"Want to beat me? Then give it a try! "

Lorraine doesn't go fast, but people just can't catch up, as if he alone can predict everyone's speed.


The Straw Hats also chased after him, Solon was ready to draw his sword, and Sanji kept accelerating, trying to save the beauty heroically.

"Can't shoot, this is a battle that belongs to Luoling!"

Luffy followed not to fight Lorling, but to focus on the outcome of the battle.

"He not only wants to take away the White Star, but also tries to take Fishman Island into his pocket, this kind of person will actually be the GM army!"

Nami felt incredible, it seems that there will inevitably be a few scum in any crowd.

"I must save the legendary mermaid princess!"

Sanji's eyes flashed with his heart, and he couldn't wait to go over now.

Luffy ran and said, "I don't know exactly what Lorraine is going to do, but shouldn't believing in a partner be the easiest thing to do?" "

Trust Lorling!

Even at this time, Luffy still chose to trust Lorling.

Jinping couldn't help but admire their brotherhood.

Ace said when he advanced to the sixth level of the city, when he was so embarrassed.

If his brothers were still alive, they would definitely come to rescue him, especially Luo Ling, who was stronger than him.

Jinping was still thinking at that time, Ace was already very strong, as the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, he was even stronger than him, wouldn't he have become the Four Emperors!

Unexpectedly, not long after, Luo Ling really became the Four Emperors.

This is still forcibly called the Four Emperors by the world ZF, and anyone with a little brain can smell it, not for sure, but too threatening.

A person's threat to the world ZF is so great that he must be called the Four Emperors to suppress it.

Dragon Palace.

Hard shell tower.

The kingdom guards didn't even hold out a round, and they fell under Luo Ling, and he was invincible, sweeping the audience like a god killed in the world.

This tower is inhabited by the princess of Fishman Island, White Star.

The door was full of axes, blades, all sorts of things.

Derived from the means of the target fruit ability, Vander Deacon IX.

As a crush of White Star, it has reached the point of madness.


Luo Ling slammed the door open with a punch, and walked towards the white star on the couch without looking back.

"Princess White Star!"

The fish were crying but could not step forward anyway.

Within thirty meters of Luo Ling's body, the absolute domineering realm composed of armed color and overlord color was fully opened.

The strength is not enough, as soon as you step in, you will foam at the mouth and faint.


Bai Xing, who was already timid, had heard the fighting outside the door earlier, but he stopped in an instant.

Until Luo Ling suddenly appeared, everyone was crying and roaring angrily, but they couldn't get close to this man at all.

It can be said that even if the unprecedented unity of the will of Fishman Island, the joint crusade of all forces is not enough for Luo Ling's fist!

Absolute strength is the truth of the pirate world!


A flying axe suddenly flew at this moment.

"Get in the way."

Luo Ling said two words coldly.

A golden light that flowed like flames erupted from his eyes.

The range of perception of seeing and smelling color directly expanded more than thirty times from Fishman Island.

After confirming something, his figure disappeared directly out of thin air.

Everyone's heartbeats suddenly stopped, what happened!

What is this guy going to do?


In the next second, Loring appeared again, and an air door opened behind him, and inside was a ship in the sea.

"Looking for death, my people, you dare to touch it?"

Luo Ling's words directly pinched the person's neck, and the latter's breathing stopped abruptly.

People were stunned at first, then understood.

This person is Vander Dyken IX, a guy who is obsessed with White Star, and often uses his terrifying abilities to threaten the safety of White Star.

It is estimated that he did not expect that because of the axe he threw out, Luo Ling directly found it in the vast sea with his domineering attitude.

He's dead!

The threat that has plagued Fishman Island for many years is just dead!

The fish don't know whether to be happy or sad.

"You can only be mine! How can this garbage be allowed to spoil the atmosphere?

Loring stood up and smiled wickedly.

Go straight to the mermaid princess, White Star.

"Don't touch her!"

"You fucking fucking fellow!"

"Demon Monarch Luoling, don't die well!"

People no longer hesitate.

Even if they die, they must protect the last dignity of their Fishman Island.

The weaklings rushed towards Luo Ling one after another, but they all fell to the ground at the edge of the domineering field of thirty meters.

"Weak, too weak!"

Luo Ling shook his head, an evil smile appeared, and looked at the trembling white star.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Bai Xing retreated in fear, and his throat and eyes were already dry.

Wait until Lorraine is about less than a meter closer to her.

The domineering realm is closed, but no one can step forward to stop it.

Everyone who had the ability to catch up with Luo Ling and rushed to the Dragon Palace had long lost consciousness.

"Are both father and brother unconscious?"

Bai Xing seemed to have inherited the domineering look of her mother Otohime, and she could feel the terrifying malice in Luo Ling's heart!

Fear made this little crying bag cry no longer suppressed.

She was overwhelmed with grief, and her unprecedented fear made her see that her domineering spirit and her own potential exploded in an instant.

Vander Deacon IX, a threat for many years, died at the hands of Lorraine like a chicken cub.

After Bai Xing witnessed all this with his own eyes, his heart almost stopped.


Tears welled up like a spring.

Starting from the white star, a magical power spreads.

Soon, sea kings with ordinary creature perception swarmed.

Their body size is even larger than Fishman Island, and just looking at people can make people crack.

"Someone talking?"

Luffy heard a strange noise in his ears.

Outside Fishman Island.

The sea kings have long surrounded it.

"Poseidon has completely awakened, incredible, what kind of opportunity can make her fully awaken this great power."

"But the time is not ripe, Joey Boi, the one who is going to complete the contract, has not yet reappeared."

"How long has it been, old guys, I always feel like it's coming."

The sea kings are condescending, looking down on Fishman Island.

With just one thought, Bai Xing can raze this place to the ground!

"What timing, what Joey Boi!"

Luffy had a headache, who the hell was talking, and it was like it was directly in his head!


Lorraine laughed heartily.

The world is more interesting.

He turned around, did not make a move on Bai Xing, but walked out of the Dragon Palace and looked up at the sky above Fishman Island.

The sea kings stared at him intently.

"If you dare to make a move against Bai Xing, just wait for death!"

"Don't try to return to land alive!"


Lorraine glanced into the distance, people were running, even ordinary fishmen, speeding up, trying to stop him.

Hasty and panicked caused a fire, which spread and expanded.

"If you want to kill me, you deserve it too?"

Lorraine knew that his purpose had been largely achieved.

The only obstruction now is the giant sea king class that is as huge as an island!

"After defeating you, let Fishman Island embrace the sun!"

The fish man rose up, with anger and fighting intent, which was exactly what Luo Ling wanted.

Only one last place away.

That is to crush the so-called final hole card of Fishman Island!

Let them completely abandon their fantasies about Draco, about the world ZF!

If it doesn't break, it won't stand!

"I haven't used the fruit ability for a long time, and it's good that it's not rusty."

Luo Ling transformed, stepping on Fishman Island, and his figure quickly changed.

"Law Heaven and Earth!"


The undercurrents of the seabed also surged, and the power of water control of the canopy also cooperated with the power of Qi Tian!

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