"Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, if you want to become a GM army, do you know how this will affect the world?"

"It's a GM army, not a pirate, what's not, not to mention, I have always admired Mr. 's style."


Luo Ling smiled, how could he not know that the green pheasant was a backbone boy, and what he was thinking about was to take the opportunity to make a move.

In other words, he would never agree.

But he is the Demon Lord Luoling!

What is a senior general of your naval headquarters?

The former senior admiral of the Navy headquarters, Zefa, is not still in the GM army?

"At least there should be a petition, right?"

Luo Ling's words were in the arms of the pheasant, and he expected such a stubble.

"I have naval divisions around the world, and the intelligence and deployment of the branches can allow the GM army to take all the weak points."

"I don't need to."

Lorraine simply refused.

"Why, from weak to strong, the GM army can occupy more territory."

The green pheasant was a little puzzled, he was very puzzled, could it be said that Luo Ling had separated from the void?

He originally planned to join the GM army, so that Luo Ling and Long fell apart and completely became two parts.

Finally, a war between the Demon Lord and the dragon breaks out, and the so-called GM army is cleared!

"I'm too strong, even if the navy headquarters can take it down, there is no need for any weak points, what I really care about is whether this world can wake up earlier."

World Awakening?

The green pheasant was surprised, sure enough, similar to what he guessed, what Luo Ling did was not a person, it was an era, the whole world!

What he wants to subvert will be eight hundred years of history!

It's shocking to think about it, eight hundred years, a person dares to challenge.

He couldn't help but feel a little more approved in his heart.

"I know your purpose, sow discord, or take advantage of the opportunity, I don't care.

Kuzan, I just want to know, if you want to see the future of the pirate world, should it be renamed Navy World, or the world of the GM Army? "

Rename the world?

In other words, when was it called Pirate World?

The green pheasant was confused when he heard this description for the first time.

"GM Military World, of course."

He thought this was the answer Loring wanted.

"Hahahahaha, what I want is a world where everyone is like a dragon, what pirates, navy, GM army, are just a means, and can only be a means!"

A world where everyone is like a dragon!

This answer once again shocked the pheasant.


He was completely wrong!

He understood that Luo Ling's heart was not against any forces and history!

He is denying an era.

Even if Joey Boi is alive, he must seem insignificant in front of him!

"At that time, weren't you all invisible, were you willing? Demon Lord. The

pheasant sent out his soul torture.

"Everyone is like a dragon, and I am also a dragon, so why do you know what everyone says?"

Luo Ling laughed heartily, his eyes burning.

"They're coming, Kuzan, are you going to join forces with me? I heard that there is an island in the Great Passage, the permanent East Island, called Magnetic Drum Island.

If you're going to come with me, strike at this one.

If you don't want to, take someone to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom and ambush me there! "

Magnetic Drum Kingdom?

This place, the pheasant is naturally familiar.

It was a country of advanced medical skills and extraordinary romance, according to his later research.

It is inextricably linked to the Straw Hats.

Their pet, and reserve ration - Choba!

"You are such a mysterious and charming fellow."

The pheasant took a step forward.

Frost gushes out like flowing water.

Fill the earth and freeze all living beings.

Three figures hurriedly arrived, obviously with a strong fighting intent.

Since his debut, Akainu has never had such a defeat.

One punch!

Even Whitebeard can't be at his peak and smash him unconscious with one punch!


When they walked at the foot of the volcano, the cold air had already permeated here, exuding a burst of killing intent.


The red dog stopped.

"Is the justice you are seeking such a pursuit law?"

"Become a GM army? Surround yourself with that kind of rubbish! "

Sakaski can't wait to punch the pheasant now.

"It is impossible for the power of the Devil Fruit not to be exhausted, as strong as a white beard will be scarred by the countershock, and Teacher Zefa has been kicked because of the perennial battle."

The yellow ape gave speculation, they did not believe that anyone could be unharmed, and every punch was strong enough to repel the general.

If there really is such an incomprehensible character, wouldn't even the world be turned upside down?

