"Do you know the absolute heat?"

Owen had just heated up and was about to burn Luo Ling to death, when he was blasted away by a punch.

"Don't you know that speed is power? And I do both. Luo

Lingyu glimpsed Daifuku, who was rubbing the lamp, trying to use the fruit ability.

"Grind chirp, I'll help you!"

Luo Ling smashed a punch on Dafu's belt, and before the lamp god came out, he couldn't bear the pain caused by the divine power, and fell directly to the ground, throwing out a big pit.

The pace does not stop, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Ministers or combatants, they are all punched one by one.

Homiz was swept away.

"This guy is indeed a monster, Kaido's intelligence only says that he has a special fruit ability that allows him to heal quickly in case of serious injuries.

The more powerful the ability, the more expensive and conditional it must be.

What exactly is this condition? Bigmom

had just laughed at Kaido for becoming intimidating.

In the blink of an eye, she also began to analyze Luo Ling's strength.

"His sight and smell color domineering, why is the overlord color domineering not used? The armed color domineering is indeed perfectly integrated with the body! Bigmom

was very unhappy, and she felt very angry when she thought that Kaido had been blessed with misfortune, and that the advanced awakened armed color domineering, and was also like Luo Ling, and every punch could be so strong.

Bigmom, who is also without shortcomings, wants to further make the ability other than the fruit reach the level of advanced awakening, which is not an easy task.

Kaido didn't just wake up after a big defeat.

As the Four Emperors, it is actually difficult to truly defeat Kaido!

"What is the cost?"

Bigmom really couldn't figure out what ability he could use in the event of serious injuries on both sides and allow himself to recover quickly.


She lifted her head and smiled like a child.

"Mom, mom, mom!

I see, it's easy to get your kid to use that ability to bring the dead back to life.

That's when there is a serious injury, and this situation must be the condition for you to use that mysterious fruit ability! Bigmom

suddenly realized that it was too simple, or kill Luo Ling as fast as he could, so that he would not have the possibility of healing from serious injuries.

Either suppress all the time, or fight, not seriously injured yourself!

"Kill, you group of waste, whoever dares to take a step back, let the old lady die!"

Aunt stood behind the pirate group, gladly watching the battle trend.

Keep consuming, as long as Luo Ling's physical strength is constantly consumed, even as the Four Emperors, there will be a moment of exhaustion.

The physical strength of the phantom beast species can be infinite?

That's really looking down on Bigmom!

No one dared to retreat, and in order to save his life, he could only kill Luo Ling again and again.

After all, being knocked down does not necessarily mean being killed, but taking a step back, Auntie will directly take their lives.

"Stupid, what is the difference between you fool who only knows how to do things, and Barrett's waste who only knows how to go it alone!"

Bigmom laughed, she now has no amnesia, and the other has no personality change.

Combat power and intelligence are at their peak!

"The old lady is looking forward to the moment when you are weak and cut in half by Napoleon's sword!"

A sea of people.

Lorraine stood in the center, like an insignificant dot, constantly throwing fists, fighting endlessly.

Until more and more Homiz piled up a small hill.

The ministers stood up again and again, and the combatants did not dare to disobey the order, and fought endlessly until they completely lost consciousness.

Katakuri and Smougi had to look for opportunities, but they were repulsed again and again.

"It's so cheerful, I feel Qi Tian's voice cheering in my body, this is an innate sense of battle!"

Luo Ling only felt that it was becoming more and more natural, and quickly tapped the last potential of Qi Tian's form.


New world.

Headquarters of the Navy.

Sengoku was sitting in the marshal's chair at a loss.

He has actually resigned.

Whitebeard died more than a month.

Buddha no Sengoku informed the upper side to make the green pheasant the new marshal of the navy, but the five old stars supported the red dog instead.

His resignation plan also fell through, and he was asked to become the general marshal of the world army and take over the position of ironclad bone.

The final resolution is.

Red dogs, green pheasants meet to fight.

The winner is the new Marshal of the Navy headquarters!


The two admirals are fighting on the Punk Hassad Island in the New World.

But just now, another news came that Kaido and Bigmom had a phone bug, but soon it was gone.

After that, it was said that the Aunt Pirates were well prepared and were waiting to solve the Demon Monarch Luoling.

It's okay either.

It is nothing more than a matter of interests, let the four emperors go to war with each other, which is conducive to the position of the navy as the hegemon in the new world.

Also just now.

One thing that really gave Sengoku a headache was reported back.

Thunder Island, full name Thor Island.

Here, which had always been calm, the shadow of the Demon Monarch Luo Ling suddenly appeared.

Hearing the news, the Warring States were first stunned, and then dumbfounded.

Didn't Lorraine fight Bigmom in All Nations?

How can it be in two places at the same time.

Intelligence told him again.

There are dozens of Lorings on Thor killing each other!

Sengoku sighed at that time, it must be this guy's fruit ability.

But the question is, why did Luo Ling take aback, let the doppelganger fight, and go to all the nations to face the Aunt Pirates?

What exactly is the purpose!

Splitting headache!

Not long after, the yellow ape was late.

He drank his morning tea leisurely, his face indifferent.

"Borusalino, you got it?"

"Understood, the Demon Lord seems to be doing things again."

The yellow ape said calmly, it doesn't matter, he is now calm.

"You fought him the most, can you see what he thinks? Why pretend to be a mystery? "

Sengoku can't see through Luo Ling's mind.

How can you fight your own business?

"It's very simple, the fruit advanced awakening, he is tapping all his potential, and when there is only one doppelganger left, it is the time of his advanced awakening."

The yellow ape paused and continued: "The three-color domineering, the physical skill has already stepped into the peak, if the fruit ability is also further advanced, it is really terrifying, he is careful with every step!"

"You mean!"

Sengoku got up incredulously.

He thought of a possibility, not really okay!

If it is true, then the Navy and the World ZF have not become a joke!

"He used the name of the Four Emperors, and even Charlotte Lingling's invitation battle was in his plan, and this battle was planned by him for a long time!

This is impossible, why does he think that he will be declared war by Bigmom! "

The Warring States shot up and was frightened!

It is clear that he is a fool who only knows how to fight single-handedly, how can his mind be so deep.

"Peach Rabbit can upload information after waking up, and Luo Ling did not kill him. Presumably Smoogie is the same.

The former is to use us to deliver the message, and the latter is to provoke the anger of the aunt.

After the conditions are met, it is time for him to prepare for the fruit of awakening!

The yellow ape stood up after speaking.

"Are you going to Thor Island to erase his doppelganger?"

Sengoku said seriously.

"No, it's lunch break."

The yellow ape glanced at his watch and walked out of the office.

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