Yellow ape lunch break.

New world.

All Nations, Cake Island.

Homiz was stacked like a mountain, and the boy stood on top of the mountain.

A strong person is a strong person, even if he does not use domineering and physical skills as much as possible, and only relies on the Qi Tian Fruit, one of the four devil fruits.

Luo Ling can still stand tall and defeat the little ones.

Perospero stuck out his tongue, and the candy turned into sugar juice and spread out from the ground, extending continuously, trying to reach Lorin's feet.

Katakuri, the owner of the sticky fruit, is also looking for a last opportunity.

Snag in the four great generals, Krijian was the first to lose.

Smoogie was cautious enough to survive until now.

The three besieged Luo Ling, but in fact, the three seriously injured people were simply beaten by Luo Ling alone.

"Still standing?"

Lorraine walked towards Perospero, whose originally playful smile disappeared instantly, and a punch hit his abdomen, and the strong pain made his expression distort.

The facial features are almost twisted!

"What about you? Think I'm a long-legged clan, so I'm reluctant to kill you?

He caught a glimpse of Smugge, who had been desperately draining Lorling's physical strength if not for Bigmom's demands to fight to the death.

Smoogie was reluctant to be an enemy of Lorling.

She still remembers the fear of being killed by a punch on Fishman Island.

"You didn't use your full strength at all, if it were on Fishman Island, you would have won long ago!"

Smoogie shouted unhappily, and it seemed to him that Lorling was deliberately teasing them.

As the person who has been beaten, Smoogie has the most say, and she is sure that this battle is definitely Lorling's intention to release water!

"You know too much."

Lorraine was smiling, and the four-meter-six Smoogie looked like a child in front of him.


A punch hit, there was no time to dodge, the terrifying divine power directly penetrated the body bones, and the severe pain made Smuji directly roll his eyes, his expression was extremely desperate.

Only Katakuri is still confronting Lorling.

Desperately trying to keep himself calm, dodging as many attacks as possible from Lorling.

"Too slow!"

The Fire Eye Golden Eye sees through everything, the tendon clouds increase the speed to the extreme, and the powerful healing power and vitality of the phantom beast system.

The copper-headed iron arm and the blessing of innate divine power, and there are many magical powers that can be cast.

The ability of Qi Tian's form alone is enough to stand in the ranks of the peak powerhouses of the pirate world after the awakening of the fruit.

"Faster, stronger, that's the constant truth."

"Foreseen but can't dodge, this is speed and strength, absolute gap."

Katakuri shook his head, he was punched in the chest, and with Luo Ling's strength, it was difficult for him to withstand it anymore.

"Victory or defeat is a common thing in soldiers, just get used to it."

"Next time, will you be stronger?"

Katakuri actually had some expectation in his eyes.

"Of course!"

Lorraine withdrew his fist and he walked down the hill of Homiz.

The boy strode towards Bigmom, and Ain stood by the port, his heart beating faster and faster.

This was the first time she had witnessed the battle of the Four Emperors!

"Little ghost, do you really think you can be your mother's opponent?"

Charlotte Lingling let out her trademark evil laugh.

"Do you think General Xing, the minister is so easy to kill? In the battle of the strong, as long as you have the slightest negligence, you may lose your life.

One person against all nations is enough to consume a third of your physical strength.

Fight me with such a body, can you win?

Bigmom got up, laughing louder and more confident.

"As long as your physical strength is consumed by one-third, the advantage of this battle is the old lady, and you will be suppressed from the beginning until you die!"

Lingling screamed and got up, she was already in a state of relaxation, and she slashed out with a sword!


This sword divided yin and yang into life and death, and the flames burned the air, causing the temperature to rise suddenly, melting many huge mountains of cakes.

Lightning rushed, wandering between heaven and earth, dividing everything, constantly staggering, and slashing at Luo Ling.

The boy is like being in hell.

The terrible old woman was like the king of hell, condescending, laughing maniacally, and her shoulders constantly rising and falling.

He looked up at Bigmom above the thundercloud, the old Four Emperors!

Charlotte Lingling, when the Rocks Pirates dominated the sea, she was already a famous sea pirate.

Under Lokes, only the white beard, the golden lion is the right arm.

Above this, Bigmom is far ahead of Wang Zhi, Captain John, and Silver Axe.

For decades, all the light children have given birth to a basket.

Seeing generations of so-called supernovae sinking into the sand.

Some became combatants under the Four Emperors, some joined the pirate group under their command, some died directly, and some escaped by luck, and have been depressed ever since.



The reason why it can be called the Four Emperors instead of the Five Emperors is because no one has ever really been able to defeat her!

Steel balloons!

There is not a single scar on the bottom of the body!

Even if it is as strong as a hundred beasts Kaido, known as the strongest creature in the world, does not have that X-shaped scar on the body?

Every time I think about it, Mitsuki Oda's expression makes Kaido's wound faintly ache.

As for Lingling, from the era of Lox, the era of legends, the era of Whitebeard, to the current era of the real Four Emperors.

What she is most proud of is this harmless body.

Born with divine power, mutated physique!

"You say, is the steel balloon powerful, or my copper-headed iron arm is powerful?"

Luo Ling stepped on the colorful auspicious clouds, and also stood above the firmament opposite Bigmom's four eyes, he also has a huge body, and in the Qi Tian state, he is much taller than Aunt!

On his unkempt hair was his purple-gold crown of phoenix wings, which fell like a fire feather.

The golden hoop rod in his hand and his smile wanton.

"What a copper-headed iron arm, just a piece of waste paper!"

Bigmom cursed with disdain.

"You can't use moves against you, you have to suppress it with absolute strength, speed, and your own strongest strength, right?"

Auntie did not hide her fighting intention.

"It seems that for the top powerhouse, any intelligence and secrets will lose their meaning."

Lorraine knew that the information obtained by Bigmom was equivalent to the experience of Kaido and Yellow Ape.

It also means that the four emperors, the strong people at the level of the general know the abilities and weaknesses of Luo Ling.

"Stinky boy, you suffer death!"

Bigmom pulled out Napoleon and increased his speed to the extreme, leaving only the arc of flame, a perfect sword cut!

"That's exactly what I mean."

Lorraine knocked out a stick and slammed into the long knife Napoleon.

"Mom, it hurts! This guy's weapon is like a mountain! "

Napoleon was beaten with a headache, and his sword was still trembling.

"Are you saying that Mom, my strength is not as strong as a mountain?"

Lingling wrapped the domineering color of the armed color and the domineering color of the overlord, covering Napoleon, plus it was the blessing of her own soul.

The power has directly increased by nearly ten times!

Without hesitation, he flashed behind Luo Ling and slashed out with a sword.

"Say good compared to fists, how can it be compared to swordsmanship?"

Luo Ling had his hands behind him, and Dinghaishen Needle lightly blocked this move.

"Nani, it's really hard to deal with!"

Bigmom was fearless, and his attacks became faster and faster.

Only with the power of the Devil Fruit, Luo Ling did not show his decline.

After all, the armed color domineering cannot be eliminated, and every move has no self-level physical skills.

"Get out!"

After hundreds of rounds of fighting, Luo Ling finally found a glimmer of opportunity, Dinghaishen needle threw out, knocked Napoleon away, directly suppressed into the distance, and let Dinghaishen needle fight on its own.

"Well, it's still interesting to punch to the flesh!"

Luo Ling rubbed his fists, his eyes burning.

"Next, the steel balloon defeats the copper-headed iron arm!"

Bigmom temporarily lost Napoleon, and he was completely unafraid.

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