On the execution table.

Xiaozi gritted her teeth.

"Here they are, hahahahaha, Demon Lord! You are a tyrant, the red dog is right, sooner or later you will use such bloody means!

Xiao Zi, who broke his mouth and cursed, did not arouse a trace of sympathy and resentment from Luo Ling.

She doesn't deserve it.

"Is it just a dissociation scheme?"

Luo Ling smiled and leaned back in his chair and lifted Erlang's legs.

A look of nonchalance.

"Of course I know that the hand of the red dog is to take the opportunity to interfere with the kingdom of kings while I deal with the various events of the nations.

I also know that you have your own little calculations in your hearts and feel aggrieved.

What twenty years of bearing the burden of humiliation, what a lifetime for the efforts of the Guangyue family.

Lorraine lifted the jug, which was filled with freshly squeezed green apple juice.

"But Laozi doesn't care, you are nobles, royals, I'm just an ordinary person.

When I raised my long knife, whoever dared to shout for becoming a new nobleman would have his head fall to the ground.

This is the GM Army! This is the world where everyone can slay dragons in the future! The

boy stood up and drank it down.

"Great! Big! Big! His

body shook and he changed himself and the others back to their normal height.


There is only Leopard Goro in the Kingdom of King, and Kodama stands behind him.

One has been victimized by the stupidity of Mitsuki Ota for twenty years, and one has been hungry since childhood to understand the difference between ordinary people and nobles.

The future of their kingdom!

"Ain, let Uncle Leopard Goro return to his peak!"


Ain stretched out his hand and used the ability of the Backward Fruit.

Twelve years at a time, it soon returned Leopard Goro to his youthful peak state!

"Brother Luoling!"

Xiao Yu tugged at the corners of his clothes.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a general."

Lorraine covered her eyes.

The white-clothed Luoling had already appeared behind him in a flash, swinging his iron broken teeth and aiming them at the necks of Xiao Zi and the others.

"What are you going to do, you kill us, and the people of Wano Country will hate you for the rest of their lives!"

Xiao Zi couldn't help but roar.

"Hate, I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell, the next generation will not hate me, because they are not affected by the stupidity of the samurai."

"Damn fellow, you are capricious, this Wano Country was originally Mitsuki Ota's, why did you steal it!"

Denjiro's frown twisted in anger.

"Why didn't I see you say that to Kaido, the black charcoal snake back then? Is it because I am a good bully?

"Die, Admiral will cut off your head and sacrifice our souls!"

Kawamatsu is impassioned, and as a fishman, he is far inferior to Tiger and Jinping.

"How could I lose."

Luo Ling stretched out, comfortable and comfortable.

What shit Wano Country shoguns, nobles, royalty, daimyo.

Originally, they were kept for the transition.

Now that you are all betraying me, then don't blame me for being too iron-blooded!

He is the GM army, and it is his job to destroy these residues.


If it weren't for the hand of the red dog, how could Luo Ling really see through the heart of the country of Wano.

Eun will take revenge as good as a dog!

It's really that even the dog's wind reviews were taken by them.

"Er dare to kill me!"

Xiaozi didn't believe that Luo Ling dared to do this!

You know, he is a GM army, if he is so cruel, what is the difference between him and pirates.

"I don't kill you? I see how the red dog treats you.

Luo Ling lifted Xiao Zi up and threw it directly into the air door.

Next second.

She appeared at the feet of the red dog.

The new marshal of the navy gave him a cold look.

Picked up the phone worm in his hand.

"Save me! Akainu, Sakaski, and Kazuno-Diet join the world ZF! "


Akainu ignored her and said into the phone worm.

"The demon slaughter order begins, don't let anyone escape from the country of Wano!"

"Obey, Marshal Akainu!"

Three general-level existences, nearly twenty warships launched a super demon slaughter order.

It was the Demon Lord who was slaughtered!

Molten slurry quietly flowed from under Sakaski's feet, and the weeds were immediately burned to ashes.

Slowly killed Xiao Zi.

Her eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe this scene.

Followed by.

Denjiro, Kawamatsu, Asura Tongzi and others were also left here by Luo Ling one after another.

"Don't, Sakaski, she's Hikari Hikari! The temporary general we elected, you can't kill her! "

The general of the Mitsuki clan, Mitsuki Ota, was once a vicious pirate who sailed on the ship of One Piece King Roger, Whitebeard Newgate.

In other words, your Guangyue clan, and even the country of Wano, are guilty.

Evil must be eradicated! As

the red dog spoke, he lifted his foot.

The molten slurry was scalding hot and stepped directly on Xiaozi's face.

The beautiful woman's face and body turned into ashes in an instant, and the unwilling roar was only for a moment.


Denjiro and the others then understood that this was not helping them, let alone a dissociation scheme.

All this time, it was just a conspiracy.

In order to get rid of the conspiracy of the country of Wano and even the demon lord Luoling!

Why can the navy enter Wano Country without fear and without any obstacles?

Of course, they arranged it early.

"The leader of the country of Wano can be called a general, so what are we?"

The yellow ape complained, and had collapsed from one corpse after another.

This time, no matter how they called for help, they didn't get help


Without saying a word, the boy rescued them from the fire.

But they cooperated with a person who had once entered the country of Wano for the so-called glory of the Mitsuki family.

The boy was tragically betrayed and showed no sympathy.

Despair and wailing did not exchange for the teenager's hand.

Originally, they had already acquired everything, but nominally different.

In the end, in order to make himself a nobleman, a royal family, a so-called general again!

Betrayed the old allies, but died at the hands of the new ones.

When the tears of the last deceased dried up.

Loring had just taken the first step.

"Don't come unharmed, Mr. Akainu."

"A good move to kill with a knife, from now on, the people of Wano Country will no longer believe in the world ZF."

Akainu said, the lava had been constantly flowing, trying to invade the ground and trigger a large volcano in Wano Country.

"I think Sakaski must not care about this, you have always been ruthless in doing things."

"That's natural, the Demon Lord should also know that the best way to solve the problem is to get rid of the person who raised the problem."

Hear this answer.

Luo Ling nodded, as long as the red dog gets rid of Wano Country, then all problems will be solved.

Yellow apes and red dogs are old friends.

Needless to say.

Instead, he looked seriously at Fuji Hu on the side and smiled.

The last time we met, I glanced at it in a hurry, and it was also in the country of Wano.

"Mr. Yixiao, do you have the idea of joining my GM army?"

"The Demon Lord's plan is very big, but it is too ethereal, and the old man likes something more practical."

"I understand, step by step, but the roots of ZF in this world are rotten, where is the future."

Luo Ling knew that after Fuji Hu smiled and saw the red dog make a move on Xiaozi and the others, he just didn't say anything, and he must have a prejudice in his heart.

"Lords, listen to my name!"


The next moment, the sword light flickered.

The white-clothed Luoling arrived in an instant, and a sword killed in front of the vine tiger.

Immediately afterwards, Katakuri and Yamato strike, and the special superhuman line and the phantom beast line face off against the yellow ape of the natural line.

Loring slammed into the volcano with his bare hands.

"Don't bother you to drive, I'll come by myself and light the fireworks!"

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