"What a terrible creature!"

Katakuri sensed the horror of the elephant lord, and even though he was on the way here, he still gave people a strong sense of oppression.

"Wano Country, I'm back!"

Yamato crossed his hands at his waist and said happily.

Since joining the GM Army, she has fought and adventured around the world.

Only adventures with Lorling are the most fun.

Any trouble can be solved by thunderous means.

"Elephant Lord? Could it be the legendary fur tribe who walks on the sea!

Ain reacted, she also knew a little about this legendary country, but more curious.

"Forget it, don't make a sound, it's better to wait and see this matter first."

Luo Ling said while walking slowly.

For the remnants of the country of Wano, there are still many factors of unease in his heart.

Different from the Fishman Island, which is itself full of contradictions, Fishman Street, Royal Palace, Jinping, Tiger and other different forces, they are all dedicated to Fishman Island, but they also have a personal position.

Only the country of peace.

The pedantic samurai let them maintain their so-called loyalty to the Mitsuki clan.

If Momonosuke just called himself a general, or if Koshi gave up his place.

Lorraine would not hesitate to slash them to death.

What's more, this time the Elephant Lord came even more strangely.

After the successful founding of the country.

It is impossible for Denjiro and the others not to contact the cat viper, Inuarashi.

The elephant lord was banished to the sea according to an ancient agreement.

It is impossible for him to follow the orders of Cat Viper and others.

Therefore, this time I came here with my own purpose!

It can be said.

In the quiet.

There were some abnormalities in the country of Wano, which also happened to be bumped into by Luo Ling.

"You have killing intent on you!"

Katakuri wondered why Lorling had killing intent in his own territory.

"Well, when necessary, I will kill all the roundtable members of this group of Wano Country!"

Lorraine said as if it were tearing a piece of paper.

On the contrary, Yamato was taken aback.

"Why! Lorling, shouldn't everyone be partners? Yamato

thought that when he came back this time, he would at least have a banquet and celebrate with the samurai.

"What partners, from the founding of the country to now, they only want the general to appear again, I have already felt this strong emotion, when the time comes, as a GM army, I will have to cut the grass and remove the roots!"

Ain nodded.

Even in the GM army, Lorraine is the most decisive type.

Perhaps it was his childhood experiences that made him unforgiving in these matters.

At the necessary moment, any general, princess, king, he will be slashed!

Capital of flowers.

Air doors appeared in a small alley.

Luo Ling said emptyly: "Small! Small! Small! Everyone

then turned into a normal height of less than two meters with him.

When you walk out of the alley, you are no different from ordinary people.

They wore fox yokai masks and walked the streets.

Everyone seems to be waiting for something, whispering.


Where the General's House is located.

Headed by Kopurple, Denjiro, Ashura Boy, Kawamatsu and others are arranged in order.

Even Leopard Goro and the Kang family were among them, but they seemed to be a little uncertain and didn't know what they were thinking.

Years of experience have allowed them to see a wider world.

I also understand that the so-called generals, samurai, are not the future of Wano Country at all!

It's just that at the moment that Luo Ling and Yamato are not there, who can suppress Xiaozi's ambition to make the general reappear.


"Please call me Hiyomi Mitsuki!"

She raised her head, her eyes were shining, as the princess of the Guangyue clan, how could she let the name of the general disappear from now on!

How can that be worthy of a dead father!

Now the cat viper, the clan led by Inuarashi is about to arrive here, and the country of Wano will once again become the country of Wano of the Mitsuki clan!

A giant shadow covers the sky and appears on the coast of Wano Country.

People were shocked by the appearance of this giant creature.


One by one, the fur people came here and marveled at the difference between the country of Wano and the past.

At the head are the cat viper, Inuarashi, and their henchmen!

The people of the Flower Capital celebrated.

They will get rid of the Demon Lord and return to the arms of the Guangyue clan!

"As long as another year or so, when the day of prophecy comes, His Highness Momonosuke will arrive in the time and space where we are, and everything will fall into place by then!"

The cat viper said happily.

"The Elephant Lord set out inexplicably, it seems to feel the threat of some kind of will, but this is also beneficial to our country of peace, after all, no matter how strong the Demon Monarch is, it cannot be the opponent of the Elephant Lord!"

Duke Inuarashi said happily.


A voice appeared suddenly.

It was Pedro, as the leader of the Rangers.

He has been waiting for his own moment.

Not long ago, Shouyuan and Eyes, who he lost to Bigmom, successfully returned, and then there were rumors that his aunt died at the hands of the Demon Lord.

Therefore, he had a certain gratitude for the Demon Lord.

Not only that.

Along the way, he saw that the people of Wano Country were well clothed and fed, and their lives were much better.

Not as miserable as the legend suggests, even compared to the vast majority of kingdoms he traveled through on his adventures, those people lived better.

If it is so good, why choose to betray the Demon Lord?

"What are you going to say, Pedro?"

The cat viper was a little angry, apparently Pedro disagreed with him and had already argued more than once in the country of Zowu.

"I heard that the Demon Lord did not dominate the country of Wa, nor did he say that he would become the master of the country of Wa, but instead it was the daimyo who decided together with the princess and everyone.

Isn't that better?

Why do you have to go to re-establish the general? "

Pedro doesn't understand what's wrong with chasing better light!

Everyone's eyes became strange, as if they wanted to eat Pedro alive.

"This is the loyalty of the samurai!"

Denjiro spoke.

"The Mitsuki clan is the true master of the Land of Wano!"

Xiao Zi raised her head proudly.

In the corner.

Luo Ling cast "invisible" magical powers while covering everyone's breath.

This scene was seen and Yamato clenched his fists deadly.

She also used to worship Mitsuki Ota and even thought she was a samurai.

Until I met Lorraine and saw the wider world.

Understand the real right and wrong.

She realized how ridiculous she used to be!

Right now.

When he saw that the people of Wano Country had just eaten their full meal and their wings hardened, they began to say something to Luo Ling, and their hearts couldn't help but feel a sense of nausea.

Katakuri's feelings for Lorling are mixed.

But at this moment, he also chose silence.

"Shut up!"

The cat viper was furious.

"Pedro, you don't understand at all, how much effort everyone has made to make the country of peace today!"

"But Mr. Viper!"

Pedro fought reasonably.

"It is the Demon Lord who defeated Kaido, the Hundred Beast Pirates! Repel the Demon Slayer Order, and the red dog is also the Demon Lord! With today's wealth, it is also the Demon Lord who resisted the eruption of the volcano!

Twenty years, Mitsuki Ota has so many friends, why didn't he make a move?

Is it said that others are afraid of death, danger, and loss, and the demon lord is not afraid?

Why do you do nothing, but you can be so at ease! "


Nothing has been done, how can you be at ease!


Xiao Zi didn't know much swordsmanship, but he also clenched the knife in his hand and walked towards Pedro step by step.

It seems that the beauty of this period has made her forget her so-called forbearance for twenty years.

People's hearts change.

It's just that they become a little too weird and disgusting.

"That's right, the children can be taught."

The boy's voice was as clear as flowing water, breaking all anger and jealousy.

His figure appeared in front of Pedro like the wind, face to face with all the samurai and daimyo, and looked at each other.

"Great grace is like great hatred, and it is true that it is true."

He smiled contemptuously, and the long sword was drawn!

"Gentlemen, please go on your way!"

This moment.

Pedro seemed to see Roger's back.

Just standing there, you completely divide black and white.

Where in the world is the delicate gray, but people in the dark, find excuses!

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