"That's right, it's me, the invincible demon lord Luo Ling!"

Trying to keep himself modest, Lorraine spoke.

Almost ended the topic.

The king did not say a word, apparently recognizing CP0, and also knew that Lorling's identity was special.

He can't choose between the two.

World ZF and GM Army, his choice of either means to plunge the kingdom of Alabastan into crisis.

Moreover, at least nominally, they are still under the command of the world ZF.

I could only stand aside and quietly listen to Vivi speak.

"I am Vivi, the princess of the Kingdom of Alabastan, and the crew of the Straw Hat Pirates!"

"I know, I'm here just for three things."

Three things?

Hearing these words, the king's face changed, and he knew that it was still time to make a decision.

"Luo Ling, can we go out and talk? This is already ruins and very unsafe.

Vivi was a little worried.

Kosha on the side gently patted her shoulder, signaling that she didn't need to be nervous.

"No need, sit down, the broken stone here is just a chair, isn't it?"

Loring sat down boldly, using Luo Qi as a stepping stone.


Vivi originally sat down but stood up again and said bravely.

"I know that you are Luffy's eldest brother and the GM Army, but for the sake of the people of the Kingdom of Alabastan, not to let them fall into the fire of war again, and not to be threatened by the World ZF, I can't make any decision against them!"

Seeing the girl's serious look, Luo Ling couldn't help but shake his head.

It's still normal in the early stage of pirates!

"I didn't say I wanted you to join the GM army, at least not now."

Luo Ling glanced at the inscription containing Hades and continued, "I came here for three things.

First, I want to see the thing described above.

Second, I'm going to build a portal here.

Third, I want you to have a place for ordinary people to join and manage the kingdom, such as Kosha. "


There is not a word about Alabastan joining the GM army.

But the message behind these three things is terrifying!

The king stood up and opened his mouth to refuse.

First, the thing recorded is Hades!

How is it possible to show Lorraine, what is the difference between him and the sand crocodile, Klockdar!

Second, what a portal is, he doesn't understand, but it's definitely not a good thing.

Third, once the precedent is completely opened up, so that Kosha, who was originally in an ordinary position, really occupies a place, won't Alabastan gradually lose its status like Fishman Island!

No matter how enlightened he is, he is also a king!

"It seems that your father does not agree."

Before the king could refuse, Lorling spoke his answer.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet, and no one spoke.

Vivi sensed something was wrong and wanted to speak to ease her words, but she didn't know what to do.

"Whether you admit it or not, Hades is there, I also have a warship that is enough to rival Hades, and it has more functions, just curious.

Second, the establishment of the portal means that all forces that join the GM army can teleport anywhere with the permission of the other party.

Third, I just want to make your royal status insecure, if you have the ability, your father and daughter can each occupy a place, at least in this era, Alabastan still belongs to you. "

Lorraine didn't mix the slightest water, that's what he did!

"Disagree, die!"

Even Luffy's friends!

If you dare to block his path, you will also become a revenant under the sword.

What royalty, nobility, draco, and even admirals, supernovas, four emperors!

Lorraine is treated equally!

"Are you going to dominate the world? If one day Draco falls, will you become the new Draco! Vivi

, who was originally calm, suddenly spoke!

Her tone is full of sadness and indignation, it is her passion!


Both the king and Kosha changed their faces, for fear of angering Lorling.


Instead, Luo Ling laughed and couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"Interesting, not what I want to be, it's what we want to be!"

"Vivi, don't you want to stand up? What kind of dog is Draco, why should he offer heavenly gold!

"Instead of caring what I will become, what the GM Army will become!" Why don't you join me to change and turn the world upside down!

"Let's rewrite the rules! Create a new world in your mind! "


The craziest words in the world can only be said by Lorling.

Vivi was shocked to hear it, instead of waiting for the answer, it was better to create the answer!

"Join us! Vivi! Meet the tide of this world!

"Let the great voyage be truly great, and everyone can chase their dreams!"

"Let the new world truly become a new world that gathers all over the world, a place of dreams!"


Listening to Lorling, there is a feeling of emotional jumping?

As if led by his nose!

"What is Hades, I have the Poseidon ship!"

"The portal will allow people to communicate with each other!"

"Step down from the throne, or people will blast you down themselves!"

Luo Ling laughed loudly, and just a few words made magnificent scenes appear in Vivi's mind.

The four seas were one, countless adventurous ships on the great voyage, merchants' ships appeared.

People are no longer willing to bend to anyone.

The Draco fell, so that the nobles of one kingdom after another, the royal family were also sent to the guillotine!

Finally, Alabastan!

The beloved King and Princess Vivi were also sent to hell during the crazy chase of the world wave!


She woke up from a nightmare and suddenly realized the horror of Luoling, the horror of the GM army!

If he doesn't want to come down, others will tear him off!

This is the future!



"I decided, agree to Lorling's request."

Vivi clenched her fists, the bravest decision she had ever made in her life.

"In that way, you will no longer be a princess, the inheritance of our family for generations!"

"Father, all this must be gradual, not at the beginning."

"Got it!"

The same nightmare was seen by the king.

Everything just now is not just the emotional impact of the overlord color domineering.

Luo Ling used one of the seventy-two transformation powers, Prayer!

"When that day comes, I hope that it will be the real Hades who will carry you!"

When the teenager said this, he did not smile.

In front of the stone monument.

A gate ten meters high and five meters wide appeared out of thin air.

"This door can teleport you somewhere when necessary, it can exist forever, and it is also the last safe passage for you."

Permanent portal!

The door created by the Gate Fruit can be permanently left behind and teleported to a specific location.

Unless one day Lorling dies, the door will be there forever.

"In my lifetime, keep you safe for the rest of your life."

"Will you publicize our joining the GM Army?"

Vivi asked tentatively.

"Do you deserve it? Now it is only for self-preservation, not really giving up the throne, we can at most be regarded as cooperation.

Lorraine stood up and opened another door.

One hand lifted the unconscious Luqi.

"Will there be a break in cooperation?"

Vivi asked.

"Of course, if at that time, you still want to become a royal family, but you are the new Draco, I will kill him!"

The boy beckoned, mercilessly.

"Is that your answer?"

Vivi smiled, and the back of the boy could not be dispersed in her eyes for a long time.

She began by asking Loring if she would become the new Draco.

In the end, the answer was.

When that day comes, she will be Draco.

What an intriguing answer!

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