
Bigmom laughs up to the sky!

He's dead!

The Loring body is dead!

It was split in half by her knife, and all the breath of life disappeared at this moment.

One step late, just one step late!

The Lorraine No. 1 who had been transformed by the doppelganger looked at the entity that had become two halves and looked exactly like himself.

How so?

The body is so strong and so smart, he can obviously use the power of the canopy, wings to defend, devouring to recover.

You can even control the sea and flood all the islands of all nations!

He has just obtained the Shock Fruit, and he also pays attention to the destruction of the Aunt Pirates!

He also has the Gate Fruit, as long as he is willing to go, the ends of the earth are at his disposal!

Why die!

"Why are you so stupid, for the sake of advanced awakening, for the ultimate sublimation, you have to pay the price of your life?"

Lorraine One unconsciously burst into tears.

In the mortal battle of the thirty-six doppelgängers, only he survived to the end, originally having a breath left, thinking that he must come desperately.

I never thought that it was still this step late and witnessed the death of the body with my own eyes.

Cake Island.

The only survivor, Ain was speechless.

The scene just now made her directly stunned in place.

Inexplicable tears welled up, and the corners of his mouth trembled.

"Lo... Lo... Loring!


Her mind was still intertwined with all the memories of Lorling.

On that day, heavy rain poured.

Whitebeard II killed the captain, and everyone was helpless, even Zefa was in trouble.

The boy appeared, he changed everything, he came and went without a trace, he was the most comfortable person on this sea, but he had the world in mind.

The hometown of the bear, there are many traps, and the demon slaughter order ambushed by two generals successively.

After the young man's palace, save everyone!

War on top.

The whole world pays attention, and the teenager announces to the world the existence of the GM army!

He is always laughing, he is always fearless, he is brave, he is fearless.

At the moment

he will never laugh again, he is dead!

Not so long ago.

He just sent Fishman Island to the surface, and those people hated him and loved him!


Ain cried, she was desperate, and even directly lost consciousness.

After all these years of companionship, how many lives and deaths have been experienced, and they have been in the same boat, and they died like this!

Everyone will die one day, except Lorling, who is not in Ain's imagination.


The girl directly fainted and fell to the ground!


In the sky, Lorraine One's heart was still beating.

He still hasn't come to his senses, he doesn't believe that the entity will really die.


Bigmom turned to look at him.

"Hey, why aren't you dead?"

"Why did I die, you hateful old woman!"

Lorraine No. 1 scolded!

"The body is dead, how can something that has been transformed by the ability of the fruit be alive?"

Doubt appeared in Bigmom's eyes.

With so much combat experience, she naturally knew the strangeness of things.

His pupils changed suddenly, and he clenched the knife in his hand again.

Straight to the sea!

Luo Ling's body that was split in half just now has fallen into the sea.

"You still want to destroy the corpse?"

How could Luo Ling No. 1 make her satisfied, and quickly rushed to kill!

"Wrong, all wrong, what the hell is going on with this guy!"

"Wei Guo!"

Bigmom punched Lorraine One.

The long knife splits the sea, and the waves are divided in half!

I saw that there was a corpse in the empty shelf!


Bigmom couldn't believe it, it was obviously split in half, why did it condense when it fell into the sea?


Lorraine One was almost killed, but he still had the blessing of the Fire Eye Golden Eye, and he saw the body of the body in the distance at a glance.

"Is it a trick?"

Bigmom looked puzzled, but the long knife in his hand did not pause for half a moment!

Cut towards Luo Ling's inexplicably closed corpse!

"Wei Guo!"


Another sword!

In any defensive situation, wouldn't a corpse be reduced to ashes!

The sword qi came out, and it killed in front of the young man's forehead in an instant.


The young man's pale face suddenly turned bloody.

His eyes suddenly opened at this moment.

Brilliant golden light erupted from his eyes, and this golden light was not a trace of light in his eyes, but two pillars of light!

The pillar of light collided with the sword qi, only hesitated for a moment, directly shattered it, and suddenly killed Bigmom!

"Damn, you guy is cheating!"

Bigmom tried his best to block, but he was still shot away for hundreds of meters!

The corners of the boy's mouth rose and his smile was pompous.

His body couldn't help but tremble, he was so excited!

This is the power that truly belongs to the Qi Heaven Great Sage!

The broken robe was renewed, burning like blood.

The plumes of the purple-gold crown of phoenix wings fell to the ground, swaying exaggeratedly.

"Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick! Set it for me! "


The sea god needle broke through the sea and rushed to the sky, until he could no longer see where his peak was.

The sea has stopped!

The air flow stopped abruptly at this moment!

"Actually, I have already died once, but in my hometown, this is called breaking the cocoon and rebirth, or it can be called walking in the alchemy furnace."

Luo Ling was a somersault, clearly did not use the door fruit, but had already appeared behind Bigmom.

This is the real tendon cloud, 108,000 li!

In the pirate world, fast enough to rival the movement of the door fruit!

"Pure speed, how can it be so fast?"

When Bigmom complained, he slashed at the knife.

Chopped on Loring!


It was obviously cut into the skin, but it made a metallic sound.

Born stone monkey, copper-headed iron arm!

As the Four Emperors, the temporary dozens of times the power obtained at the cost of sacrificing life could not be broken.


Bigmom was holding up to Lorin like a ghost, her face was ugly, and she really didn't know what to say except swearing.

"Crooked, you are so weak, but it's really boring."

Luo Ling tilted his head, his eyes full of disdain.

"You dare to be presumptuous in front of the old lady, who do you think you are?"

Bigmom's sword is infused with all its power!

Even if it is an island, a kingdom will be razed to the ground!

Above the long knife Napoleon's sword body, lightning and flames were entangled, and the domineering air flowed, and when it slashed towards Lorling, it burst out!

The shock wave spread out like a ripple and swept the sea!

Dozens of shock waves have set off huge waves again and again, and the sea water rushes to the coast, like a dragon about to swallow the sea of clouds.

"We are no longer a level of power.

I'm full level.

Do you understand?

Lorraine fingertips a little.

Bigmom's sword could no longer shake him.

"Have you ever heard that there is a proud country on the sea, there is a flower and fruit mountain on the island, behind the waterfall is a water curtain cave, and there is a natural stone monkey sleeping inside, he is the Monkey King, he is the Qi Heaven Great Sage!"

"What are you talking nonsense?"

Bigmom couldn't believe that he couldn't make Lorraine take even a step back with one blow!

She felt that Lorraine must have returned to the light, or returned from hell.

There is also a possibility!

"You are a fruit advanced awakened! While increasing in all aspects, I got the same method to temporarily improve my strength as me! "

Bigmom is confident, absolutely!

Luo Ling smiled confidently at her quietly.

"Are you sure?"

Next second.

His head shook, his body twisted, and he directly extended three heads and six arms.

Qi Tian Great Sage's three major battle powers, the outer body, three heads and six arms, the law of heaven and earth!

When he reached the extreme, Luo Ling understood what true magical powers are!

His previous developments were just small tests and were not worth mentioning.

Right now.

Let's start the real show!

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