East Blue Fukkoshima

The culprit behind the Logue town incident

Mr. Li Wei focuses on leisurely enjoying his fishing time. When there is no fun in the world, he can only pass the time with hobbies in the last world.

I had a secret phone call with Artoria a few days ago. This blond girl has been accepted by Marine's senior management and will be admitted to the position of Admiral candidate in a few days.

At this time, Marshal Sengoku was still in charge. I originally thought that Marine would only give him the rank of Vice Admiral, but he didn't expect that it would go one step further. Arturia was just one step away from becoming Marine Admiral.

A few years later, the old guy Sengoku retired, and Arturia had the opportunity to compete for the position of Marine Marshal. If one of her own became Marine Marshal, the scene would be unbelievable.

The Bluetooth headset Artoria used for reporting was much easier to use than the Devil Fruit. Li Wei used the master machine, and then all his subordinates used slave machines. The slave machines cannot communicate with each other unilaterally. After the parent machine opens permissions, they can contact each other.

This kind of prop was bought in the system store, called unlimited communication equipment. I spent 10 million on duty and bought a set containing a mother machine and five slave machines. With this prop, spies from other forces can join other forces at any time and anywhere. Get in touch with Li Wei.

While waiting for the fish in the sea to take the bait, Li Wei clicked on the hero interface of the system, and a 3D blond villain appeared in his eyes. He was dressed exactly like Arturia. He was scaled down ten times to look even cuter. Hero Basic introduction and skill information can all be observed on this interface.

Artoria Pendragon

From: Fate series

Age: Forever fifteen

Weapon: Anti-city Noble Phantasm--Sword of Vow to Victory

Talents: Magic Power, Riding, Path of Glory, Magic Power Release, Leadership Temperament

Abilities: Primary Conqueror's Haki, Wind King's Barrier, Wind King's Hammer, Liberation Pledge Victory Sword

Mainly in terms of talents, the system has been extensively modified to make Artoria more adaptable to the world of pirates and let this ugly world experience the shock of foreign heroes.

Talent against magic: It was originally ineffective against any magic, but was changed to its own ability to resist Devil Fruit. In close combat, it invalidates the ability of Demon fruit power.

Talented Riding: Able to skillfully control various vehicles, including Marine warships

Path of Talented Glory: Gaining powerful combat intuition is the ability to instantly determine the most suitable action for oneself during combat. It has entered the field of predicting the future. It can predict ballistic trajectories through wind and intuition, avoid attacks by firearms, and reduce visual and hearing impairment by half.

Innate magic power release: refers to strengthening one's weapons and body through magic power. The silver armor worn in battle is also woven with magic power.

Talented leadership temperament: This talent is endowed with a more powerful ability by the system. The morale of the army led by it becomes higher and never defeated. The amazing morale guarantees that the army will fight to the last man. The physical fitness of our army members will be increased in all aspects. The weaker the ability in the team, the stronger the amplification effect.

The first hero he got for free was perfect in all aspects. Li Wei just exchanged her for a junior Conqueror's Haki comprehension card, so he didn't need to worry too much about other aspects. She was born to get along with Marine and mix with the Revolutionary Army. On the contrary, it is out of place.

Arturia's last gift of leadership is more effective than the Revolutionary Army's Encouragement Fruit. Let her lead a large army in a frontal battle, and a small soldier turns into a super soldier. It is simply a nightmare for pirates.

In addition, our king, when he was fifteen years old, pulled out the sword in the stone, he stopped aging and kept the appearance of a girl forever. It can be said that he has the ability to live forever. If Arturia sits on Marshal Marine's Position, I don’t know how many levels of Marine Admiral she has to endure.

Retirement is impossible, and it is impossible to retire in this life. Sengoku, Garp, and Tsuru will retreat to the second line of Marine as they get older, losing real power in a powerful organization like Marine.

Even if Sakazuki cannot compete for the position of marshal in the next few years, Artoria has definitely become a Marine Admiral. She can kill Akainu in time, and the position of marshal will be hers sooner or later.

"I really want to thank the news king Morgans. His newspapers and live broadcasts really helped me a lot."

In the big event of Logue Town, Li Wei could use the marquee to broadcast live. He felt that doing so would lose a lot of power, so he simply gave up this option.

In terms of Tianmu's positioning, it pays more attention to writing the future, and does not care too much about what is going to happen now, so that other forces believe that Tianmu is neutral.

Fortunately, Morgans filled this live broadcast gap. Although the live broadcast effect was not as strong as the one brought by the marquee, he did his best to spread the battle process to the world, and his newspapers later added fuel to the fire.

The headlines on the news are more shocking than the last. Talents like this should go to work in the UC News Department. Morgans is indeed the biggest headliner in the pirate world.

Later in the comics, Luffy's bounty was so high, largely because of this birdman. When he was on Cake Island, he was no match for Big Mom, but when he escaped, he was promoted to be the fifth emperor of the sea.

In order to make everyone believe in the future described by Tianmu, he could not let go of his children to trap the wolf, so Li Wei personally entered the body of Buggy the clown, and with the blessing of the system's ability, he fought back and forth with Akainu Admiral, but it took him all at once. Li Wei's entire family fortune was worth 600 million yuan.

During this period, he also exchanged a junior Conqueror's Haki comprehension card for Smoker. The punch on him made him comprehend Conqueror's Haki. Otherwise, he would never be able to comprehend Conqueror's Haki on his own in this life.

Smoker is one of Li Wei's candidates for the future Marine Admiral. The deserter Wang Kebi has always looked down on him. It is better to let the white hunter who has a better look take the position. He has to strike hard at those who have connections. What a cat and a dog. They can all be Marine heroes, which seriously reduces the quality of Marine heroes.

Thanks to the help of Morgans, Li Wei gained more cheat points. The cheat points he originally spent on Buggy the Clown, this time he earned back both the capital and profits.

The cheated points returned to the level of one billion, and Li Wei could enter the system store again and do a lot of shopping.

There is no special need for props at the moment. Li Wei's own strength has reached the level of a swordsman. He can walk sideways in a small place like East Blue, and he doesn't need to waste his cheat points.

Now being cheated can be spent in two directions. The first is to enhance the original characters in the pirate world, and the second is to recruit more heroic units.

Since Marine has been strengthened, the pirates must also be strengthened. From the perspective of the people behind the scenes, Marine and the pirates are just two stronger crickets.

If there is too great a disparity in strength between the two sides during the cricket fight, the original fun of crickets will be lost. To watch, two crickets fight to the death, fighting to the death.

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