Off the coast.

The Burning Mountain General lifted the red dog up with a surprised look.

As the new marshal of the Navy headquarters.

Without sending out three fires, someone hit this place with a punch.

"Damn the Demon Lord! Cough! Yes! "

Spit black blood in the mouth.

Sakaski barely stood up.

"Marshal Akainu, this battleship is already sinking! Are you okay! "

The ghost spider was startled when he saw a volcano being blasted just now.

I never expected it.

In the end, it is they who suffer.

"Do you look like I'm okay?"

As far as the eye can see, on the sea.

Pillars of molten fire swallowed everything, dozens of pillars of fire rose up into the sky, and were constantly cooled by the sea, becoming small islands in the sea.

The red dog's expression is too ugly, and he does not pay attention to expression management at all.

"Fortunately, there is a yellow ape, and the vine tiger is there, so there should be no problem."

He stood up, and the molten slurry flowed hot, falling into the water and directly evaporating the seawater, forming a white wave of gas.

Relying on the air waves, he levitated on the sea and rushed back to Wano Country again at extreme speed!

How can this battle end like this!


The sky trembled.

As soon as the red dog was halfway there, the figure of the yellow ape flying upside down broke through his ears.

Fortunately, it was a light, quickly converged, condensed into an entity, and floated into mid-air.


The yellow ape was very embarrassed, after all, after being blasted away by a punch just now, he had been injured.

It seems that to Lorraine, this is not worth mentioning.

"Why did you get attacked too?"

The red dog said shamelessly, as if he was saving his dignity and saying that he was being attacked by a sneak attack.

"It is indeed a sneak attack, after you were punched and flown away, he took the opportunity to find an opportunity, I will be taken advantage of, this guy's strength is indeed beyond ordinary people's imagination."

The yellow ape said this, and directly found himself a step down.

It seems that the red dog is not a person.

Sakaski thought to himself, co-author you are better than me?

Also sneak attack?

That guy is as fast as a ghost, not necessarily slower than you, do you need a sneak attack?

The five lieutenant generals such as Burning Mountain and Ghost Spider turned pale.

How could they not hear that the red dog and the yellow ape were making up for themselves.

Here's the problem.

The outside world is not a rumor.

No one can be an opponent under the joint forces of the two generals, and not even the Four Emperors.

Why do the three generals have to be crushed in the end?

It sounds like still, punch one by one!

Has Lorraine broken the law?

Thinking of this, they picked up the pace again.

It is necessary to speed up the landing in the country of Wa, otherwise only Fujitora will be left, and Baoqi will be beaten to death!


The country of Wa.

It will soon be renamed the Kingdom of Kings.

Outside the capital of flowers.

Fuji Hu smiled and confronted everyone, indifferent from beginning to end.

It wasn't until Luo Ling came towards him that he felt an incomparably terrifying pressure.

"Demon Lord, you are a good-hearted person, why are you so cruel!"

"Mr. Yixiao, don't come unharmed, the last time we met, we just said goodbye in a hurry, remember at that time, how righteous you were in your heart and more insistence for yourself."

"Demon Lord, don't say this, we are not a camp after all, and the old man is not a person who is willing to succumb to strength!"

Fuji Hu gripped the long knife and pulled it out hard.


The sky is rendered blood red.

Meteorites fall from the sky!

"It's pointless."

Lorraine snapped his fingers crisply.

The meteorite that was constantly accelerating halfway was directly transferred to the red dog by him using the dimensional gate.

The latter cursed a few words and arrived faster.

"There are many means of the Demon Monarch for a long time, some people say that you are a brutal Demon King Monarch, others say that you are the king of the return from hell, and even more so you say that you are the monarch of the Devil Fruit and can use any ability."

"The old man once thought that you would be the one who changed the world, but now it seems that it is just empty, and he only knows how to blindly rely on strength to achieve his own goals!"

