"Logue town big event"

"The Admiral is defeated and Buggy the clown hides a secret"

"The disappeared Logue town, is it a great good or a great evil"

"Humanoid Ancient Weapon, Artoria Pendragon"

"The World's No. 1 Female Swordsman, the World's No. 1 Swordsman's Strongest Opponent"

"The Strongest Marine in History, the End of the New World Pirates"

"The most powerful pirate clown in history, Buggy, is alive and dead"

The largest circulation newspaper in the pirate world, under the personal supervision of Morgans, World Economic News published several newspapers in succession, allowing this big news to spread throughout the world.

One day passed after the war. Smoker was still on the warship. He spent one hundred beli to buy a newspaper. Each headline on it was more shocking than the last. The birdman was the biggest headline-maker in the pirate world. Behind the scenes, he also bought a newspaper. Fan the flames and put Marine on the fire.

The newspaper also comes with several super close-up pictures. The first picture is of Buggy the clown laughing after defeating Akainu Admiral. The second picture is of Arturia using the island-destroying ultimate move to use a thousand-meter lightsaber. The third picture is This is what Logue town looks like after it disappears into the sea.

I have to say that their reporters are professional, and every photo is better than Marine's. It stands to reason that Five Elders is not short of Zoan Bird Fruit. The quality of printable newspapers cannot be compared to Morgans, and the authenticity of the news is even worse than but.

The World Government has been dealing with the World Economic News Agency both overtly and covertly. The investigation of Morgans, the president, has never stopped. It has done things like beheading and using him as a dog. As a result, the king of the underground dark world has always been... Zoan Devil Fruit appears in its animal form.

After so many years of targeting, he is still alive and well, firmly holding the right to speak as the best-selling news newspaper, and a major provider of intelligence. In the end, there is nothing he can do to Morgans.

The newspaper was belittling Marine, exaggerating the clown Buggy's influence, and constantly touting Artoria's strength. It turned out that the two unknown little people, under the deliberate promotion of Morgans, became His name became a household name, reaching the point where no one knew it.

“It’s true that people cannot be judged by their appearance.”

Smoker looked at Artoria, who was eating hazelnuts. This "noble girl" with stunning beauty had empty dishes piled in front of her, all of which she ate by herself.

“One more bowl thanks”

Arturia handed the empty bowl to the cook on the warship. She alone had the same amount of food as a dozen adult men. Now all the Marine cooks were surrounding her. Her small body of less than two meters would never be able to fill up any one of them. stomach.

Tashigi, who is also a woman, sat next to the blond girl and kept bringing tea and water to Artoria. This courtesy was never used on her superior, Smoker.

As a hobby of collecting famous swords, Tashigi was very interested in Artoria's sword. Her eyes never left her Star Sword. After pondering for a long time, she finally asked what was in her heart.

"Lady Arturia, I would like to ask you, I have never seen this sword in your hand. Is it the supreme sharp sword?"

"Stop calling me Sir, just call me Artoria."

"My sword does not belong to the Twelve Skills of the Supreme Sharp Sword. It is called the Sword of Victory. I got it from a big lake."

The blond girl answered the other party's question and felt a grain of rice in the corner of her mouth. She licked the corner of her mouth and ate it into her mouth. It had been several days since she was summoned to this world. This was the first time she had eaten such a full meal, and it was Marine's food. Pretty good.

"Your craftsmanship is so good. Please give me another bowl."

"Okay, Artoria-sama, you need to wait for a while. You have already finished the pot you just had. I will make another pot for you right now."

The ship's chef didn't have any ill intentions towards this edible girl. Although her appetite was a little big, she was very strong. If the other party hadn't rescued Marine, I don't know how many people would have died in Marine.

A murderous pirate will not pity a cook who has no fighting ability. Only the latter can surrender, and the former will never end well if he surrenders.

In the battle at Logue Town, there were only two Marine battleships left in the end. One was led by Akainu Admiral, who took away the bones of the Marine who died in the battle and returned to Naval Headquarters with Artoria.

Another ship, led by Kizaru Admiral, conducted a large-scale search and inspection of this sea area. The purpose was to find traces of the Clown Pirates. Even a plank from the other pirate's ship would be enough.

Under that terrifying island-destroying move, all traces were wiped out with a sword strike, and the Clown Pirates disappeared on the spot. Did Buggy really die under that sword move?

A group of military doctors surrounded Sakazuki. While bandaging the wound, Marshal Sengoku called. The first was concerned about his physical condition, and the second was concerned about Artoria's affairs.

"She has agreed to join Marine. Marshal Sengoku, you should consider how to treat her."

Throwing the question to the Marine Marshal gave The Resourceful General a headache. This period was not yet the Marine recruitment period. To quickly promote a person with no Marine experience to a Marine Admiral was something that was not done in Marine history. has not appeared yet.

Marine is a violent organization under the World Government. The main source of budget comes from this. Adding an Admiral to the organization will take up a lot of budget. This kind of thing needs to be negotiated with the Five Elders. Marshal Marine is not a man of words in Marine.

"He and I have thought about this situation and decided to temporarily set up an Admiral candidate and set up an additional Marine Admiral. I need to talk to Marshal Kong about it."

However, money is a small matter. Marine can actually absorb such a strong person. It is a huge spiritual inspiration for Marine as a whole in the world. In the subsequent battles with the pirate group, there is no need to be like before. Look forward and backward.

Marine has no shortage of middle- and lower-level soldiers. The only thing it lacks is high-end combat power. There are too many places to defend with high-end combat power. Instead, it is hampered everywhere and cannot gather all its strength to twist into a rope to completely wipe out the bandits at sea.

The second half of the Grand Line, New World, has always been a paradise for pirates. Marine's power there can only be barely maintained. With the addition of Artoria, this situation may be broken.

After having a good meal and wine, Artoria was assigned to an independent room. There are very few such independent rooms on warships. Only those with a rank of Vice Admiral or above have the right to use them. There are two female Marines standing guard outside the room, ready for instructions. Marine treated her very well.

The blonde girl took out what looked like a Bluetooth headset from her pocket. She put it directly on her left ear, pressed the switch on it, and received a man's voice.

"Artoria, you're doing a good job. Just focus on lurking in the Marine and report to me as soon as you have new information."

"Okay young master"

But who would have thought that behind this big incident in Logue Town, there was a pair of dark hands hiding in the dark that was driving it all...

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