Blank Throne.

A sword that swore filial piety has been here for eight hundred years.

Yim wears a cloak and a crown.

Got up from the throne, and walked idly to the cold place.

There's a lot hidden here.

A large straw hat was frozen in one of the rooms.

I took a look and closed it directly.

What One Piece Roger, Red-haired Shanks, Straw Hat Kid Luffy.

Even if Joey Boi is reborn, it is not worth mentioning!

Im closed the stone door and opened the deepest one, which had not been opened in eight hundred years.

Inside the door.

There is a door.

The door frame emits a light blue light, passing and rotating like a starry sky.

Yim reached out and touched the door frame, but did not dare to take a step forward.

Not sure what's on the other side of the door.


According to what the man said in front of him.

On the other side of the door is hope.

After eight hundred years, he still returned!

From his homeland, back!

Thinking of this, Yim began to tremble, as if facing an existence that could not be defeated no matter what.

It was as if his fate had already been predetermined and ended in these eight hundred years!


Great Routes.


Vivi placed the newspaper on the table.

His father looked relieved.

"It seems that this new world conference must go."

"Bounty the five old stars and convening a new world conference, this is Luo Ling's means, with his character, he will definitely use thunder means to announce to the world what he will do next."

Vivi felt that Luffy and their brothers were inside.

Lorraine is the most special one.

He dares to do anything and is never lost.


Wei Wei seemed to have thought of something, changed her usual personality, raised her head and whispered.

"Father, why do you say that we can't let Luo Ling know the location and appearance of Hades, why is this secret only for him?"

The king's sideburns were white, and he said after a moment of contemplation.

"Because he will find that all this is too coincidental, as if it is a tear down and a repeat of itself."

Tear down and repeat itself?

Vivi was puzzled.

The king rolled up a diagram of the ancient weapon Hades in his hand.

The exterior drawings are the secrets passed down from generation to generation by their family, including the location of Hades, its secrets.

All this time, he refused to tell this secret even if he was threatened with death.

Because the royal family only has external drawings, and the truth about the location of Hades.

Unlike the capital of the seven waters, there has been a shipbuilder who has been in charge of the blueprints of Hades for generations.

This shape drawing can only take a look at the shape.


Vivi's pupils were still dilated for a moment.

Can't believe it!

In the drawings, Hades is based on a center of a circle, surrounded by three rings, huge in size, but with exquisite design, with various functions, attack and defense in one.

"This is the ship of the Demon Lord Luoling, the Seagod!"

How so?

"You said the opposite, it should be said that the Poseidon is Hades!"

In the royal secret room, quietly.

Vivi finally resumed her normal breathing.

It's terrible!

How does this world have a feeling of time and space being reversed?

"What has been done, will come again; What has been done, will be done later!

The king spoke seriously, and with a kind face, he walked out of the secret room alone.

Again pretend to know nothing.


The capital of seven waters.

Two tall men walked down the street without attracting anyone's attention.

Today is a huge storm that the capital of seven waters encounters every year.

On this day, the sea will roar and roll up unimaginably huge winds and waves.

Destroy the decay, destroy everything.

People have long taken refuge in places where they can carry tsunamis and storms.

"Fortunately, ordinary people are not there, even if there are more people coming, they can shoot at will."

Loring rubbed his fists.

"You're going to make a move?"

The green pheasant asked rhetorically.

"Nonsense, if I don't make a move, will you drive? The villain is a former admiral of the Navy headquarters, so he shot with the Navy, and it was not very good to pass it out.

As Luo Ling spoke, the doors of thousands of households had opened inexplicably.

The shock power in his hand was ready to burst out at any time.

"Didn't you say that you need to submit a name?"

When the green pheasant saw this scene, how could he let Luo Ling make a move.

This guy goes down with a few punches, and the capital of seven waters will have to sink to the bottom of the sea.

It would be better for him to carry the infamy than for Lorraine to strike.

"I hope there won't be more trouble, otherwise I'll have to strike eventually."

"I'll level it out."

As Kuzan spoke, frost had formed on the ground.

He stood there like an iceberg.

Only the sound of small footsteps was heard, and soon more and more sailors were coming out of the corner.

The entire capital of seven waters was occupied by the navy in advance, and they had only one purpose.

"It's a loss to you, pheasant."

Luo Ling stood in place, watching the green pheasant make a move.

He left the Poseidon on the empty island, and deliberately drifted at sea for a while before coming to the capital of the seven waters with the green pheasant.

Studying sea trains and the best opportunities.

Finally, his whereabouts were discovered by CP0!

Being able to lay so many ambushes in the capital of seven waters was originally Luo Ling's plan.

All he wants is to keep walking on the sea and be known by the world ZF.

Because from the five old stars, Yim was rewarded.

There will definitely be an obliteration plan against him!

Even if you can't kill him, chasing him closely and not giving him the slightest chance to breathe is a good choice.

Is it useful?

Of course it didn't work.

In the fierce wind, in order to protect this group of sailors who were used as cannon fodder, the green pheasant personally went on the field and froze them all.

Fortunately, Lorraine gave him this face and let him deal with it.

Being under the leadership of the world ZF is like that.

Where can they choose for themselves.

"Ice Age!"

Huge waves rise into the sky, threatening to engulf the capital of seven waters.

Once the sailors who become ice sculptures are swept away by the sea, they will surely die.

The waves are frozen into huge icebergs.

Kuzan strikes again without any chance of recovery.

"General Qingheasant, why are you helping the Demon Lord!"

"We are naval soldiers, even if you defect from the navy, you should not attack us!"

"Kuzan, you traitor!"

Is it a sin to be weak?

In order to save them, the pheasants could only freeze them.

These cannon fodder are as weak as life, but they know nothing about power.


Luo Ling's figure only disappeared for a moment.

He reappeared, with a large number of shipbuilding drawings from the Iceberg Company, and even hidden drawings of sea trains.

With them, the speed of building sea trains under Luo Ling's forces can be greatly improved.

He calmly looked at the icebergs frozen by the pheasant.

Calmly approached a house.

The next moment, he appeared at the top of the mountain.

It turned out that the door was the door fruit ability he used.

The boy glanced down at the time.

The wind and waves on the sea were still there, and the fierce wind ruffled his long unkempt hair.

The black cloak kept stirring until that moment.

The boy who is like an eternity takes a step.

He stood on a huge wave as tall as a mountain.

Picked up the phone worm in his hand.

Standing tall in the storm, the figure is projected around the world through doppelgangers from all over the world.

He shouted to the whole world.

"Im, do you dare to show up?"

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