Going Merry carries the Straw Hat Crew. Under the guidance of the navigator Nami, they finally arrive at Logue town, the final stop of East Blue.

"What are these ships doing? Have any treasures been found nearby?"

Even Luffy, a very nervous guy, noticed the weirdness of the Logue town port. Ships kept sailing out of the port, and a group of townspeople dressed up looked like they were waving money and looking for ships. There were only ships sailing out but no ships coming in. .

"It feels like something is not right. Let's leave as soon as we have supplies here." Nami, an experienced person, felt that Logue Town was not a good place to stay for a long time.

"Sanji and Usopp are going to buy ingredients and fresh water. Luffy and I are going to the town to buy some clothes. Zoro, you can watch the ship yourself."

"Got it Nami-chan," Sanji said with love in his eyes.

"Don't be stupid. Let's go quickly. I don't want to run into Marine." Usopp didn't want to get into trouble, especially the white hunter Smoker.

Nami followed Luffy behind her to give the little thieving cat some sense of security. Ever since she landed in Logue town, this woman had been restless and always felt like something was going to happen.

The other friends had all left, and Zoro was sitting on the sheep's head in boredom. He didn't understand why he was left to look after the ship by himself. He could complete such a small thing as purchasing alone, and he didn't feel like a road idiot at all.

"Hey, that pirate, do you want to buy weapons?"

"That's your guy with the turban," a little old man in the port of Logue town accosted Zoro.

Zoro, who was looking at the boat, wanted to ignore him, but the next sentence of the other party aroused his interest, "You are a swordsman, do you still need a sword? I have many good swords here, and I will sell them to you if you pay the right price."

The world line still ends here, and Zoro still meets the owner of the weapons store, Imoto Matsuya. Because Smoker is arresting pirates in Logue town, the original weapons store business is difficult to do, but recently he can't even keep the store.

Zoro glanced around, and there were people fleeing nearby. There were no other pirates, so he didn't have to worry about the safety of the Meili. He jumped off the ship and walked to the weapons store. Ipponmatsu also packed up all his belongings before leaving. He could bring Bring everything on board.

"Finally I met a customer. I have a lot of good knives here. Let's see which one you like."

Among the messy knives, Zoro found the Third Generation Kitetsu as fate would have it, "Boss, this is a good knife, I want it."

Ipponmatsu also has a conscience as a weapons dealer, "The sword of Third Generation Kitetsu is a demon sword. Swordsmen of every generation have been bitten by the master. I still recommend you to change it." This demon sword is harmful to people. Qian has always been placed in the corner of the weapon shop, and he didn't expect to be picked today.

Tashigi, who maintains order at the port of Logue Town, saw a group of pirates entering the port from a distance. Seeing that they were not causing any trouble, she ignored them. When she heard the name Third Generation Kitetsu, the female Marine suddenly became interested. She has the habit of collecting famous swords, and she doesn't want to let go of them even if they are demon swords.

"Pirates, if you dare to come to Logue town without running away, aren't you afraid of death?"


Zoro had seen Tashigi in the sky, and when they met in real life, he still felt that this woman looked very much like Kuina. As soon as he saw this Marine, he immediately got a headache. If it were normal, he would turn around and run away.

But as a three-sword swordsman, Zoro only has one sword - Wado Ichimonji. The other two ordinary swords were chopped into pieces by the powerful man in the competition with the great swordsman Hawkeye. During the battle, he even borrowed someone else's saber to defeat Minibus.

This Third Generation Kitetsu Zoro is about to be ordered. "Let's see if I can be its master. Let it choose for itself."

The man opened his arms and threw Third Generation Kitetsu into the air. If he was not careful, the sharp demon sword would cut off a swordsman's arm. Zoro remained calm but the other two were frightened.

Third Generation Kitetsu dodged Zoro's arm, and the blade of the knife plunged into the ground, "It's such a good knife, he chose me."

"You are really crazy." Tashigi was still frightened by the scene just now.

He also had a natural affinity for the swordsman Ipponmatsu. He was moved by Zoro's courage to test the sword. He turned around and took out the tightly wrapped treasure from behind. The sword was given to the hero. The man in front of him was worthy of his trust.

"Young man, this is the treasure of our store - Xue Zou. If you leave it here, it will just eat dust. You can take it with you to explore the Grand Line."

"Yukizai, who ranks among the top fifty swordsmen? It's actually in the boss's hand." Tashigi really wanted to catch this pirate now so that both knives would belong to her.

Zoro was very happy to get two very good knives at once, and he was grateful to the weapon shop owner in his heart, "My name is Zoro, the second in command of the Straw Hat Pirates, and I will not disgrace these two good knives."

Straw Hat Pirates?

Wait, Straw Hat Pirates Picture!

Isn't this the boy in the sky who inherits the will of the Pirate King? I actually met Luffy's crew here. It was just like the future revealed by the sky curtain. These pirates really came to Logue town.

No wonder this pirate flag looked familiar to Tashigi. The Straw Hat Pirate Flag appeared many times in the sky, and she recognized it only after the other party announced his home. The female Marine drew out her saber and shouted: "The pirates put down their weapons and surrendered. We must not let the Straw Hat Crew go to sea." Become stronger".

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ipponmatsuya immediately packed up his stall and prepared to run away, "Brother, my name is Ipponmatsuya. I look forward to your future performance. Be careful Marine."

Seeing that the weapons store owner didn't even want money, Zoro watched his benefactor leave the scene. He didn't want to affect the other party in the next battle. Just now, Tashigi called out more than a dozen Marine soldiers in order to protect the most important thing. Going Merry, the swordsman had to fight.

Zoro bit Wado Ichimonji, holding Yukashiro and Third Generation Kitetsu in each hand. He wanted to deal with the Marine in front of him as quickly as possible, and not let Marine's gun damage the hull, "The secret of the Three Tongue Style - Tornado".

"The Secret of Three Sword Styles - Three Thousand Worlds"

When his friends returned, a large number of Marines had fallen in front of Zoro, including Tashigi, the female Marine, but they were not injured.

Nami dragged the reluctant Luffy behind him, not giving the green algae head a chance to explain, "Everyone, get on the boat quickly. The Marine Admiral is coming. If we don't leave, we won't have a chance."

Behind him were Usopp and Sanji, one holding several buckets of fresh water and the other carrying a large amount of ingredients. The two were panting from exhaustion as they ran all the way.

When the little thieving cat was shopping for clothes in the town, the clothing stores were all selling at a huge discount, and every one of them was as if they were free. Nami bought a lot of clothes for everyone, and there was a lot of money left over from the planned budget.

She learned from the shopkeeper that Marine Admiral was coming to Logue town, and Buggy the clown would also appear here. There would definitely be a battle on this island when the two monsters fought, and mortals would suffer. Those who didn't want to die were leaving Logue town...

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