"Don't be afraid, with the current and impact, his size is also a fruit ability, he can't withstand the real impact, and the current will make it difficult for him to move!"

As the sea king overlords spoke, they attacked from all directions, and the sea water also gathered, which could not be seen clearly with the naked eye, but in fact it continued to accelerate.

If a pirate ship encounters this fierce undersea current, in addition to despair, there is only one choice left to wait silently for death.

It's a pity that they picked the wrong opponent.

"Fixing the Seagod Needle!"

The sea is full of vicissitudes.

Luo Ling sacrificed the Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod and nailed it directly to the bottom of the sea.

I saw that it was originally only the size of a needle tip, but it continued to grow with Luo Ling's call.

"Great! Big! Big! "

The Seagod Needle continued to grow at the bottom of the sea until it was comparable to Lorling, and then grew with invincible momentum!

"Si Guoyi!"

Luffy liked this ability so much that he suddenly had new possibilities for the development of the Devil Fruit.

"It's so nonsense!"

Solon only found this power incredible.

"The current is being fixed, and that weapon called the Sea God Needle has unparalleled power!"

Sanji found a clue and said incredulously.

The sea water will be fixed!

How is this possible!

Fixing the sea god needle!

How can you not fix the sea of your pirate world!

The undercurrents around Fishman Island, which were originally triggered by the sea kings, came to an abrupt end at this moment.


Luo Ling spat out a word coldly.

The ability of the sea king overlords to direct the sea water can no longer be exerted.

No matter how they moved, swimming around didn't help, and Lorling's weapon seemed to have some kind of divine power.

"What a terrible power, I feel a sense of reverence!"

"It's like our submission to Posei Winter, this magical weapon, with the power to suppress the sea!"

"What, isn't that my Neptune born nemesis!"

The sea king overlords are terrified, there is this magical weapon.

Lorraine can create a windless belt at will!

Great Voyages, New Worlds.

As long as he wants, he can make any sea area a dead sea!

"Poseidon, please call us again!"

"The power of this monster makes us immobile!"

"Drive your power, let's rejuvenate!"

The Sea King overlords found that Lorling's attack was very strange, and if he only fought hard against the Sea Kings, it would only hurt.

But he kept the sea from flowing.

This kind of non-flow, not the kind of sea kings gathered in the windless zone, is strong enough to separate the four seas.

Moreover, the sea water seems to have become solid!

As long as Luo Ling does not let the sea water move for a moment, the sea water seems to become a piece of cold ice, freezing all living beings, even the sea kings cannot move!

"Sea King Poseidon, but also orders the world to divide the four seas, but he can make us all immobile!"

The Sea King overlords are desperate, and although White Star keeps crying and howling, they can't make them stronger.

"Aren't you crazy?"

Luo Ling looked around, he stood at the bottom of the sea, it was a monster, the demon king of the sea.


He opened his blood basin and swallowed all the seawater directly in his stomach, as if endlessly, he could swallow it all the time!

"Is his stomach beaten with iron?"

"It should be the superhuman department, I have never heard that the nature department has this ability."

The sea kings talked about it, they had already given up on shooting, and they couldn't move at all.

until a large feast is devoured.

The sea kings were terrified, and saw Bai Xing crying out the last cry in despair, and then fainted directly.

The sea of fire spreads to the entire island of Fishman.

They should have been desperate, but they were united like never before!

"Rather die than yield!"

"If you have the ability, kill me all!"

"The Fish-Terrans would rather die than yield!"

They waved their fists, full of fighting intent.

In the crowd, Ain wore a black cloak and roared: "The Fish-Terrans can have no king or princess, but they cannot be without dignity."

Born as fish people, we want to return to the surface of the sea, to breathe fresh air, to soak up the warm sun!

Her words undoubtedly ignited everyone's anger.

They all shouted in unison and said the same thing.

Haixia Jinping looked puzzled.

Why are they all in a desperate situation, but these people are unprecedentedly united.

Why can the Fish-Terrans, who have countless contradictions, be able to share the enemy and regard Luo Ling as the only enemy.

"So, your mind can't do it."

Tiger said with a serious face.

Dragons, bears, Saab, Zefa, Tiger, Ivankov, they all have their own way, and even if there are differences, there are nothing more than similarities.

Only Loring.

He doesn't like silence, he doesn't like repression.

Go straight and dare to do it.

Arouse the anger in people's hearts, this is Loring!

"Big brother, I seem to understand, but I don't fully understand."

Jinpei looked annoyed, he felt that he had learned a lot, but it was as if he had not learned anything.

If he had the power of the same level as Luo Ling, he would dare to do so!


Jinping was silent, even if he had Luo Ling's strength, would he really dare to do this?

Not necessarily!

He really can't do it!

Demon Lord Loring.

It turns out that this is the true meaning of the word Demon Lord.

I heard that GM Jun has a book "Dragon Slayer", which is derived from Luo Ling, as long as he has read the content inside, he will no longer be willing to succumb to the arrangement of fate.

Jinping was sure that after the Fishman Island incident, he would definitely take a good look at that book.

"Luffy, my stupid beating bean, have you learned this lesson?"

Luo Ling reached for the sea gate with one hand, and used the air door as a conversion to catch Fishman Island.

The fire was monstrous, and he directly shot to wipe it out.

In the dust, Luffy, who seemed to understand something, stood up.

"We are still too weak, there are too many monsters like Loring in the New World, and if you want to continue to move forward, you must become stronger!"

Luffy's elm head finally got the hang of it.

"Nani, Luffy do you know what you're talking about?"

Nami looked puzzled.

"Can't you stop for a while to cultivate?"

Usopp said casually.

"Cultivation, must cultivate!"

Luffy spoke in a determined tone, as if he finally understood something, and was ecstatic.

"Just understand, go and expand the territory for my brother and me!"

Luo Ling stood on both feet and forcefully picked up Fishman Island directly.

"Don't hesitate, I have already taught you the foundation of domineering, but the Great Voyage has never had more than one route to the new world!"

"Go and become stronger, when you return to the Chambord Islands again, you will be equivalent to completing all the routes of the Great Route together!"

"At that time, you are qualified to be the strongest!"

Luo Ling pointed out, and the Straw Hats and the gang each corresponded to a door.

Chambord Islands, Advance City, Top War, Fishman Island.

Shocks after shocks make them understand that they are not weak, but the enemy is too strong!

"Partners, see you in a year, we need to cultivate!"

Luffy grinned and walked into the door in front of him.


They all understood that their mastery of domineering, physical skills, swordsmanship, fruit ability, and technology was still too low.

Then cultivate!

The Straw Hat Pirates disappeared at the same time.

Lorraine picked up Fishman Island with both hands, and with a thought, he controlled the sea water and lifted himself up.

"The ocean current falls over the shoulder!"


He directly picked up Fishman Island and wanted to throw it back to the surface!

"Go, go see the sea, blow the wind, and soak up the sun! Fish people! "

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