"He's coming! This damn guy actually dares to come!

Bigmom slumped in her chair with a look of disdain, and she was angry at the mention of Lorling.

Recently, Kaido has become more and more presumptuous, and he is 100% stimulated by Lorling.

After the war, the name of Luo Ling's new four emperors has resounded in the new world.

Recently, there have been rumors again.

Luo Ling occupies the country of Wa, Fishman Island, and officially strikes at the New World, which makes countless pirates who are trying to make a name for themselves ready to move.

The future is in your hands!

As long as they defeat this new fourth emperor, they can directly become famous!

For the veteran Four Emperors.

Especially Bigmom, she was very angry.

"Mom, Kaido called the bug!"

Smoogie handed over a tiny phone bug.

"Hey! Kaido, do you know what the old lady is doing? Be less nosy!

"Old woman!"

Kaido scolded on the other side of the phone worm.

"That kid is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he is now enough to compete with the young Karp, don't take it lightly."

"Hehe, you kid called the old lady just to say this kind of nonsense? It's just a furry thief, you really think everyone is Karp, Roger!

Bigmom stood up and yelled at the phone bug, "Kaido, you're scared, it's not your style!"

Recently, you have not been armed and domineering, you have reached the realm of legends, and there is a double-strengthened group of Hundred Beasts Pirates, and you have this confidence to boost the prestige of others!

You've changed, Kaido! "


This telephone bug conversation, which thrilled the Navy headquarters, came to an abrupt end.

Bigmom stood up, holding a long knife Napoleon, his long hair turned into a flame Prometheus, and he stepped on Zeus.

It doesn't matter when he says it, but in fact, he has to be strict when he makes a move.

"Mom, he's coming!"

Luo Linghuo's golden eyes looked at it for a moment.

Katakuri no longer sat with his legs crossed, he stood up with his trident in hand, his eyes fierce.


Smoogie, Kriji, and Snag all stood up.

As the deputy captain, Long Bread stood with his body on the side.

Thirty-four ministers such as Perospero, Owen, Daifuku, Mondor, Armand and others.

There are also fighters such as Bobin, Baron, Pokmus and others.

All kinds of Homiz come together like a sea of people.

"Mom, mom, mom!"

Bigmom's eyes burst with unprecedented fighting intent.

Colorful auspicious clouds appeared in the sky.

Lorraine landed on Cake Island with just one breath.

His height directly suppressed the Bigmom Pirates, looking down on everyone condescendingly.

"It seems that I am very popular, Kaido did not welcome me so much at that time."

Luo Ling smiled innocently, this time it did not make people chill.

He was doing everything he could to control his perception and boldness.

Only strength and speed cannot be suppressed.

"Your little trick has long been known by your mother!"

Bigmom stepped on thunderclouds, floating in the sky, thunder and lightning roaring.

"Emperor Sword, Broken Blade!"

A sword cut out.

The flames seemed to incinerate everything.

"Too slow! Old lady!

Lorling dodged away, and the cracker soldiers of the Klee rack appeared behind him, slashing out several times.


When the Keli rack struck, dozens of cookie soldiers appeared at the same time, replaced by ordinary pirates, afraid that the whole army would be destroyed.


Luo Ling opened his blood basin and mouth, took one of the cookie soldiers directly in his hand, threw it directly into his mouth, and chewed it crispy.

"It tastes good."

Lorraine said, and looked at the other cookie soldiers, dodging the attack while eating it.

"When the time comes to capture you, won't my GM army have a steady stream of dry food!"

"You look for death!"

Klee only felt humiliated, and with a bounty of 860 million Bailey, he summoned more than a dozen cookie soldiers to besiege Loring.

"I'm not afraid of death."

Luo Ling blocked the attack of the Krie frame with his bare hands, and the talisman and the blessing of the copper-headed iron arm made him resist unharmed.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten cookie soldiers were eaten by Lorling.

"You don't put your mother in your eyes!"

