Magic Valley Town.

Uncle Diamond, Wembran Kulik is recuperating his body.

The orangutans and apes ran into the house excitedly.

They had recently returned from a voyage and were ready for a new adventure.

"I heard it too, it's the bell ringing again!"

Uncle remembered the last time he heard it, it was after Luffy and they traveled to space on the flying current.

After hearing it again after more than half a year, I also had a little more expectation in my heart.

Since saying goodbye to Luffy.

They set off their own adventure.

The days are more interesting.

The orangutan and the ape handed a large pile of bounty orders and newspapers to Uncle Diamond.


"Si Guoyi!"


The uncle directly let out three sighs.

But he just couldn't say a complete sentence.

Only after half a day looked up and asked: "I have heard of the five old stars, it seems to be higher than the status of the World Army General Marshal Warring States, but who is this Yimu?"

He put down the bounty order and picked up the newspaper.

I couldn't help but be attracted by the story and let out a series of admirations, amazing!


An island full of ruins and baboons.

Perona was looking anxiously at Solon, who was fighting madly.

"Hey, you've been practicing frantically since you came here, do you know how big things have happened in the world?"

"I don't care!"

Solon slashed out, and the sword qi directly repelled a gorilla.

Recently, he has become more and more powerful.

The two-color domineering qi has become stronger and stronger, and the ghost qi is rising, and I always feel that there seems to be some power in the body waiting for recovery.

In the castle.

Hawkeye was just still drinking.

At this moment, he lifted Erlang's legs and stared at the bounty order in his hand without saying a word.

His eyes resembled the man in the bounty order.

For some reason.

He didn't say anything, as if he didn't care, as if he had expected it.


Shemale Kingdom.

Ivankov has been busy recently, and Xiao Feng has been here since he was rescued by Luo Ling in the Advance City, as if he has the potential to become a second-generation demon king.


Yamaji, who was constantly running in the sky, just caught a bounty order.

Surprised almost fell.

"Five old stars, each with a reward of four billion Baileys!"

"Im, the king of the world, offers a reward of nearly five billion Baileys!"



Renly had just arrived here, but he had been instructed by Lorling to train Luffy here.


A special space is created by the door.

The surrounding area is still a hegemon-level existence in the sea king class.

Every day, Rayleigh teleports through Lorling's door.

The boy was covered with sea stone chains, neck and arms, and an exploding bracelet on his ankle.

Only if he is truly strong enough to awaken the domineering tricolor will he be qualified to leave here.


The sea washed over and drowned Luffy, who was already weak.

He barely stood up, relying on domineering to hold himself up.

"Yes, when can you break the bracelet and easily defeat those sea king overlords with the sea tower stone handcuffs, then you will truly become a strong enough to enter the new world."

"I can definitely do it!"

Where did Luffy know that this was all special training given to him by his good big brother.

Armed color domineering awakening, in order to break the bracelet.

Devil Fruit Abilities can wear Sea Lou Stones on the bottom of the sea and defeat Sea King overlords.

After releasing the shackles, the strength will be unimaginably improved.

Just as the Elephant Lord's nose can throw off Drought Jack.

The strength of the sea king overlords is also not to be underestimated.

"Before that, it seems, there is one more thing."

Renly took out the newspaper.

Ten minutes later.

Luffy yelled incredulously.

"It turns out that there is still a blank throne in the world! This guy named Yim was so bad that he backstabbed the guy named Joey Boey. "


And not only the Straw Hats.

Pirates all over the world have also received bounty orders and newspapers.

They were surprised to find out.

Mary Joya, a holy land on the Red Earth Continent.

Not all Draco are waste.

The seat called the Blank Throne has always had a master named Im.

A great kingdom existed eight hundred years ago, until it was defeated by twenty kingdoms that declared filial piety.


He stood behind history for eight hundred years!

Become a veritable king of the world in the true sense!

What a mockery!


New world.

Hive Island.

Kaido drank the sullen wine with a look of disdain.

Under him are three plagues and six volleys.

On the other side are the remnants of the Black Beards such as Yu no Hiru, Juan and others.

The brute led by Apu does not say, there is also Doflamingo and the golden emperor Tezzolo in secret.

Plus, after the top war.

He also successfully reached a high-level awakening of the armed color, and for an awakened person of the phantom beast species, his physique was already strong, and now he even reached the level of claiming to be invincible.

The power under his command is huge, and the large amount of gold earned by the Golden Emperor, Bailey has been transferred to Dressrosa of Doflamingo, and exchanged for a large number of artificial devil fruits.

This actually made the new Hundred Beast Pirate Group under his command even more powerful!

The number of real fights and givers is better than ever.

It's just that.

There was always a shadow in his heart, lingering.

The sullen Kaido glanced at the newspaper.

What Joey Boi, what Im, the blank throne, these things he has long known, and he does not think at all.

Even if you give ten billion Bailey, who can dare to kill Mary Joa on the Red Earth Continent.

"Luo Ling, it's Luo Ling again!"

Kaido was furious, this guy not only kidnapped his daughter, but even directly challenged the world ZF.

Throughout the ages, the strongest is only in the underground world, offering rewards to some naval figures.

Only Loring.

This daring guy.

Directly rewarded the five old stars, and also made Yim public, offering a reward of five billion Bailey!

"Brother Kaido, why do you say Luoling?"

Ember was puzzled, these bounty orders, the newspaper obviously spread all over the world.

Exactly the same as before.

Shouldn't it be the masterpiece of journalism king Morgans?

"Except for him, no one dares to openly shoot all this on the bright side, and the underground world of the New World, except for Doflamingo and Tezzolo.

All fell into the hands of Lorraine, and only Morgan was controlled by the world ZF.

They thought they would be free from not letting that stupid bird talk nonsense.

As everyone knows, this guy has always played cards according to common sense! "

Kaido's understanding of Lorling is far beyond human understanding.

But he was angry that Yamato actually took over Happy Street, and now he is in the storm!

I entrusted my daughter to you, you are good, and I will be sent directly to be the queen!"


On a small island.

News King Morgans slumped in his chair.

CP0 next to him also looked innocent.

They were answering the phone worm, and the voice of the five old stars came from inside.

"Erase, immediately find the trace of the Demon Monarch Luoling, no matter where he is, the ends of the earth, the moon, and the bottom of the sea!"

"Poof, me off!"

Phone worm on the other end.

Holy Land Mary Joya.

The eyes of the five old stars were bloodshot.

They wouldn't have thought of it.

One day, I will have a bounty order!

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