Gureva turned her head and smiled.

"A rare sight, Demon Lord Luoling."

"Stinky boy, the last time we met was when you were very young, a child, the dragon took you to another East Island."

"Well, you were baking a stove in the corner and participated in that war by the way."

Loring said, waved his hand towards the outside of the magnetic drum kingdom, and threw the Poseidon out.

"Let's get straight to the point, I brought a ship that is enough to accommodate the people of the three of you Magnetic Drum Kingdom to live and move to another place."

"The second choice, quit the world ZF, join the GM army, don't worry about any heavenly gold, I will carry it with you!"

"The third choice, you continue to submit to the Draco, hungry and frozen, looking forward to a better tomorrow."

Luo Ling said, and sat directly and quietly on the ground, his body had shrunk to the size of a normal person.

The man on the plate took off his cloak and revealed his face to the truth.

Shocked everyone again.


Admiral of the Navy headquarters, pheasant!

How can it be mixed with the GM army?

What's wrong with the world?


Doruton knew that any choice meant making enemies for himself and for the Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

"I was chosen by the people of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, so these three choices should be given to everyone."

He said categorically.

"Well, it seems that you are a teachable talent, by the way, will you be domineering? Fruit awakening no?

Loring chatted as casually as Ra.

After a while, they told everyone that it was still difficult for them to accept the fact that the green pheasant had joined the GM army.

After three rounds of drinking, Luo Ling said calmly.

"Actually, this guy is a two-five-year-old, who came to me as an undercover agent."


Doruton looked at the pheasant with a surprised expression.

I saw the curly-haired man nodding slightly, admitting that he was here to be an undercover agent, which completely stunned Doruton.

I knew you were undercover, but I took you anyway.

I know you know I'm undercover, but I'm going to follow you anyway.

The relationship between these two people is really complicated!

"Zefa is my teacher and the elder who nurtured an era.

Karp is a hero of the Navy and a man who established the name of justice in an era.

And in front of them both stood a man named Luo Ling.

That's why I have to do it, and he's the answer. The

pheasant drank a bottle happily, fell into the snow, and slept peacefully.

The little penguin nestled in his trench coat, whirring and asleep.

The wind is strong, and it seems to tear the past of the magnetic drum kingdom apart.

White papers, walking in the night of the magnetic drum kingdom.

People had learned during the day that there was another way not to pay heavenly gold, and they thought about these three options for an entire afternoon.

Finally, at night, I began to secretly fill in my choices.

Early morning.

The sun shines on the cylindrical mountains.

Outside the castle.

Loring snuggled against the wall, waiting for people's choice.

The pheasant lay on the ground in a large shape, and the harsh sunlight woke him up.

"I haven't slept so soundly for a long time, how about the choice?"

"Your three generals are ridiculously domineering, why don't you directly perceive it?"

"No matter how strong it is, can it be as strong as you?"

The green pheasant complained, rubbing his neck and sitting up.

On the cable car, Doruton got out of the car with a sad face.

Together with Dr. Gureva stood in front of Lorling.

Handed over a thick wad of paper.

And resolutely roared, dissipating Fang Cai's hesitation.

"I am King Dorudon elected by the lords of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, and from now on I will officially abdicate and become a member of the Elders of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom!

Last night, a total of nine elders were elected, and they were spread across all walks of life.

You will serve as our first elder!

Our choice is, die!

Also stand and die!

Join the GM Army! "


When Doruton said this, he himself chuckled in his heart.

This man is the Demon Lord Luoling, and it is not certain whether he will win in the future.

But the Magnetic Drum Kingdom has experienced tribulations again and again, and has long seen through the rules of this world.

They can be said to live in the cold, but they also look forward to the arrival of spring!

Passionate, like Dressrosa, lives under the fine lines that control everything.

Fanatics like Alabastan hesitate to seek a middle ground.

Only the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, they are small, they only have medical skills, they seem to have nothing, but they are actually full of courage!

"Congratulations, the first New World Conference will be held in the Kingdom of Kings in three months, please be sure to come here, we will send a capable person to escort you!"

Lorraine smiled and handed a piece of life paper, a permanent pointer, to Doruton.

"Declare to the Navy, inform the World ZF, you refuse to hand over the heavenly gold!"

"If their warships come, I will let them sink one by one!"

To have strength is to be confident enough.

The young man stood up and exhaled a cool breath, and the breath on his body continued to climb.

Ten minutes later.

In the midst of the spit and declaration of war of the world ZF, everything is over.

By the port.

The white-clothed Luoling stood here quietly, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

A day later, three warships from the headquarters of the Navy appeared here.

Led by Vice Admiral of the Navy headquarters, Squirrel himself.

When he saw the white-clothed Luoling in the port, he was about to go up.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the ship sailed half a meter forward, it was cut in half by a knife.

A week later.

World ZF announces that everyone in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom has become pirates!

Even if their faces are swollen, they will not admit that they have joined the GM army.

In order to offer bounties, a large number of bounty hunters poured into the Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

All defeated under one sword.

The white-clothed Luoling held iron broken teeth, like a heavenly graben!

A permanent portal stands here.

Wait for the day when it really opens.

More than two months later, the New World Conference will still go on a battleship to show respect.

By the port.

The white-robed Luoling obeyed Luoling's order to stay here.

He clasped his arms and calmly watched Luo Ling and the green pheasant leave.

Children crowded along the shore, quietly watching Lorling's back.

"Elder, I heard that Fishman Island has reached sea level, and if it sails through the bottom of the sea, the danger level will be greatly increased."

Doruton expressed his concern.

"We don't go to the bottom of the sea, we go to the sky!"

Loring pointed to the sky.

"Over the Red Earth Continent? That's not allowed by Draco!

"So what, we just want the whole world to know!"

To Doluton's concerns, Lorraine directly informed the answer.

The Red Earth Continent was originally a road.

Why can't you fly over.

The Seagod, which is even larger than the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, makes children feel like they are dreaming.

Luo Ling's move was nothing more than to give them a little confidence.

The Poseidon slowly rotated and rose from sea level.

"A ship that can fly, is this the captain of the GM Army's science battle?"

Dr. Gureva couldn't help but marvel.


Luo Ling and the green pheasant directly took the Poseidon and flew into the sky.


The ghost spider put away the binoculars and said to the phone worm: "Marshal Sakaski, Luo Ling and the green pheasant flew into the sky, do you want to continue the pursuit?" The

red dog was inexplicably sluggish for a while.

"Chase a fart, have you ever beaten it?"

"Can't beat it."

The ghost spider said confidently.

"I'll send someone to follow."

The red dog hung up the phone worm.


New world.

New Navy Headquarters.

Akainu leaned back in his chair with an angry expression.

As soon as the yellow ape heard the two words Luo Ling, he directly diverted the topic.

"Sakaski, Vegapunk has accelerated the research of the new science team, and Fujitora wants to abolish His Majesty the Seven Wuhai in advance, what do you think?"

"Got it."

The red dog stood up, and a lonely back appeared in the hallway.

He was a little tired and seemed to feel overwhelmed.

Nevertheless, the steps are extremely steady, just to stabilize the justice behind them.

Fuji Tiger falters, and the green pheasant defects.

Sengoku, Karp doesn't care.

The yellow ape next to him is still a bastard, especially when it comes to Luo Ling, he directly diverts the topic.

As for the green bull, that guy wandered the world all year round, and stayed in the Mary Joa to bask in the sun when he had nothing to do.

He was so tired.

Think of the four big words in the office.

"Absolute justice"

Akainu asked himself, absolutely unashamed.

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