"The name of the Demon Monarch resounded throughout the world, and he did not dare to discuss it easily with ordinary people."

Fuji Hu is also wondering, is Luo Ling's every punch so strong?

If so.

Isn't it as strong as the four emperors, and the generals can be forcibly killed by a few punches?

Burning the mountain, the ghost spider stood beside the red dog untamed, silently watching the changes in the battle.

On Lorling's side, there was a kind of unruliness in the eyes of the green pheasant, Katakuri, Yamato, Leopard Goro, Pedro and others.

"It's a little cold, do you want to go in and have a cup of tea."

"No thanks, I'm not cold."

Sakaski's molten slurry quickly melted the pheasant's ice.

Seeing this scene, Luo Ling only felt funny.

These two also sing and harmonize, and their acting skills are superb!

"I just want to tell you that in the future, the country of Wano will be renamed the Kingdom of Kings, and a new world conference will be held here.

If your navy wants to shelter us, then you must leave the world ZF and leave the Draco.

Draco is about to be declared war and become an enemy of the whole world!

As Luo Ling spoke, doors opened.

Each permanent portal leads to an island and a kingdom.

"Sakaski, as a naval marshal, you should have maintained justice, but you are willing to become a lackey of the Draco, what a veritable red dog!"

"What are you talking about? Do a group of jumping beam clowns really think they can make any waves? "

Akainu is not angry at being scolded, he also dislikes Draco, but no matter how strong he is, he is only one.

Under the command of Draco are the World ZF, Five Old Stars, CP0, and the World Army.

The Navy is only part of it.

He didn't want Draco to die.

The truth is, that will only give the evil guys an opportunity and the world will be chaotic!

"It doesn't matter if it can be set off or not, just three months later, I will convene a new world conference in the kingdom of kings to announce the establishment of a new world!"

New world?

When they heard that this word was redefined, the green pheasant and the vine tiger's eyelids jumped.

The justice in their hearts was different, but Lorling was closer to their pursuit.

"Go and announce it to the world! Sakaski!

I, Luoling, will hold a new world conference, which has nothing to do with Draco, and even more so with the five old stars, the world ZF!

This is our time!

Luo Ling's words seemed to naturally have a deterrent power.

He strode towards Sakaski, and he did not see any domineering flow in his body.

"This punch, you three generals can try to carry it together!"

The Demon Monarch threw out a punch, thunder ran rampant, and the wind raged fiercely.

Red dog, vine tiger, and yellow ape strike together.

Try to block Whitebeard's attack like the three generals of the top war.

This time.

They didn't succeed.

Luo Ling stretched out four arms under his armpits, facing the three generals respectively.

Each of the three did their best to block a fist.

Molten slurry, light jade, gravity!

With Luo Ling's divine power, the shock barely supported for a moment.

At this time, Luo Ling's other three hands suddenly came out.

The three will no longer be able to stop it.

All the lieutenant generals were blasted out of the country of Wano with extreme speed.

Yu Wei is still there!


All three will vomit blood at the same time.

Directly blasted out of the country of Wano!


What is truly invincible!


Off the coast of Wano Country.

On a small battleship.

Karp threw Fujitora's body up with one hand and climbed onto the deck.

"You, the general marshal of the World Army, have you decided to declare war on this stinky boy?"

The white-headed Warring States calmly ate roasted senbei overnight.

"Red dog is the most powerful general in history, he can't beat him, how can I do it."

"Two old things, do you really hope that day comes?"

Tsuru often felt speechless, after all, both of them became idle cloud wild cranes.

On top after the war.

Sengoku is forced to replace the dead Iron Bone Kong as the new Marshal of the World Army.

But he also gave birth to an indifference and disgust in his heart, and no longer cared about anything.

"The winner is king, and this war will come."

Sengoku ate roasted senbei and seemed to have seen the day that Whitebeard predicted.

"At least better than the Draco group of trash."

Karp cursed.

Lieutenant General Tsuru was very happy to hear this, but she couldn't say it blatantly.

At a glance.

Over the Kingdom of Kings.

No more haze.

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