Fishman Island.

An island sunk to the bottom of the sea.

Not long since.

The sun on the sea and the air were once their treasures.

There is so little that people want in life, except for food, clothing, shelter and transportation, there is only sunshine and smile, breeze and love.

The sea door opens.

On the other side of the door is the sea.

"Go! Let's go see the sunshine! Loring

forcefully threw Fishman Island high into the air, threw it out of the bottom of the sea, and placed it in the door.


The sea broke open, and the huge waves were cut in half with a bang.

The membrane-wrapped Fishman Island appears floating at sea level.

With the help of an undersea mountain that is still 100 meters above sea level, Loring places Fishman Island here.

The door is like a cut, bringing out the mocking part of the seabed, and the two merge perfectly to become an island.

At sea level, Fishman Island stands here.

The sea is constantly lapping against the shore.


The membrane on the shore of the island finally lost its role, exploded away, and floated into the air.

The sunlight shines down, refracting small rainbows that break apart.

Intertwined in mid-air, become a rainbow bridge across the sky over Fishman Island!

The children stared at the rainbow obsessively, unable to believe this scene.

Haixia looked to the west, and the sun was about to set.

Even the sunset is a luxury for Fishman Island.


A little fishman pulled the corner of his mother's clothes.

"Mom, look, the sun is like a big fireball, but it's not hot at all!"


The mother almost cried, she hugged her child, unable to say a word.

Fish people generally do not have some strength, and where they dare to walk outside, even if they float to the sea, they may be captured by humans.

You know, the price of fish people in slaves is quite expensive.

"I know, it's called the rising sun! The sun is rising from sea level! "

There was a fat-headed fishman kid who was happy, he had read a book, and it was said that this is how the sun had just risen from the sea.

The fish wiped their tears and did not say a word.

Children have only seen descriptions of the sun in books.

Even the rising sun and the setting sun can't tell the difference.

Jinping shook his head and smiled bitterly.


An electric eel-man girl cried.

"What's wrong, Xiaoden!"

The girl's father panicked and took her in his arms.

"Dad, the sun is leaving, I see it's leaving!"

How perceptive the children were, they soon noticed that the sun was getting farther and farther away from them.

The sun is sinking to the bottom of the sea.

"No, don't be afraid, it's like when the bubbles no longer refract the sunlight at the bottom of the sea, the sun just comes home, tomorrow, it will still appear!"

The big fish explained to the crying children.


The deafening laughter reappeared.

Only then did they wake up, and Loring had a head bigger than Fishman Island and was floating on the sea level.

"You trash, do you want to keep your sunshine? Then fight, never stop, go and become stronger, defend your fishman island, rely on yourself, not on the royal family, let alone rely on the Draco!

Luo Ling said, and his figure continued to shrink.

He stood in the air, bathed in the setting sun, the light covering him, as if wearing a layer of orange armor.

The Luo Ling in its Qi Tian form itself emitted golden light, so that the general color would become more dazzling.

"Small! Small! Small! "


Only when the Dinghai God Needle, which was more than nine meters tall, appeared in his hand, and Luo Ling smiled proudly.

After a while, the sea king overlords broke through the sea.

When he saw that Fishman Island was safe and sound, he looked at him with extremely strange eyes.

Once again, there was a sound that only a few could understand.

"There is no point in you doing this, before the prophecy is fulfilled, it will only cause the wrath of the Draco!"

"You have harmed Fishman Island, and you have harmed the Neptune and Poseidon's eight-hundred-year expectations!"

"Since it's not Joey Boi, why break the prophecy!"

The Sea King overlords roared.

Luo Ling gave them a cold look.

"Shut up!"

In a word, silence all the sea kings, and no longer dare to say a word.

"Wait for any prophecy, let go of what you want to do, one person is unyielding, there will be more people who are unyielding, afraid of what Draco!"

Lorraine glanced at them.

"When I need it one day, you will come to me with the Ark of Oaths, Noah."

"Nope! That's the Ark of Oaths, it's Joey Boie's vow to us, and you can't take it away! "

The bottom line of the sea king overlords was touched, and they couldn't help but scold.

"Hehe, then I will kill everyone on Fishman Island, including the sea kings that you thieves can eat."

Don't reason with you.

It's not easy to persuade.

This is Loring, he has never changed.

"You can't kill the sea kings!"

"Then I'll see one kill one."

Lorraine dismissed.


The Sea King overlords chose to shut up.

"If Joey Boy hadn't shown up by then, it wouldn't have been impossible."

"This is not a discussion, it is an order!"

Luo Ling looked at them, and the Seagod Needle in his hand was ready to fly out again at any time.

Doors open behind him, and the sea is flowing inside.

He only needed one thought to be able to raze Fishman Island to the ground.


The sea king overlords did not say "obey", which is the greatest dignity they can maintain.

Order the Neptune class, it must be Poseidon?

Hades can destroy an island.

Lorin can too!

"In the future, Fishman Island will become my Loring's territory, and the biggest position here is the Demon Lord, there is no royal family, and there are no princes, princesses, or kings.

There are no Draco!

Whoever dares to come here to be presumptuous and indiscriminately kill innocents, whether you are a Draco or a pirate, I will kill you!" "

From now on.

Fishman Island will lose the royal family just like the country of Wano, just as it lost the general.

Only the Demon King stands tall in the world.

"Have a banquet and celebrate me!"

Luo Ling raised his throat and woke up Fishman Island, who was still ignorant.

Some of them are confused, some are puzzled, and more are in a dilemma.

Is the Demon Lord bad?

He let Fishman Island see the sun and fulfilled a long-cherished wish that had not been fulfilled for eight hundred years.

Isn't it bad?

He beat everyone, repelled all forces, and dominated Fishman Island.

Someone suddenly realized.

"The Demon Lord is one of the Four Emperors, and I heard that there is a country of peace in the New World, and it has encountered a demon slaughter order, and it is also his territory."

"I see, after Whitebeard left, Fishman Island was protected by the new Four Emperors again!"

"It's no different from before, you can still see the sun!"

After a few words, people even felt that there was nothing to be sad about, and laughed happily.

The banquet begins!

Luo Ling poured a glass of apple juice for Jinping, and Jinping drank it so embarrassingly that he almost vomited.

The king, the white star, they woke up one by one.

When they learned that they were no longer kings, they felt that the world was turned upside down!

In the corner.

Peach Rabbit is praying to her superiors.

"That's right, Fishman Island has become the territory of Lorin, and like the country of Wano, it is protected by him."

In the streets in the opposite direction.

General Star Smoogie is telling Bigmom about today's battle.

"Mom, Lorraine has declared war on us!"

"Nani, let him die, he has the ability to come to my nations!"


In the banquet hall, the plans are staggered.

Luo Ling knew everything was happening, but he didn't pay attention to it.

The four emperors have not been beaten.

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