The Kingdom of Kings.

Under the cherry blossom trees.

The newly brewed sake is out.

The teenager can't wait for next year, he knows that he has too little time and is only seizing the day.

I had to take out the new wine that had not yet been immersed, and talk to everyone about it.

Flower petals flying.

There are no more generals and daimyos in this land.

The Senate elected a total of thirteen senators, with Lorraine as the first senate.

People rushed to tell each other that nothing would be collected for three years, not at all for food.

The school has many subjects such as planting, breeding, navigation, physical skills, history, etc., and only one skill is required to be recognized.

The children chattered, while the adults mostly expressed concern.

Recently, newspapers and bounty orders have been coming from outside.

But the kingdom of kings also has its own newspapers and publications.

They see the real world and it doesn't seem so rosy.

A week later.

Capital of flowers.

Under the cherry blossom trees.

The young man raised his glass, the thirteen elders all raised their glasses, and the cherry blossom wine swayed, reflecting the sense of fragmentation of an era.

They laugh, they are sad.

It's too lonely on this road.

A permanent portal stands under the trees of the Flower Capital.

"Gentlemen, from today onwards, the kingdom of kings will become the center of the world, and in three months' time, I will hold a new world conference here!

I hope that all of you will come without exception!

Katakuri, with its many islands and well-developed ports and navigation, is left to you.

Pedro, the fur tribe of the Zou Kingdom is powerful, with natural advantages and unique physical skills, so you will be responsible.

Wano Country please Uncle Goro-sama, and all of you! "


The wind blows, and the boy drinks with the kings.

There are always people who will die, and there will be legends.

Future generations will not know.

These people will set off one big event after another in the near future!

Until the world is turned upside down, the name will remain in history!

When children in later generations complain, the teacher's eyes are often full of longing, hoping that he can become one of them.

Great Route Storm!

New World Conference!

All over the world!

Great secret!

The Red Earth Continent sank!

Dragon Slayer Night!


Each one touches the rest of the world.

It's hard to believe that it was all done in just one year.

And the man.

It also evolves from epic to legend until the achievement of myth!

It is difficult for posterity to distinguish whether his deeds are true or false.

It is only known that his name and nickname are forever controversial.

Demon Lord!


It's staggered.

People toasted and did not announce anyone who was subordinate.

Loring did not allow it, and they also awakened their own personalities.

Yamato and Ain are responsible for receiving everything from the Queen of Happy Street.

Katakuri, Pedro, Leogoro and others will also go their separate ways.

Even Xiaoyu became the person in charge of Jiuli.

Compared to the eight-year-old general - Momonosuke is simply strong.


Their separate locations also present many challenges.

The fall of the elephant lord into the kingdom of kings means that Pedro, Leopard, Goro, Xiaoyu and others will join forces to guard here.

Katakuri, however, wants to defend all nations with his own strength.

There will inevitably be countless supernovae to challenge him, and sea thieves to try to get involved and become the master of all nations!

Lorraine put on his black cloak and walked with the pheasant through the door.

The other side of the door is icy and snowy!


Great Routes.

Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

It has been almost a year since the bison fruit powerhouse Doruton became the king here.

The legend of the quack doctor Dr. Silke still rings in this cold and windy kingdom.

On the strange Cylindrical Mountain lives the witch Dr. Gureva, a woman who is one hundred and forty years old, who has already seen the clouds and clouds of the world and many changes.

From Brooke, to Locks, to Roger, Whitebeard, and Lorraine, Luffy.

Every era has its own beauty, and what remains unchanged is that she still maintains the vitality of youth.

Recently World ZF sent a post recognizing Doruton's kingship.

He was asked to attend the World Conference a year later.

And hand over the heavenly gold on time.

In this regard, Doruton was very troubled, and brought the Minister of Guards to specially ride the crane and came to discuss with Dr. Gureva.

Inside the castle, Gureva looked bored.

"Why give them it? Draco? A group of dog things, heavenly gold means that everyone in the magnetic drum kingdom will be hungry, and there was no mistake in having developed medical skills here.

But our overall return is not high, if you give it to Draco like that, how do you let those who are in the cold live.

Without firewood, charcoal and food, they will freeze alive and starve! "

The ministers have ugly faces, and the guards are rubbing, they hate the previous king Valpo, and they also hate the world ZF behind it, Draco.

However, Doruton could not be taken lightly.

Disagreeing with Draco's heavenly gold means being an enemy of the world!

Soon there will be warships to the shore of the harbor and make them pay in blood.

People's lives were the things Doruton had to consider as king more than going hungry.

But how he wanted to let everyone live without hunger and cold!

He was thinking that if Choiba was there, he would be angry, and if Dr. Silke was there, he would encourage everyone!

If Luffy was there, would he directly curse and declare war with Draco?

Looking out the window, there was heavy snowfall.

The huge tree has a pink glow, as if it is rendered as a cherry blossom tree.

It's enough to see cherry blossom trees in the bone-chilling magnetic drum kingdom, even if it's made of snowflakes.

He suddenly choked up without arguing.

What a waste!

Obviously drove away the tyrant of Valpo!

Obviously promised Qioba that Luffy wants to make everyone's life better!

It is clear that doctors no longer belong only to the royal family, they can treat everyone!

Dr. Silke said that the kingdom is sick!

He cured the Magnetic Drum Kingdom with years and optimism!

But the result?

It's the world that is really sick!

As a man, the merciful monarch of a kingdom.

Choked up again!

Why pay heavenly gold!

Why let everyone starve, freeze!

He doesn't seem to have changed anything in the end!

Blurry eyes always staring out the window.


Two tall figures appeared, one of them like a giant, and after seeing him, he kept shrinking with a smile on his face.

Doruton recognized the appearance of this man, he had seen this person more than once in the Navy, the propaganda of the world ZF.

Very young and always smiling.

He is Luffy's eldest brother, the Demon Lord Luoling.

It is said to be regarded as the most terrible villain in the world!

What is in his head is enough to turn everything upside down!

That's nice!

Doruton thought that there must be an illusion, how could such a powerful big man appear here.

He held himself back, swallowed all his tears, and stood up even though his eyes were red.

"The dawn will finally come, and I am willing to cut all expenses, as long as I can get through this!"

"What did you get through?"

The teenager's voice sounded in his ears.

He pushed the door out, warming the air a little.

Luo Ling smiled and said: "Long time no see, Ms. Gureva, I think, I came at the right time!" "

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