destroyed Fishman Island, it was his brother, the Demon Lord Luoling!

"Protect Princess White Star and drive this guy out of Fishman Island!"

Ain hid in the crowd, raised his hand and shouted.

Haixia Jinping naturally recognized that this was Luo Ling's assistant, and immediately looked shocked.

Soon, some people stood up in anger, anger erupted from their hearts, and they all roared.

"Defeat Loring, protect Princess White Star, and protect Fishman Island!"

They don't want to be slaves, they don't want the lovely White Star to die, and they don't want to live up to Tiger, Otohime, Neptune even more!

"Kill the Dragon Palace and fight the Demon Lord!"

Ain was the first to rush out, and behind her, whether it was the crew of the Fishman Pirates on Fishman Street or the human pirates who arrived on the island.

Kingdom soldiers and horses, naval soldiers, and subordinates of the Aunt Pirates.

All swarmed out!

Cafe doorstep.

Jinping had a question mark on his face, is Luo Ling self-directing and acting?

Normal people, will they call on others to defeat themselves?

"Brother Tiger, what does he mean by this?"

I don't understand, I can't understand this operation at all.

"Don't break, don't stand!"

Tiger spoke in a determined tone and his eyes were resolute.

He can finally see Fishman Island rushing to a better future as he wishes!

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