Kingdom of Alabastan.

Fishman Dragon Palace Kingdom.


The country of Wa.

Permanent portals stand.

Represents the sphere of influence under Loring.


These days, the sea is rough.

One big event after another broke out.

It has become an indisputable fact that the aunt of the four emperors quietly ended.

The so-called Four Emperors also became the Three Emperors.

There are rumors that the Demon Lord made a move and killed Bigmom!

However, the world's ZF and naval headquarters have not given an answer, so people's speculation has gradually failed.

The indisputable fact is true.

Lorling's bounty quietly increased to four and two billion Baileys.

Defeat Kaido, cut Auntie!

A new world of tripods.

It seems that a new pattern led by Luo Ling has been formed.

The name of the Demon Lord, covering the hundred beasts, red hair, became a symbol of this era.

Its power not only replaces the original Kaido, Bigmom is stronger, and part of Whitebeard's territory, such as Fishman Island, is included.

It's like a single family.


Yakiniku Island.

Luo Ling is calmly eating the roasted meat, since the fall of Bigmom, many of the abilities of the Soul Fruit have disappeared.

The nations became more and more ordinary.

Become an island connected by a port.

"The sea train connecting the New World between the Land of Wa, All Nations, and Fishman Island can be opened in just one month, and the Seven Waters Capital is also stepping up manufacturing."

Ain walked in with the drawings.

Despite having the permanent portal, Lorraine wants people to be more comfortable without relying on him.

"It looks good, but the navy didn't stop it this time?"

Lorraine thought he would be stopped.

After all, he now ate nearly half of the territory of the New World by himself.

I don't know how many people's eyes are red.

Not to mention that the underground world has long fallen into his hands.

"No, the Navy seems to be quiet lately."

Ain also found it weird.

Yamato was wielding a mace to cultivate, and this period of adventure made her feel particularly interesting.

Katakuri on the side was holding Jiro's legs and constantly tossing coins.

"Recently, new people on the sea have been popping up, maybe you have also become the old era, are you not afraid that more and more new people will challenge you?"

Katakuri said and grabbed the coin.

"Challenge me? Will there be such a guy to die?

Lorling's words did not fall.

The phone worm gurgled.

"Your Majesty the Demon Lord, someone is here, a supernova of the extremely evil generation?"


Someone is invading the nations?

It's really bold, it's still a supernova, it won't be a gluttonous girl.

The supernovae of the Worst Generation have been mixing quite well lately.

"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao has arrived!"

Lorraine stood up and stretched a comfortable waist.

"Who is Cao Cao?"

Katakuri was a little puzzled, did the extremely evil generation have this person?

"It's a senior in my hometown, but he's faster than the yellow ape."

What the?

And this number one!

Donghai Windmill Village is really a master!

This is the moment.

All nations, fried skewers.

The tall man with wings is attacking with a huge lead rod.

He went on a rampage, as if in no man's land.

Next second.

A stronger, burly man appeared in front of him.

Several of the same monsters followed.

"The former dessert will be the head of the stars, Katakuri! Daughter of Kaido, Yamato! GM Army Supernova, Ain!

The most surprising thing is you, Demon Lord Luoling!

I really didn't expect to be an enemy of this level in the first place! The

man grinned, seemingly satisfied.

"Oh? You seem to be having fun! Urki the weird monk!

Luo Ling rubbed his fists and strode towards the meteor.

"Of course, if I can defeat you head-on, it is equivalent to winning half of the new world!"

Urki laughed and smashed a stick.

"In your forties, you are really not ashamed to learn from others as supernovas!"

"I heard that your ability is a causal superhuman line, which can block other people's attacks on you and then counterattack back."

"I want to know how strong my punch is!"

Luo Ling clenched his fists and galloped.


A punch hit Urki in the abdomen.

As a supernova of the most evil generation!

Known as the generation most likely to replace the Four Emperors!

Urki has enough strength and confidence!

He believed that if he couldn't even block the punch of the Four Emperors, then he was worthy of being called a supernova!


This punch seems to be ancient and waveless, and there is nothing abnormal.

But when it hit Ulki in the abdomen, he only felt a sharp pain.

It seems that a spiral has appeared on the stomach, constantly contracting, and even divine power and domineering turned into a tornado, raging madly!


A voice seemed to ring in his head.

He easily exceeded the limit of his fruit ability!


The unbelievable big black blood spat out, and the head of the strange monk Urki suddenly hung down, and then the whole person fell weakly.

The corners of his mouth were still dripping blood, and he rolled his eyes and twitched continuously.

One punch!

Just one punch made him unstoppable!

Its own mutation, domineering, physical skills, as well as the power of Qi Tian, the power of the canopy, and the shock fruit!

The perfect fusion of all this has made Lorraine invincible enough in the flesh alone.

Before he died, Bigmom condensed his twenty-year life into ten minutes, and he only barely caught up with his power.

Speed, defense, etc. cannot be compared at all.

Urki, it is fortunate to be able to punch Lorling.

"Depend, I still received ninety-nine points of strength, I shouldn't have killed it."

Lorraine lifted Ulki up with one hand, casually lifting it as if he were pulling a rag doll.

Looking at the strange monk Urki's pirate group again, no one dared to refute it.

"You will be under my command of all nations from now on!"

"Obey, Your Majesty the Demon Lord!"

Everyone knelt on one knee while performing the pirate filial piety.

He declared that he would henceforth submit to Lorling.

"This island will be guarded by you, don't embarrass me."

Lorraine carried the ragdoll Ulki and opened an air door.

Step straight into it.


The country of Wa.

Some time has passed since the eruption.

After improvement, everywhere is full of people.

New pollution-free factories were established in various places for scientific research and production.

Luo Ling did not go to the flower capital to see Xiaozi and them, it seems that the construction is quite good, and the scenery is beautiful.

Cultivation of grain, fruits and vegetables.

Livestock breeding, fishing, and sailing are in full swing.

The most powerful is the sea lou stone technology, scientific and technological manufacturing.

Enter a science and technology factory, research room in Jiuli.

This is the scientific research base of Lorling.

In the core lab, there are two guys who are forever half-dead and being studied.

Whitebeard II Vibru.

CP0, Rob Luckey.

"This guy's bloodline factor is also very good, pacifist second generation, not only needs strength and agility, defense and healing, if you can absorb and bounce off attacks, then it is also great."

Loring threw the monk Urki out.

The researchers immediately received the treasure, tied it up, and controlled it in the laboratory.

"Is the research on combat machinery, modified people, cloning technology, and lineage factors enough to support the second generation of pacifists?"

Loring asked.

"Back to the base chief, the general manager!

We've reached the final part of our research.

With the bloodline factor of the monster monk Urki, he will definitely be able to go further!

"That's good."

Lorraine nodded in satisfaction.

Only then did he feel the realm of Wano Country with satisfaction.

Just then, I noticed that a giant elephant was approaching.

Like the Lord?

Didn't Momonosuke cross over yet?

How could this guy show up early?

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