
The sound of shattering resounded in the sky.

Akainu's originally calm and usual face suddenly became cloudy.

Shock Fruit!

That punch just now directly brought the country of peace, no, it should be called the country of kings!

The volcano was directly shattered!

And the application ability is extremely strong, and one blow blast is simply to destroy this volcano that has just subsided.

"Open the door!"


A huge round door appeared directly above the volcano, and immediately after, sea water gushed out!

Directly poured into the volcano!

"You think sea water can extinguish volcanoes? It's funny that a volcano contains power you can't imagine! The

red dog was laughing at Loring's ignorance.

"Oh? Or you listen to the voice on the other side of the phone worm.


Sakaski picked up the wrist phone worm, and the other side was full of wailing.

"What did you do, damn fellow!"

"I just opened dozens of doors on the sea and aimed at the battleship, and now dozens of molten fire pillars should have formed on the sea!"

It's really good, the territory of my kingdom will soon be opened up because of this. "

How lovely Lorling's smile was.

So much so that even the red dog felt creepy.

"It doesn't matter to me whether seawater can destroy the volcano or not, because the power of the eruption has been diverted by my door.

This sea water is only for the direct introduction of the kingdom of kings.

After all, extinguishing your fire should be no problem with seawater!

Loring looked up and smiled.

The sea water turned into terrifying currents, floating in mid-air and condensing into a terrifying sea dragon.


I saw that the half-cut volcano did not even come out of a little molten slurry, but the surface had been cooled.

"You can only play a clever little ghost, you think you can really dominate the new world!"

The red dog is furious, and Luo Ling not only kills with a knife, but also easily uses his ability to solve the crisis.

Especially the power of the Shock Fruit just now!

Whitebeard has only been dead for about half a year.

Luo Ling has become a new Shock Fruit ability!


He didn't believe that Luo Ling could truly awaken the Shock Fruit in such a short time, it was absolutely impossible!

In that case, the strongest man in the world, wouldn't this title change hands?

It should be said.

Lorraine became the strongest man in the world!


"Sakaski, you will be desperate!"

"My molten slurry is enough to incinerate any substance in this world, including your armed color domineering!"

The red dog is confident, nothing can carry his dog!


Molten dog head, rushing to the face.

Luo Ling also pronounced two words.

"Sit on fire!"


He was so motionless, allowing the molten slurry to hit him, but it was like a gust of wind, not to mention burning his body, and even his clothes seemed to meet running water.


"Wan Hai Long groan!"

Tens of thousands of seawater dragons have gathered.

Rushed towards Sakaski like crazy.

"You must be the ability of the Devil Fruit, I don't believe it!"

Sakaski's fist still didn't stop.


How could his dog be ineffective?

This must be the fruit ability!

Any fruit ability has time and cost, and how to use it!

As long as he attacks at 360 degrees without dead ends, he will definitely be able to kill him!

Find the minuses!

Luo Ling didn't move at all, his physique was even taller than the admiral after his physique mutated.

Standing motionless is like a tower.

The magical power "sitting on fire" makes him not afraid of any high temperature, what flame and molten slurry.

Tens of thousands of sea dragons are constantly attacking the red dog, extinguishing the molten slurry on his surface again and again, and constantly cooling down.

This scene looks particularly funny.

The red dog was in front of Luo Ling's petite body, constantly waving his small fist and sending out a move to the dog.

Trying to find Lorling's alleged weaknesses.

The sea dragon is constantly attacking and consuming.

Look from afar.

There is a huge round door over Wano Country.

Seawater dragons kept flying out of the door, killing the red dogs.

The white-clothed Luoling held iron crushed teeth, and his moves opened and closed and fought wantonly with the vine tiger in the air.

The Shining Yellow Ape is constantly targeted by Yamato of the Phantom Beast lineage, while Katakuri dodges and looks for opportunities with a powerful sight.

It seems like everything is just maintaining balance.


They didn't notice it at all.

Leopard Goro, Pedro and others have appeared on the shores of the Kingdom of Kings.

Take down all the remnants of the navy!

A hundred, a thousand, ten thousand!

The red dog's molten slurry constantly lowers the temperature, his physical strength, his molten slurry is also limited!

"Why, it can't break your defenses at all!"

The red dog is unwilling, what kind of devil fruit did Luo Ling use!

"Sakaski, admit defeat, I can let you show up once a year in the future and light birthday candles for me!"

Luo Ling smiled, and then lifted the "sitting fire".

He was standing here, this body mutated by the Earthquake Fruit, Qi Tian, and the two phantom beasts in the canopy awakened and transformed.

And the domineering of advanced awakening!

Luo Ling believes that he does not rely on anything, does not use magical powers, and is still invincible.

"I feel it, your power seems to have disappeared!"

Akainu was delighted!

"But your temperature and molten slurry are at least fifty percent weaker, Sakaski!"

"So what! As long as you do your best, you can still use the strongest dog! "

The temperature on the fist has risen again.

The sea dragon levitated in mid-air, waiting for Lorling's command.

Until he reached the state where Akainu thought he was the strongest.

Punch out!


It seems to be slammed on steel, indifferent.

"This can't be, even steel, the best alloy will be melted by my molten slurry!"


Lorraine does not use "sitting on fire" and is still unharmed.

"Have you ever heard of the real fire, that thing has never melted my body, at most it is just smoke and dust that blinds my eyes."

"What is Samadhi True Fire? Could it be the superior fruit of my magma fruit! The

red dog was puzzled.

"It's not just a top position, it's a height that you can't reach in your lifetime."

Lorraine stood here unmoved.

Magma wants to destroy the copper-headed iron arm of Qi Tian Great Sage, the body of a natural stone monkey?

You know, there is also the body of King Kong is not bad, the characteristic of immortality!

"Puppy, I'll put my tail away when I see you in the future."

The power of the Shock Fruit had appeared on Luo Ling's fist, and the power of the Shock condensed into a small force field layer.

Chi Inu only felt horrified in his heart, he had never been so afraid!

He is proud of himself, even Whitebeard, Kaido is a dog who is waiting for him strictly!

In front of Luo Ling, even the defense can't be broken!

Who is the strongest creature?

Hundred Beast Kaido?

Of course, the Demon Monarch Luoling!

Who is the strongest man in the world?

White-bearded Newgate?

Only the Demon Monarch Luoling!

"This punch, twenty years of heritage, can you block it?"

Luo Ling punched the red dog in the face, and the latter's head was directly twisted, and all five features were twisted together.

The strongest power, the strongest fruit!

Surpass the speed of the yellow ape!

Everything is poured into this punch!

Blood splattered, and the whole person was twisted into a ball in an instant!

Fly out directly upside down, like a cannon, hit the volcano, has not stayed, passed through the other side, and continued to fly out!

Until it smashed into a battleship that was just about to escape, smashing it directly in half.

Several lieutenant generals finally joined forces to find a glimmer of life, and once again fell into despair.

"It's Sakaski!"


At the foot of the volcano.

The men in the trench coat have palpitations.

"What a nonsense, Demon Lord Luoling, this power is enough to subvert the world, but you are still waiting, what are you waiting for?"

He took a sip of white wine and walked straight to the battlefield.

The cold froze the ground, but it couldn't freeze the time he had lost.

The green pheasant muttered, "Are you waiting, the awakening of this world?" "

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