"Legend has it that there is a sea of clouds above the sky more than seven thousand meters, called the White Sea, and they call themselves a family of gods and have their own culture."

The green pheasant muttered.

"Haven't you been to the empty island?"

Luo Ling was a little curious, as a senior admiral, how could he not have been to the empty island.

After all, there is more than one empty island in the White Sea.

"No, I've been part of it, but the one you're going to, I've never been to."

The pheasant is a word in the word.

"Don't beat around the bush, I don't like the way I speak."

Loring looked at the sky, the Poseidon was accelerating, and the thrusters were boosting at full strength.

"You just want to say that the empty island I am going to is inextricably linked to the ground, and it also involves some legends."

"Well, in the secret information, four hundred years ago, an island was once split in two and rose directly into the sky.

The island resembles a skeleton as a whole, which is said to have a long history, and the lying king, Nolando, is also inextricably linked.

Rumor has it that the pirates used skeletons as their banner because of this ancient island.

Because a long time ago, before the island disappeared out of thin air, there was an ancient name!

The green pheasant said, and Luo Ling caught the chatterbox.

"This half of the island you are talking about was once called the Golden Township!

The shape of his skull echoes the beehive island of the New World, and the two skulls symbolize the pirate's pursuit of exploration and treasure, and the other is the love of killing and madness.

It is worth mentioning that the great explorer, Nolandu found the golden land that symbolizes exploration and treasure.

And Hive Island became the king of the world, the hiding place of Lokes.

Maybe there are already arrangements!

The unknown island of gods has the reputation of the emerald capital.

Golden Township, Emerald Isle.

Ralph Drew!

In the beginning, should the pirates be called explorers, or pirates?

Loring smiled as he watched the Poseidon fly over the sea of clouds.

Seven thousand meters in the air!

Land of the White Sea!

The so-called area of the empty island.


Shuttling through the sea of clouds, ignoring all obstacles, even everyone guarding the gate of the empty island was frightened.

The current empty island is guarded by the Sandians and the Knights of the Void.

They have physical skills and shellfish, and they have evolved over the years, and they are more applicable in the White Sea.

"Behold, what a great tree!"

Luo Ling pointed to the vine that reached a height of 10,000 meters, and sent the big bell, the bell of hope, and the bell of dawn to the world's vision.

There are five treasure trees that coexist in the world.

Adam, I heard that it can break any wind and wave.

Eve, send the sun to the deep sea.

Demon, the ability to imagine in general.

Omniscient and buried with O'Hara.

The last one is the vine in front of you, which just stays there quietly, running through the entire golden township.

"Do you want to take this ship away first!"

The green pheasant said helplessly.

"Huh? Why, isn't it pretty? There is everything.

Luo Ling followed the pheasant's gaze, and came to the doubtful and surprised eyes of the empty islanders.

The huge Poseidon has a center large enough to hold ten thousand people in the middle, and there are three rings outside, and the space is multiplied by dozens of times.

Slowly spinning, it emits a strange light, like an alien spaceship.

"What to collect, I'm just passing by, in order to get enough energy for my lab, this trip is also inevitable."

"The hourglass begins to parse!"

[A large amount of gold has been detected, which can accelerate the research of the scientific team

] [Whether to extract]


Luo Ling waved his palm towards the Golden Township, and directly pocketed the huge houses and pillars that fell down.

You know, even if most of it was taken away by Anilu, there are still some residues here, which have been parsed out of the ground by the hourglass.

[The analysis is complete, a large amount of gold is still on the moon, Anilu builds an ark and refines it all]

"I know."

Loring helplessly, the second and first generation of pacifists of the science team, and a new type of war weapon.

Many critical parts and wiring require gold.

He originally thought of going to the Golden Emperor Tezzolona to get a batch.

But who knows, is it a fake that fails as soon as it touches the seawater.

For this.

He could only come to the empty island in person after solving the matter of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom by the way.

The gold reserves in the Golden Township are indeed amazing.

But he didn't want to take the whole away, after all, it was a work of art, which was a pity.

On the contrary, some scattered collection is enough to use.

For further development, it is best to go to the moon.

Anilu has recently been fighting the Cosmic Pirates.

Strange to say.

This guy who claims to be a god has always believed that the real sea is the sea of stars, and I have to say that his pattern is indeed big.

It was also perverted enough to slap his hometown into ashes.

But because he is in the universe, the possibility of him encountering substances such as sea lou stones will be greatly reduced.

Devil Fruit, Joey Boi, Moon Tech.

The origin of everything is as if it were an alien.

Lorraine didn't find it strange, he was a traverser himself.

Not only does it come with an hourglass, it's better than the system, and it doesn't need to perform any tasks.

"Is that from above the White Sea?"

The people of the empty island all raised their heads in surprise, watching this scene like the arrival of a god.

If they hadn't experienced Anilu, they would have been absolutely frightened silly.

"Damn, no one wants to become a god again!"

The current leader of the Sandians, the war ghost Weber, has long prepared a platoon shell and a spear.

The little girl Aisha used her natural "heart net" to sense some of the emotions conveyed by Lorling.

"He has no malice, he is not from above the white sea, but he is going to the white sea!"


Everyone was surprised, obviously they could not imagine that there were people under the White Sea who would have such great ambitions and wanted to go to the sea of stars!

"Prepare your various shells and delicacies, and hold a banquet when I return!"

Loring shouted at the group of hesitant, fearful, and curious people.

"Shandia, Empty Islander, Luffy and Mr. Dragon, let's say hello to you."

It was raining in the sky.

Inside were bounty orders from the sea, newspapers, and news about Luffy and his gang, the dragon.



More than half a year ago.

After the Straw Hats left the empty island, a man wearing a cloak and calling himself a dragon arrived on the empty island and personally explained everything about the GM army to them.

I will definitely leave "Dragon Slayer" and tell them about the near future.

The hero of their empty island, Luffy.

His eldest brother, Loring, will come in person and lead them to the sea and the universe!

I just didn't expect that this day would come so soon!

"I should have purchased these supplies!"

The Poseidon rotated slowly.

Supplies, all kinds of food, tools, and seeds of plants rained down.

"You are Lorling!"

The war ghost shouted, but the boy just waved his hand in the air.


Under extreme acceleration.

The Poseidon flew directly to the moon.

"Anilu, the gold stays!"

As the scientific captain of the GM Army, how could Luo Ling allow him to take precious resources away at will!

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