This night.

People heard a lot of stories about the sea, and listened to Lorraine talk about how wonderful the world will be in the future.

"In the future, the sea, the white sea, and the white sea will be connected, and you can go to the universe, the earth to adventure, and you can also trade, and each place has its own specialties and customs.

Trust me, that day will come soon.

Lorraine raised his glass, which was full of green apple juice.

"Hey, why do you always like to drink this sour thing?"

The green pheasant looked at this scene, and his eyes were full of hope.

He was also wondering, will the day that Loring said will come?

Is the justice he upholds right or wrong?

"Everyone has their own tastes, and I don't reject you if you like to drink, right?"

Lorraine said, raised the apple juice in his hand, and shook it like a large glass of red wine.

"In life, as long as you don't interfere with the lives of others, what's the harm in being yourself?

Kuzan, I don't care what you do, but everything that follows will be the storm of an era.

I hope you remember all this well, if, I mean if one day I leave this world, there will always be something behind.

You have to tell them that those are what I left behind. "

Out of this world?

Kuzan looked stunned, such a powerful person will also have his own worries.

"I've been looking for a door lately that can travel through the void, time, to a place that is too far away and may require me to exhaust all my reach.

Come back again, it should be a long time later.

As Luo Ling spoke, he drank the apple juice with his own care.

"Where are you going? Like Anilu, go play in the stars, there are cosmic pirates in this world, but they are not necessarily stronger than us. "

The green pheasant is confident enough, in the pirate world, except for Luo Ling, no one can really be above him.

Old man Karp is an exception, after all, there is no one else who can integrate to that point in this era.

"The place I'm going, the place I came from.

People have been wandering for too long, and there will always be a day when they miss their hometown.

And I, this homesick person, should at least find that big truck to settle the score.

Loring smiled wryly, facing the moon.

On the moon, there was a huge smiling face, which he painted.

At this time.

I don't know how many people can see it clearly in the pirate world.

Some people will panic, others will be happy.

Looking up at the moon is also the pheasant.

Where do others know.

Loring changed part of the structure of the moon with the Shock Fruit, and distorted its environment with water and fire, creating a small and bizarre ecology.

With the "gate" as the basis of its structure, in other words, the base on the moon was taken by him, but left another miracle.

The distortion of Ice and Fire Island is the result of his battle with Akainu.

But Luo Ling's control of flames, water, wind and sand, trees, and the golden light that is more powerful than the Warring States and the Yellow Ape.

Let the green pheasant always feel that Luo Ling is not alone, he can do anything.

"Gentlemen, I will open doors for you, and I will let you walk through to the sea!

Two months from now, somewhere on an island in the sea, there will be a grand meeting!

My Poseidon will take you there! The

Poseidon landed on the White Sea, and people watched curiously.


Doors stood in front of them, leading to all the empty islands in the world.

"I have told the people of the empty island, and when they come, they will come here, pass through the doors, and meet you!"

Luo Ling stood in front of the door, and the ten-meter-high door flashed with a light blue light.

It is as if one can see another island, all kinds of empty islands all over the world.

"Here, rebuild the honor of the empty island, the White Sea, and let the bell of Shandorah ring the sea again!"

Luo Ling's eyes were hot, and the war ghost looked at him, as if his ancestors, the great warriors, saw Nolandu.

That's light, that's smile, that's hope.

The child is eating roasted corn, which is a modified corn brought by Lorin from the sea, which tastes sweet and delicious.

"Big brother, what's over there at the door?"

The chieftains of the Sandia clan, Sky Knights, War Ghosts, and Aisha all looked at Lorling.

Oh, yes.

They were curious.

What does the door symbolize.

The other side of the door, what the hell.

"On the other side of the door is hope."

Luo Ling's tone was calm, in other words, when he first came to this world when he was young, he would definitely be surprised and hesitant.

But now, he has absolutely powerful strength, enough to stand out.

Why speak out.

That's the truth!


The green pheasant let out a cold breath.

He always felt extra warm tonight.

Could it be that too much firewood was added to the bonfire, which made it difficult for his cold body to accept.



The banquet is over.

People rushed to tell each other that there was a man who was good and promised them what kind of future he had.

The pheasant leaned against the tree and did not sleep all night.

He saw everyone after leaving.

Luo Ling left alone.

Back to the Kingdom of Kings.

He returned to the base and looked at his three major experimental subjects.

Whitebeard II, Robluci, Urki.

The second generation of perfect pacifists has basically succeeded.

He went to the core energy source and left Anilu in the energy harvester he had created.

I saw that the weak water mirror instantly burst out a strong oppressive force, directly excavating the electricity of Anilu as unlimited electricity.


"Captain, so much gold, enough for accessories!"

"These cute little creatures are actually exquisite technological creations!"

"A whole scientific research base!"

It's amazing!

Lorraine went out and brought back so many good things.

"Let you make copies, are you ready to print everything?"

"Of course, we prepared a million copies, and the Kingdom of Kings, All Nations, and Fishman Island processed them together for three days and three nights!"

The laboratory was full of bounty orders.

Luo Ling nodded in satisfaction, and with a wave of his hand, he put it into his alien space.

"Captain, how come there is a person on this bounty order that you have never heard of?"

"It's normal if you haven't heard of it, this guy is more homely, doesn't like to show his face, and there are fewer people who know him."

Everyone admired, really worthy of Luoling.

Even the big guy behind this kind of Draco who doesn't leave home knows.

"The big war is imminent, and the second generation of pacifists must be perfected."

"Obey, Your Majesty the Demon Lord!"

Only then will they stop calling Lorraine the captain.


With millions of different bounty orders and newspapers.

Lorraine hurried back to the empty island.

Early morning.

Golden Township, Shandora.

Lorraine wrote ancient texts on stone tablets in the main body of history.

[Perfect interpretation of ancient texts, being transmitted to your brain]

rely on hourglasses.

The boy succeeded in writing this ancient text.

He simply pressed his finger on it and easily wrote a sentence.

"I came into the world, I gave the answer."

Huge as a building tree, a vine that leads straight to the white sea.

He slammed his punch on the golden bell.

Melodious bells ringing in the sky!

The Sandia, the empty islanders, woke up from their sleep, and did not know what had happened.

"What the hell is this guy doing?"

The green pheasant wondered, according to his perception of what he saw and heard.

Lorraine is spilling bounty orders and newspapers from the empty island!

The range of his perception is still limited.

Because Lorling had set up portals on empty islands around the world last night, he would definitely inform all about the New World Conference and going to the Golden Country to ride the Poseidon Ship.

His doppelganger is on an empty island around the world, throwing a bounty order and newspaper to the sea with the members of the former Bigmom!

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