Bikmon has been in place for a long time.

I saw him raise Napoleon high and shout.

"Wei Guo!"


This sword is one of the symbols that the four emperors and one person can match a country!

In the pirate world, the difference between the four emperors and the generals is.

The generals still have to join forces when necessary, and the fruits and sights have been developed to the extreme, and at the same time they lack the domineering power of the overlord color.

The four emperors are tenacious in each vitality, almost without shortcomings, and they naturally have overlord-colored domineering energy when they dominate the new world!


Luo Ling's body erupted with brilliant golden light.

His hands were sealed, and he roared angrily: "Talisman charm! Golden

light swirled, lingering around Luo Ling.

A closer look reveals that every golden light is formed by the convergence of runes.

Intertwined, a steady stream of rotations, converged into a huge sphere, sheltering him in it.


Wei Guo, this sword slashed, none of the Bigmom Pirates dared to stay near Lorling.

The attack range is large enough, coupled with enough charge, anyone who dares to approach will be affected.


The sword qi slashed at the talisman and did not move.

There is no running domineering, armed color, overlord color is not intertwined.

With only the fruit ability, he blocked Bigmom's sword art and a domineering combined blow.


Only the sound of shattering was heard, and the talisman shattered.

"Can you only block a move to power the country? With the fruit ability alone, I can barely reach this level.

Luo Ling shook his head, Bigmom's sword still didn't use its full strength.

"You're letting your guard down too much!"

Snag quietly appeared from behind him, about to strike behind him.

The clouds and mist under Luo Ling's feet flashed and disappeared directly.


Before Snagg, whose attack failed, could react, he was punched by Lorling in the back of his head.

"Don't blame me for sneaking up on me."

Snooker suddenly rolled his eyes, flew out a hundred meters and passed out.

"Defense, physique, strength, and speed are perfect!"

Katakuri stands in front of Loring, and the earth rises and falls, which is a manifestation of the awakening of the fruit.

"I will predict all your futures!"

"Oh? Then you can give it a try! Luo

Ling stepped on the colorful auspicious clouds, and the clouds and mist appeared behind him as jet-like pushers, directly accelerating with full force.


Fast to the extreme, powerful to the extreme.

The same can burst out this unprecedented combat power.

Katakuri's speed is not unfast, it's just that Lorin is too fast.

When the fist slammed into his abdomen, Katakuri was already hardened with weapons, smashing out with one hand and defending his abdomen with the other.

He predicted Lorling's movements and attack methods.

"Do you foresee the future of this moment?"

Loring closed his fist, and Katakuri immediately pressed his lower abdomen with one hand and pierced the ground with a trident with the other to keep himself from falling.

"I just want to see if I can block your fist with all my strength, and if I can be faster than you."

Cold sweat broke out on Katakuri's forehead.

He foresaw that he would not be able to carry it, but he had to carry it.

"I also foresaw that you can't stop it, but you have to stop it."

Luo Ling laughed it off, Katakuri was indeed a man.

He turned to look at Smugie on the side.

The latter inexplicably took half a step back, and Bigmom's power only shattered his defenses.

It was so fast that Katakuri couldn't stop it, and the strength was so strong that the Kriji was knocked down by a punch.

Coupled with her previous defeat on Fishman Island, she hesitated at the moment.

"Mom, Mom! Give me, Homiz, consume all the physical strength of this kid! "

Obey, Mom!"

Homiz, the minister, the combatants must do it no matter how afraid they are, otherwise the aunt will dare to chop them now.

In the face of a sea of people, but unable to use the overlord-colored domineering Luo Ling, he just took a step forward.

"Don't hit the scheme!"

Ain prompted nervously, she worried that Lorraine would be impulsive.

"Although there are tens of millions of people, I will go for it!"

What Luo Ling wants is that the more enemies, the stronger it is, otherwise how can Qi Tian form further awaken!

Bigmom Pirates, use it as a stepping stone!

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