"I wanted to see the execution platform, but Nami-chan didn't let me go and beat me up. It was so harsh." Luffy, who is a rubber man, had his mouth swollen into a sausage mouth after being beaten.

He wanted to be the Pirate King and not go to the place where the previous Pirate King was executed. Luffy always felt that something was missing in his heart. He had no idea about Marine Admiral. This young man did not know the seriousness of the matter.

"Sanji Zoro, you two put down the anchor, Usopp you take the helm, we have to get out of this hellish place as soon as possible"

Nami, the little cat thief, has stolen Marine's treasure, stolen pirate's treasure, and stolen the king's treasure. It is not easy to save 100 million beli. She is well-informed and knows that Marine Admiral is destroying Force is simply a humanoid natural disaster.

The navigator holds the latest nautical chart. To enter the Grand Line, Upside Down Mountain is the only way to pass. Nami must be fully prepared for the next challenge.

Captain Luffy sat on the sheep's head and looked at the sea ahead. The warships flying the Marine flag gradually came into his sight: "There is a Marine on the sea, and the Marine is coming"!

Nami picked up the binoculars and looked in the direction Luffy was pointing. There was more than one Marine warship heading towards the Logue town port. "There are three, no, at least five or more, my God!"

Not only the Straw Hat Crew saw the appearance of the warship, but other people in the Logue town port also saw it. At this time, they can't care about so much. As long as they can squeeze into other people's ships, as long as they leave this ghost place, they can pay any price.

There were also a few unlucky ones who were pushed into the sea by the people behind them. In short, the panic completely ignited the place. The Marines on the shore struggled to maintain order and prevent unnecessary stampedes.

These Marine reinforcements from the headquarters are headed by Marine Admiral Sakazuki, and Vice Admiral Ghost Spider is responsible for holding the line. This time they want to capture the clown Buggy personally.

Akainu, who believes in absolute justice, does not fully believe the information on the canopy. He can only really fight the enemy and see the actual situation.

The Marine soldiers on the observation deck reported to the officers below: "A pirate ship sailed out of the port mixed with civilian ships. The pirate flag is the Straw Hat Pirates."

Straw Hat Luffy has a bounty of 30 million Baileys. Coupled with the future record in the sky, he can defeat Shichibukai and defeat CP9. This kind of potential pirate is highly valued. It is a big trouble for him to inherit the legacy of One Piece.

Sakazuki believes in absolute justice. He knows that Strawberry Luffy is the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp. This Marine hero is not in East Blue, so he can't be blamed. The scourge must be eradicated as soon as possible.

"Pull the warship closer to sink the Straw Hat Pirates and keep them in East Blue forever."

"Akainu Admiral, but Luffy is...", Ghost Spider was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"I know he is someone's grandson. Is he a Celestial Dragons? As long as the ship flies the pirate flag, it is a pirate who deserves to be killed. Marine does not need a reason to kill pirates."

Ghost Spider knew that Akainu Admiral was more extreme, but he didn't expect that he would show no mercy. He was with the right person. He also believed in absolute justice. As long as the pirate killed, he deserved it.

The Marine warship sailed towards the Straw Hat Crew. Nami's face turned pale when he saw this result, "It's Marine Admiral Akainu who actually came to East Blue. It's over, it's over, I don't want to die yet"!

"Really Admiral"? !

"Akainu is the killer again." The timid Usopp was so frightened that his legs became weak and he collapsed on the spot.

It's too late to collect the pirate flag now. Marine warships have completely blocked the entrance to the sea. If you want to leave here, you need to run into a group of Marine warships. This is no different than seeking death.

The sky suddenly became gloomy, showing the appearance of lightning and thunder, and the sea breeze stirred up waves. The Marines lamented that the weather at sea can change at any time.

Only Akainu Admiral understood what was going on. It was exactly what was said in the canopy. Straw Hat Luffy was actually escorted by a master behind him. This guy who played with wind was still a former Marine.

"The gunner takes aim and prepares for bombardment, target the Straw Hat Pirates, fire"!

Boom, boom, boom... All the warships immediately roared with cannons and raised bursts of white smoke. Dozens of shells were fired at Going Merry, without any regard for the fact that there were civilian ships next to the target.

Luffy jumped into the air and inhaled with his mouth wide open. His rubber body immediately expanded rapidly, covering the entire Sunshine Mellie in an instant, becoming a "big rubber ball".

Most of the cannonballs hit Luffy, but he was a rubber man and was naturally immune to blunt force damage, so he returned the cannonballs to their original owners and bounced them back.

"As expected, he is a rubber man. You are not afraid of cannonballs. Are you afraid of magma?"

Sakazuki jumped into the air and poured a large amount of magma into his hands, "Meteor Volcano".

One after another, huge lava fists were fired at Straw Hat Luffy and his gang. Each of these blows could destroy a warship, not to mention the small size of the Mellie. The ship was destroyed and people were killed right before their eyes.

"To deal such a heavy blow to a junior, his dream cannot stop here."

A man in a dark green coat stands in the air, with an invisible storm surrounding him, the "bad wind."

A storm arose on the sea and the lava fist collided, changing the direction of Meteor Volcano's attack. A large amount of magma fell into the sea and steamed up, and the mysterious protector finally took action.

"What the sky said is right again. Sure enough, there is a strong person helping us to go to sea. Unfortunately, we don't know who this person is." Nami looked at the other party with a telescope, but the strong person who took action covered his face and could not see the appearance of the savior. .

"Usopp turned the helm and rushed over. Didn't you see that the warship on the opposite side was blown away? This is our opportunity."

The violent storm tore apart the surrounding net of the Marine warship, leaving a way out in the middle. In addition, the storm was still blowing wind behind Going Merry, which more than doubled the speed of the entire boat.

"It's so scary. I almost thought I was going to die. Let's rush together." Luffy laughed heartily while standing on the sheep's head, not realizing who saved him.

"I won't let them pass easily, Great Eruption"

A huge amount of lava burst out from Admiral Akainu's hands like a volcanic eruption. The lava that covered the sky and the sun was going to completely kill the Straw Hat Crew.

"Sakazuki, have I ever offended you before, Eye of the Storm"

A powerful blue storm was generated around the Mellie. It was very safe at the center of the storm. This storm protected the ship from being damaged by the lava, and the lava could not break through this wind wall.

Under the acceleration of the hurricane, Going Merry instantly passed the Marine warship from the front. By the time Akainu took action again, the Straw Hat Crew's ship had already run a certain distance. This strong wind made it difficult for the warship to move forward. If it wanted to catch up with the opponent, the warship had to turn around and chase. .

"Damn Long, I didn't expect to let your son run away. He won't be so lucky next time."

Marine Admiral is not afraid of the leader of the Revolutionary Army. Akainu did not continue the pursuit to save energy. If he and the dragon were wasted here, the clown Buggy might run away. At the moment, he is a greater threat than Luffy.

After the Straw Hat Crew's ship moved away, the sea near Logue town returned to its original calm state, which made Marine on the warship breathe a sigh of relief. If the storm just now had been stronger, most of the warships might have been capsized...

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