"Are you a little sick!"

Bigmom has always suppressed her opponent with pressure, and she will be invincible because of her powerful overlord-colored domineering, soul fruit ability, and well-known notoriety.

Only at this moment, Luo Ling's smile made her feel creepy.

Remember, Kaido once said that Loring is Joey Boi.

Bigmom had never believed it.

At this moment, her strong strength, burning her life in exchange for the power, once again strongly suppressed Luo Ling.

Every punch erupted with unprecedented power.

Lorraine was defeated, but the smile on his face grew stronger.

"It's amazing, my physical strength, my fruit ability is getting more and more extreme, and my strength is also rapidly declining, it's wonderful, this unparalleled feeling!"

I'm really afraid of dying in the next second! The

young man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up arrogantly.

"If I can really be killed by you, it will be really good!"


Bigmom's power increase has increased several times, making her stronger with every punch.

Monster power plus overlord color entanglement, armed color flowing cherry and soul fruit.

In exchange for the increase of Luo Ling's phantom beast system, the recovery ability began to slow down.

But every time it is knocked off, the Lorraine who returns again will be faster and stronger.

The healing power is also faster.

At the beginning, Bigmom, who had multiplied several times, was able to repel Lorin with one punch.

After more than a dozen times, it takes three punches to have an effect.

After hundreds of rounds, Lorraine kept vomiting blood in his mouth and throwing his fists wantonly, and he was able to catch up with Bigmom's extreme speed and strength.

"Nani! How did it catch up again?

Bigmom looked embarrassed.

Will this also catch up?

It is understandable that the life span of one year before burning was caught up, this is several years of life, the increase is terrifying, how can he still catch up!


This time back, Luo Ling was not to be outdone, and the strength of each punch was almost the same as Bigmom's, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

"Mom! Is this guy a demon? "

The Prometheus above his head is a little stunned.

"He's dying, Mom, this should be a return to the light."

In Zeus's induction, Lorraine is indeed getting stronger and stronger, but it is undeniable that his overall vitality is getting weaker and weaker, and it is rapidly decreasing.

Stronger strength and speed are undoubtedly fundamentally eliminating his life!

"He must be erased, this monster must die, otherwise the old lady will also lose like Kaido, if I lose, everyone will definitely be sent to Advance City by him!"

The thought of Kaido being sent into Advance City by Luo Ling God unknowingly.

Bigmom couldn't imagine what would happen if he was defeated.

She gritted her teeth and said fiercely: "Three years, another three years of sacrifice life!"

"Mom, you've lost many years of life!"

The flames of Prometheus weakened a lot in an instant.

"We are one, how is Mom, how will we be!"

Zeus's thunderclouds rolled and lightning brewed, but he obeyed orders one hundred percent.


Bigmom roared, his body became thin again, and he lost three years of life.

She started out from old age to prime and then to middle age.

This time.

Charlotte Lingling became what she was in her youth, the folds on her skin disappeared, her hair drooped, and her perfect body made people's hearts pound.

When Auntie was young, she was also a big beauty!

Napoleon, who was originally fighting with the golden hoop rod, directly turned into a forty-nine-meter knife at this moment, and shook the golden hoop rod with one split.

In the sky, thunderclouds turn into boots, and tassels are generally dotted behind them.

The flame's long hair is as slender as a cloak and jumps with the wind.

Bigmom is condescending, and her strength has increased to the extreme.

Everyone says that Bigmom is the worst of the four emperors.

In fact, they forgot the most important point.

As a soul fruit ability, Bigmom itself means countless possibilities.

The fact that sacrificing lifespan, increasing combat power, and even directly resurrecting himself with blood has laid an unshakable cornerstone for him to suppress the new world and dominate the pirate world!

"Mom, mom, mom!"

"Stinky boy, do you really think you're Joey Boi!"

"Stop laughing, you'll soon die without a place to be buried!"

The smile of the world contains an invincible killing aura.

Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?

Female emperor, Han Cook!

Who is the strongest woman in the world?

Auntie, Charlotte Lingling!


When the old lady was young, in terms of appearance, who could match!

"Hahahahaha, so much fun! Isn't it?

Lorling looked up, and he really only had one breath left.

The laughter made the blood in his chest no longer suppressed.

Bigmom had sacrificed his lifespan twice before in exchange for a terrifying tenfold increase in strength.

Let Loring tap into all the potential in the fruit, and by the time he catches up, he is also seriously injured.

"One knife, you have no chance of survival, the old lady is three times stronger than just now, equivalent to thirty times the usual one!"

Even if you have limited time, you can still stand out!

Thirty times the strength of the Four Emperors, can you bear it?

Luo Ling raised his head, and the golden light in his eyes burned like flames.

It was a lone lamp, unwilling to extinguish, staring at him deadly.

"You can bear it, what can't you bear!

People will conquer the sky, the sky will fall, and Lao Tzu can block it! "

The boy's cloak was worn out, and holes appeared.

He was weak and stood up with all his might.

"Golden Hoop Stick!"


The golden hoop rod where the golden light and red light converged fell into the palm.

He climbed out of the big pit and flew high into the air.

In addition to the armed color domineering that could not be abandoned, he only used the fruit ability for this moment!

Luo Ling has adapted to the terrifying power of Bigmom just now, but the other party has increased again and is in a state of full blood.

He was seriously injured and his potential was exhausted.

As soon as the Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod came out, it instantly increased until it was fifty meters long, and it collided with Napoleon's long knife horizontally.

The sound of metal clashing sounds!

Sparks fly.

Luo Ling's whole body was bruised, and the golden light in his eyes continued to fade, leaving only bloodshot eyes.


He roared, and it was this moment!

"You're too weak!"

Bigmom smiled contemptuously, she had to admit that Lorling's blow had increased by half again, equivalent to half of hers.

What a fighting genius!

It's a pity, it's still only half of hers!

One full state, one residual blood.

"Go and die!"

Lingling slashed with all his strength, and Luo Ling was still roaring, but he was already like a tight bowstring.

It is not that he has lost the will to fight, but that the material of the bowstring itself has reached its limit.


The so-called bowstring broke, and all of Lorling's power, consciousness, disappeared at this moment.

Fly straight upside down for thousands of meters!

He rolled his eyes, and his body was constantly bubbling, this is qi and blood!

"Hahahaha, don't you like to laugh, laugh!"

Bigmom stepped on Zeus, she was going to go up and mend the knife!

"Not even close!"

Luo Ling's outstretched hands suddenly clenched into fists, and the white eyes turned into bloodshot eyes.

He gulped and smiled sadly.

"A little? It's your whole life! "

Bigmom held Napoleon high and slashed down!

It's time for a minute.

Colorful arcs cut over all nations.

The Lorraine One, who was also seriously injured, rushed to the scene.

"You dare!"

With a loud bang, Bigmom's knife fell off!

Split the teenager in half!

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