"It seems that it is useless to give you a chance."

Luo Ling pulled out the Heavenly Demon Slashing Moon, after the domineering infusion.

After the hourglass upgrade transformation, this blade was promoted to the supreme fast knife, and it was further extended.

Until a knife continues to condense!


The blade changed until he transformed into a man with white hair and white eyebrows, pale skin, and equally snow-white pupils.

He is the same as Luo Ling.

Wearing a white robe.

"Take it!"

Luo Ling injected domineering energy into the iron broken tooth again, only to see that it suddenly increased tenfold!

The white-clothed Luoling held iron broken teeth and had an untamed aura.

Two supreme fast knives joined forces to become a Luo Ling's thug!

Unlike the doppelganger, his only hobby besides obeying Lorling's orders is killing!

"Obey, Great Demon Monarch Majesty!"

The white-clothed Luo Ling said respectfully.

The warriors did not feel any powerful aura from Loring.

On the contrary, this white-clothed Luoling was sharp, giving them a terrifying sense of threat!

It was as if they would strike in the next second and kill them all!

"Demon Lord! The elephant lord has arrived in the country of peace, do you still think you can run amok?

The country of Wano originally belonged to the Mitsuki clan, and I just put everything back in place! "

Xiaozi is really full of courage today.

It seems that her so-called pride and samurai blood have given her a lot of courage during this beautiful day.

"The country of Wa, why do you belong to the Mitsuki clan?"

Lorraine questioned.

"Because it has been since ancient times!"

Xiaozi's tone was arrogant.

"Then Kaido and the Black Carbon Great Serpent in the past twenty years, why don't you say that the country of Wano belongs to the Mitsuki clan?"

"Because their demons have no humanity."

"Oh, I understand, good people should be bullied by you guys, right, they don't give anything, and they want to sit back and enjoy it, why can't my demon lord become the master of the country of Wano, Kaido can?"

Luo Ling looked at them coldly.

"I don't care what is like the Lord!"

"Shiro, let them all lose the ability to fight, and then I will let them see with their own eyes whether their so-called elephant lord is qualified enough!"

"Obey, Great Demon Lord!"

The white-clothed Luo Ling flashed out in an instant, holding an iron broken tooth and slashing out.

Samurai and daimyo struck quickly, and cat vipers, Inuarashi, and fur warriors rushed forward.

In their eyes, they will soon be able to defeat the white-clothed Luoling and take down their own body.


Less than a breath.

Everyone fell in response, leaving only their facial features and perception.

"How could it be so fast? How can a knife be so powerful? "

Denjiro didn't see the white-clothed Loring make a move at all!

"That big knife seems to be a supreme fast knife, which was refined into a black knife by Luo Ling with domineering sacrifice, and that white-clothed Luo Ling seems to be transformed by the Supreme Great Fast Knife itself!"

The cat viper was shocked, he had spent time in the Whitebeard Pirates, Roger Pirates, when he was young.

"It may be a sword that ate the Devil Fruit!"

Inuarashi thought he saw a flaw.

It's so powerful!

Luo Ling's two knives were at least above the Flame Ember!

Invincible swordsmanship, immortal physique, and powerful physique!

Katakuri was thinking in his heart.

If it was him, could he fight the combination of these two swords of Luo Ling?

"Watch them!"


The white-clothed Luoling carried the iron crushed teeth on his shoulder and stepped on Xiaozi's face.

"You're going too far!"

Xiao Zi, who couldn't move, couldn't wait to end himself immediately!


Luo Ling turned his head and said.

"It's better to kill it directly!"


Denjiro and the others immediately became nervous.

"You won't die if you step on it, Hiyo-sama!"


Xiao Zi no longer dared to move.

"Weren't all of them quite clamoring just now?"

The white-clothed Luoling despised all of them, and only felt ridiculous in his heart.


Among the crowd, only Pedro was still standing stupidly.

Looking back on this life, he has been looking for the moment when he will appear!

Until Lorling's thunder means, without dragging the mud and water style.

As well as its great strength, the actions of the GM army, Pedro really saw his pursuit.

"Mr. Lorling! I'm going to be a GM army too!

"Of course, you have this qualification, Pedro!"

Lorraine threw out a new type of wrist phone worm.

While ignoring everyone's resentful gazes.

Heading head-on beyond the waters of Wano Country.

The elephant lord seemed to feel something and slowly moved the trunk.

"After this battle, there will be no more samurai in Wano Country, daimyo!

Whatever you say, I'll carry it on my shoulders alone!

A group of garbage sitting and enjoying it, pedantic makes Lao Tzu gagg!

Luo Ling cursed and jumped up.

At the same time, he heard a voice from the elephant lord, which only he could understand.

"You are the Demon Lord?"

The elephant lord said.

"What advice, like the Lord!"

"I came to feel the sense of crisis for the first time in thousands of years, this is the country of peace, a place that belongs to the agreement, and will also assume the future of an era!

Demon Lord, you can't do anything against it!

This will be the place where my new master will be born! "


Hearing this, Lorraine laughed even more brazenly.

"So even you're a dog!"

