
The cosmic pirate Anilu is looking down on his courtiers in what he thinks is the infinite land.

The inhabitants of the moon are all from hundreds of years ago.

According to their murals and historical records.

A long time ago, their creators, as well as many winged humans and some lunar people, the mechanical and modified human beings, left the moon.

Went to the earth.

But he never came back.

Until the arrival of Anilu, he used his ability to sound thunder fruits to infuse a lot of electricity into these lunar people, activating them all.

This led to Anilu's group of cosmic pirates, and since then, he has been committed to fighting all kinds of cosmic pirates.

The universe is vast.

There are even fewer space pirates.

He has been bored lately, as he has not encountered a vandal for nearly three months.


A cute moon man walked in, each of them only up to people's knees, similar to Luffy's disciple, Kung Fu Seal.

Good at fighting, can replace parts once damaged.

He said something after a while.

It soon piqued Anilu's interest.

An enemy is coming!

Huge battleship, two tall monsters!

Obviously, this is definitely the best among the cosmic pirates!

Anilu closed his eyes.

Seeing the domineering "heart net", it quickly covered the area where the Poseidon was located.

There really are two tall monsters!

"God's sanction!"

In the first moment of perceiving them.

Anilu directly locks the position with the heartnet.

The arm turned into thunder and lightning and ran directly into space, followed by the appearance of lightning to the end, forming a huge thunder column in the air!


Lightning rushes down, destroying and decaying.

Directly bombarded Lorling.

He stood in place, and saw the electricity pass through his body and directly bombard the lunar warriors around him!

Copper-headed iron arm, conductive ah!

"What's going on?"

Anilu was slightly stunned, and once again cast the "God's Sanctions",

this time attacking the green pheasant.

The latter directly turned into a body of ice.


Lightning slammed into the body of the green pheasant, and the ice cubes were directly shattered into ice chips on the ground.

The next moment, the ice turned into mist and condensed again.


Anilu was stunned.

No way!

Is this the rubber star man in the universe?

He inexplicably remembered a teenager who was undoubtedly a country man to him, Luffy!

There is no rubber on the empty island, and legend has it that people call it Nika.

It means a person who can extend infinitely, like the sun god, to perform miracles.

Good at dancing and fighting, always bringing hope to people in despair.

Anilu has always known that the humans under the White Sea are selfish and rat-eyed.

Only the infinite earth, the universe is where their empty island people come from!

It's also the ultimate destination!

When he arrived on the moon and saw the same wings as the empty islanders on the mural, Anilu understood.

The universe is God's home!


He wants to personally defeat these two cosmic pirates who do not know the height of the sky!


The lightning condensed, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared at the point locked by his heart's net.

"30 million volts Thunderbird!

30 million volts thunder beast!

60 million volts Thunder Dragon! After

previous tests, Anilu was convinced that these two enemies were definitely not weak.

It must not be tempted by carving insect tricks.

Therefore, as soon as he appeared, he sounded four thunder drums on his body.

I saw a thunderbird neighing out.

Thunder Wolf followed closely behind, running at great speed.

The last two drums converged into a thunder dragon that went straight to Lorling's head.

"What is it? Performing cabaret?

Lorraine grumbled.

The nine-toothed nail rake was taken out directly.

"Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, can you be compared to heavenly thunder?"

A rake smashed into the ground, and I saw nine huge ravines appear directly, destroying and decaying, and when approaching the ground suspended by Anilu, nine sharp peaks flew out directly.


While Anilu dodged, the lightning had already hit Loring, who was struck by the lightning and directly opened his blood basin.

Like a black hole, it directly engulfs lightning.

Devour everything!

The energy was quickly absorbed, and lightning flashed in his eyes.

The canopy wings were born, and it was he who was also suspended in the air.

"Thunder Fruit ability? Hasn't it been around for a long time, how could it be in space? The

green pheasant couldn't figure it out, but he knew that Luo Ling was playing, so he couldn't interfere.

Simply went to the base of the lunar people.

The pheasant actually doesn't understand a little.

Those little moonmen are mechanical bodies, Anilu is lightning, he is a body of ice, all can be elementalized without relying on air.

And what about Lorling?

Doesn't this guy need to breathe?

Or is this guy no longer human?

"Ice Age!"


In an instant, the cute lunar man has been frozen as an ice sculpture.

"The moon seems to hide unknown secrets, and the technology here is a bit like..." The

green pheasant suddenly remembered a person.


It's so much like, the technology of the lunar people, what they look like, their murals.

How is it like part of the historical truth he knows.

It's even more like Vegapunk!

Loring, Loring!

Did you hit it by mistake, or did you already know the truth of everything!


Over the Moon.

Loring, which does not need oxygen, has indeed long since fallen out of the human category.

Most of the time, it is difficult for him to determine his own state.

In a word.

Even if Qi Tian Great Sage, Marshal Canopy was just an awakened state of the Devil Fruit in the Pirate World, weakened by countless layers.

It also has the qualities of a real, god!

What Yimu, Anilu is simply not enough to see.

Many of its own magical powers can be compared to many demon fruits.

The fruits of surgery also require the awakening of the able, and the medical skills are superb in order to sacrifice themselves and perform the operation of eternal life.

Luo Ling's Qi Heavenly Power and Canopy Power directly allowed him to obtain many characteristics of immortality and King Kong after the advanced awakening.

As a true god, he can naturally breathe freely in the universe!

"Wan Lei!"

Anilu knew early on that he needed to use technology and physics to make his lightning infinitely enhanced.

Four thunder drums are naturally needless to say.

The Golden Ark he made, the Proverbs, was also part of expanding the power of the Thunder Fruit.

The thunder fruit urged the Ark Proverbs, emitting thunderclouds that obscured the view.

Anilu opened his arms and held a golden rod, dropping countless lightning bolts.


Lorraine was in it, his wings wrapped around it, and he was allowed to slash at him by lightning.

Thunder and lightning are constantly bombarding, getting stronger and stronger.

"You want to protect against God's lightning?"

"Lei Ying!"

The thundercloud twisted into pitch black, and the converged lightning continued to condense until it became a huge ball of lightning!

Compared to the insignificant Luoling, it is simply like the sun!

"It's slow."

Spreading his wings, Loring looked up at the huge ball of lightning.

Directly opened the blood basin mouth.



Anilu's jaw almost dropped.

Can a human mouth really be so exaggerated?

I saw Luo Ling open his mouth, and his body grew to ten meters, but it was still insignificant compared to "Lei Ying".

But his mouth directly exceeded the limits of living things!

It's like a mini black hole!

But it's also bigger than ball lightning!


Just one bite and directly eat the lightning!


" "I heard, you still have a Thor state?"

Lorraine was very simple, just wanted to test the power of Anilu.

He decided!

Use this god as his energy source at the scientific base of the kingdom of kings!

Super Generator!

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