"Demon Lord, heart! Only justice sheltered with intentions, only the pursuit of living up to this life, can truly let people join hands and welcome the dawn together!

Fujitora smiled and personally witnessed Lo Ling sending everyone in the country of Wano to the red dog and killing people with a knife.

Naturally, he also understood that the so-called dissociation scheme had already been seen by Luo Ling,

but he still used it to eradicate potential enemies.

Be merciful and spare!

Why bother?

"Mr. Yixiao, no wonder you chose to become a senior admiral for your own justice, but I am a GM army!"

The white-clothed Loring made way for Loring.

His eyes were full of infinite adoration for Luo Ling.

Originally as the fusion incarnation of evil thoughts and the Heavenly Demon Moon Slashing Saber, coupled with iron broken teeth, he should be more fierce than Luo Ling!

But the fact is that every move of Luo Ling's body makes him feel longing!

"Do you know that becoming an admiral means being born and dying for Draco, and you know that your so-called justice must take care of even those residues."

"The old man naturally knows that people are good and bad, but you can't rule out those so-called good people in the nobility, they also have the qualifications to pursue justice!"

Fuji Tiger did not draw his knife, and it seemed to him that Luo Ling did not have any hostility towards him.

"Yes, there are always a few so-called pity guys in the garbage who claim to be merciful, but don't forget that no matter what you say, they are still nobles!

What I want is that there are no more nobles in this world, Draco, royal family, nobles, four emperors, sea thieves, His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, admirals, I will not leave a single one!

No matter how high or low others are, as long as it is evil, you will be slashed. I want to slash the nobles who are not called high and low in this world! "

Lorraine didn't take the knife.

Lone stepped forward and punched out.

Fuji Tiger pulled out his knife and slashed at him.

I only feel like a knife slashed on the sea, and I can't shake this arm no matter what.

"Demon Lord, the plan is very big, it is difficult to achieve! The old man admires!

"Mr. Yixiao, why don't you join forces with me?"

Luo Ling didn't move like a mountain, and letting the vine tiger swing his sword countless times could not make him take half a step back.

To him, the sword light and shadow are just a stream of beautiful shadows.

"If the old man is a GM army, there are still so many pirates in the world, so many evils, who will shelter, why not go their own way, you and I will meet again at the end!"

"There will always be a war that will sweep the world, and at that time, please smile and stop being silent!"

"Even if you die, you will not move!"

Fujitora grinned!

"Then offend!"

Luo Ling really made a move, and the power of the Shock Fruit tried his best to converge to a point.

No matter how much gravity presses, it is all shattered.

"The power of the Demon Monarch is very ferocious!"

Fuji Tiger smiled and only tried to block it, and vomited blood.

He concluded that a person in the world who could carry Luo Ling's punch head-on without dying was enough to be called a strong person!


One marshal, two admirals.

All were blasted away with one punch.

The power of Lorraine is already evident.

However, Joyboy himself was powerful at that time, and also gathered the Heavenly King, Aquaman, Hades, and the huge kingdom, the D family.

It will still be defeated.

This made Luo Ling understand that he must be so strong that there is no dead end.

Swordsmanship, gun art must also reach the realm of selflessness!

Power and technology must also crush the enemy.

Only in this way can we win perfectly with absolute strength!

He just withdrew his fist.

The pheasant put his hands in his pockets and walked in front of him.

"Demon Lord, the general is calculated, and he almost persuaded a general of the navy headquarters, it really deserves to be you."

"You sang me out, Kuzan, do you think you can block my punch?"

The pheasant looked up, and his eyes under the sunglasses looked at him.

Confidently said.

"Can't stop it!"

"Then you still want to stop the internal affairs of my kingdom?"

Luo Ling was a little curious, the green pheasant appeared in front of him as this is not the navy, pirates, GM army, for what.

Until a word from the pheasant.

Even the air was so cold that it almost froze.

"Under the green pheasant, I am willing to be a pawn before the Demon Lord!"

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