"Stupid guy, this is an agreement, this is an order, I'm not a dog!"

As soon as the Lord used his strength, his nose was thrown directly through the air.

This blow, throughout the pirate world, there are only a handful of people who can carry it hard.

At least the stars, three plagues, etc. will be severely damaged and fainted once hit.

Hades' blow can raze an island to the ground.

Aquaman orders the sea king, which can make the sea tend to stagnate or fall apart.

Like the Lord, he is equally strong, though only on his own.

But it can be unmatched!

And in his bloodline, he only obeyed the orders of the master, that is, the Guangyue clan!


The nose was almost in the air, causing the air to hiss, and in the blink of an eye, it killed Luo Ling's eyes.

He stood where he was.

Let this blow stop and kill, boom!

A loud sound resounded in the sky.

He stood still.

This "small, small, small" body is less than two meters, and in front of the nose of the elephant lord, it is like a speck of dust.

But it was this insignificant speck of dust that blocked the offensive that destroyed the decay!

"How is it possible, you, a human being, can not only understand my words, but also block my attacks, is it some kind of superhuman Devil Fruit ability?"

The elephant lord did not believe that anyone could stop him with brute force!

"Whatever you think."

Luo Ling changed his body, and saw that his body continued to grow.

In the face of a beast, you should be in the state of a beast!




He kept slapping his chest, and in a blink of an eye, he turned into a giant form of a natural stone monkey!

On the sea, just smashing his fists into the sea is as tall as it.

Stand up and let the elephant lord be out of reach.

"Elephant Lord, surrender!"

Luo Ling hugged the elephant's trunk with both hands and rotated it hard, and the elephant lord only felt that the sky was spinning.

His little strength turned out to be so insignificant compared to Luo Ling!

"Even if you can understand my voice, it is not the person I am waiting for, and I will never give in!"


The sea was smashed into a huge wave, and the elephant lord fell into the water, and the first thing he had to do was to stand up desperately.


The huge natural stone monkey did not give him the slightest chance to recover, only to see his feet step on the sea and jump up.

In an instant, he arrived before the elephant lord.

"I will never surrender!"

Luo Ling did not answer, directly grabbed his elephant nose, rotated it more than ten times, and threw it out of 10,000 meters.

Immediately after, the same operation was repeated.

Over and over.

Keep repeating.


An hour later.

The elephant lord appeared off the coast of Wano Country covered in wounds.


"How can the Demon Monarch resist the attack of the Elephant Lord!"

"Hahahaha, even if we lose to the white-clothed Luoling, as long as the elephant lord is there, everything is possible!"

The samurai of Wano Country laughed loudly.


The elephant lord stepped across the sea and walked to the inland sea of Wano Country, near the ghost island, and obediently stayed there, motionless.


That look seemed to say, never love again.

"Why didn't the Elephant Lord move?"


Luo Ling pushed the door in, smiling innocently.

"Because he is recuperating his wounds, he can't walk around without my order!"

"Now, re-introduction, this place is called the Kingdom of Kings, and I am the master of this place! What samurai, daimyo, generals were all deposed.

Plus, you will be executed in three days!

The executioners were new, members of the Council of Elders from the Kingdom of Kings.

I will set up a council of senates, thirteen members, to be elected by the people of the country of Wa.

Luo Ling said this slowly.

Let everyone's hearts fall to the bottom.

They are holding back from crying and maintaining their so-called dignity.

"In a year, Momonosuke will go to see you!"

This sentence has just been spoken.

The last secrets and hopes in everyone's hearts are shattered.

If, if they did not choose to re-establish the general!

There will be revenge without grace!

Will everything be different!

Even if there are no generals of Wano Country, their samurai and daimyo are still the de facto masters of Wano Country!

Xiaozi couldn't help but cry anymore.


Lose all games!

"Crying for what? Just because I am good to you, should I be betrayed? With this ability, why did you endure it in the first place and give Kaido so many opportunities to grow?

Lorraine had no sympathy for them.

The change in the country of Wano began, and for three days, all those who were willing to submit to the samurai were killed.

The kingdom of kings, there is no prison, only give them the fastest relief!

Thirteen members of the Council of Elders have been successfully elected.

Three days later.

A new kingdom of kings.

Capital of flowers.

Execution table.

The crowd, led by Xiao Zi, was waiting for the moment of their death.

At this time.

Three main ships, supported by more than a dozen warships, moored on the coast.

Each battleship has a naval headquarters admiral, and there is a new naval marshal - Akainu - on the head of the warship.

Red dog is the leader, yellow ape, vine tiger one left and one right.

Since the failed resignation of the Sengoku and the replacement of the posthumous iron bone, he was promoted to the marshal of the world army.

The screening of new generals in full swing is unfolding all over the world, and one new admiral, even two headquarters generals, and two alternate generals stand out.

Fujitora has been officially promoted to one of the admirals of the Navy headquarters!

Top of a volcano.

The man in the trench coat was in the wind and snow, and said indifferently: "Demon Lord, smart as you, will you also fall for Sakaski's dissociation scheme?" "

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