"Giants will always surrender to thunder and lightning, and I walk in the world."

Many forces in Luo Ling's body are constantly intertwined.

The fruit blends perfectly and opens again.

Golden light patterns appeared, and a pair of smooth wings were hidden under the blood-red cape.

The sea rose and fell with every breath of Lorling.

The air continued to crack, pushing out hurricanes and sweeping the earth.

Lightning rushes, tearing the sky.

Exhale ~

exhale out, only to see doors open.

Different scenes appear, including seawater, sky, lightning, molten slurry, and even space.

Some doors open on other people's heads, others appear on the deck of a large ship.

"The perfect fusion of the fruit makes the Shock Fruit also reach the intermediate level awakening at the fastest speed!"

Luo Zhi muttered under his own power.

"Once I have a fruit advanced awakening, the other fruits will gradually awaken because of the perfect fusion, and now the Qi Tian form is close to the advanced awakening."

The young man spread out his hands, and saw a dazzling burst of golden light.

It's a few strands of hair.



The doppelgangers came out and rejoiced.

"Oh, isn't this the ontology? Is this being bullied again?

"Lorraine Zero, please name your choice!"

"Are you my summoner?"

The doppelgangers were chattering and noisy, and Luo Ling's face was like dead ash.

The degree of development of Qi Tian Fruit is getting higher and higher, and the doppelganger is getting stronger and stronger.

Now that he can use the three-color domineering of advanced awakening, this alone is enough to stand out.

Instead, the doppelgangers gradually took on their own personalities.

It gave Lorraine a headache.

"You can only use the abilities and domineering powers of the Qi Heavenly Fruit at the moment.

I'm about to seal my other abilities, use only the Qi Sky Form, and develop my last potential.

Do you understand what this means? The

thirty-six doppelgangers all paused slightly, and then suddenly realized at the same moment.

"Got it! You want to come out and weaken the body as much as possible, so as to better tap the remaining fruit potential.

Lorraine II had an epiphany.

"So, you want us to fight each other on Thunder Island and dig out the remaining Qi Heavenly Power!"

Lorraine Seven is very angry, doesn't this make them kill each other?

"We all know each other a lot, and even if we fight until we run out of potential, it's hard to kill each other, which is reassuring."

Lorraine XIII also agreed with them.

"Are you sure? It's not me blowing, there are only a few in the new world that can beat me, thirty-six I am in a dogfight, I'm afraid it's not going to be on the big news!

Lorraine Twenty-Seven was a little worried.

"Pull down, unless you go to the Red Earth Continent and slaughter Im, the World ZF and Navy will try their best to erase our whereabouts."

Lorraine Thirty-Two was the calmest.

"That's right, now we are gradually being misinterpreted as pirates, which shows how ruthless the capabilities and means of the world's ZF are."

Lorraine Thirty-Six nodded.

Ain constantly dodged lightning, which would have been quite handy.

Unexpectedly, Yu Guang skimmed and saw a large number of Luoling arguing together, and was accidentally hit by distraction.

"You see, it makes you lose concentration."

Loring's body grabbed her with one hand.

After obtaining the Shock Fruit, the three-meter-tall Luo Ling seemed to have begun to mutate again, and his body increased by three points.

In front of him, the tall Ain looked insignificant.

"Guys, please, get lightning as much as possible, don't use domineering, only use your body to resist hard, fight with fruits, can you succeed in this move!"

"Don't worry!"

The Luoling bowed, and the body stepped out in one step, and the clouds and mist swirled out, turning into a rainbow left by colorful auspicious clouds.

Ray Island.

As soon as the ontology leaves.

The doppelgangers had to look at each other.

"Guys, this is a battle that decides life and death, and there is definitely no difference between our one-on-one battles, so we must fight in a melee from the beginning!

Pick the strongest, and that winner will also develop the ultimate fruit.

Do you understand? Luo

Ling's words did not fall, and he saw all Luo Ling strike instantly.

All transformed into Qi Tian form, do not use domineering!

In fact.

After the advanced awakening, it is meaningless to use domineering or not, their bodies themselves are domineering.

The golden light burned, and the red cloak was constantly struck by lightning but was unscathed.

The purple-gold crown of phoenix wings fell and flowed like flames.

The clouds shrouded in mist, taking their speed to the extreme.

Golden lines loom, copper and iron bones, talismans, all opened.

"Great! Big! Big! "


"Fixing the Seagod Needle!"

"Law Heaven and Earth!"

All kinds of magical powers were opened, and Thunder Island almost couldn't withstand this pressure, and thirty-six doppelgangers rushed in, bursting out with unprecedented terrifying power.

The melee begins, never stopping!

"What have I suffered?"

At sea level, the boat has broken into a rotten plank.

The old woman who sold the umbrella was finally rescued and climbed up, and was once again set off by the shock wave formed by the battle of the Luoling doppelgangers, and was directly swept into the sea.



Tiramisu Island.

Watermelon juice and strawberry juice flow, separating the beauty of the sea.

Luo Ling rode the clouds, and his heart was already bored.


"This Bigmom really doesn't put me in my eyes, obviously there is a sea of red apple juice, but there is no green apple juice!"

"me off!"

Luo Ling is in the pirate world, and he is also a four emperors.

Aren't you Bigmom just me off on purpose?

"Is there a possibility, I mean maybe, it's not that Auntie looks down on you, it's that she doesn't know that you like green apple juice, or she doesn't like it herself."

Ain reminded kindly.

"Impossible, how can anyone in this world not like to drink the most acidic green apple juice!"

Lorraine clenched his fists.

"Great! Big! Big! Three

loud drinks, the body increased threefold, already more than three meters, nearly ten meters of Luoling, directly more than ten meters high.

Unlike the Heaven and Earth, this form can be described as an increase in normal combat, with both strength and speed.


Ain was also speechless, who let her meet a Luoling?

This guy is sometimes just a tendon.

Most of the time, it is clear that it is decisive in killing, and it is not possible to be single-minded in personal hobbies.

She looked at Luo Ling's high shoulders and thought to herself, if she was liked by such a person, she must also be very single-minded.

"Don't be cranky, I'll hear it!"

Lorraine said, directly picking up Ain with one hand and resting it on his shoulder.

"Can you still hear my inner voice when you see and hear the domineering?"

Ain was incredulous, and then his little face turned red.

"That's not true, I'm just casually saying."

Sitting on Lorraine's shoulders, I felt an inexplicable feeling of solidity.

How amazing, Ain thought to himself, this power can easily grow to more than ten meters tall, and it is the entire transformation of the body.

She thought, oh, she didn't dare to think about it, it was terrible.

Not to mention the law of heaven and earth!

"What about people?"

Loring looked around and saw that there was no one on the island of Tiramisu.

Not even a single ship.

His fire eyes opened, and he couldn't help but smack his tongue when he looked in the direction of Cake Island.

The indescribable Homiz, ministers, sons and daughters, combatants, four generals, deputy captain bread, and Bigmom are all waiting!

"Is it dangerous?"

Ain didn't have such a distant vision, only felt his heart beat faster.

"It's not dangerous, I'm not going yet!"

The corners of Luo Ling's mouth rose, and his smile gradually changed.

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