One Piece, Starting With A Review Of Devil Fruit

Chapter 381 The Special Abilities Of Stillwater Prison

Haihu Admiral immediately reported to the superiors, and it took less than half an hour to finally get the instructions to enter Jingshui Prison.

If you want to enter this new type of underwater prison, you need to open the door from inside the prison. The prison staff controls the mechanism to open the water gate upwards, revealing the external elevator entering the prison. This is a slow lifting process, during which Hoshigaki Kisame can only wait on the side.

"Sea Tiger Admiral is really a rare visitor. I haven't seen you for a long time after the last medal ceremony."

A female voice came from behind Haihu Admiral. The other person was a sexy blonde lady who was also an important guard of Jingshui Prison.

Character Notes: Warden of Stillwater Prison - Domino

Since the fall of Impel Down, the place where I once lived has been severely damaged, and the lowest prisons have sunk to the bottom of the sea. Even if I don't want to leave that place, it's time to leave.

Fortunately, the newly appointed Marine Marshal built a new undersea prison under the Marine headquarters, giving the prison guards the opportunity to re-employ. Domino, the former deputy warden, was promoted to full-time in Stillwater Prison and directly became the warden. , the appearance of Artoria has given many people a bright future.

"Domino, please go down with me. This is my first time entering Jingshui Prison. There are some rules of conduct in the prison that I need to explain to you as the master."

The two people walked down the steps one after another, passed through the underground gates, and finally came to the elevator of Still Water Prison. The entire underground area of ​​Rome was surrounded by a pool of stagnant water with no flow.

The elevator requires constant kinetic energy from below the prison to shuttle through the stagnant water nearly 10,000 meters deep. This process takes about ten minutes, during which the men and women can only wait patiently.

Domino saw Admiral, the sea tiger, and stared at the clear stagnant water in front of him. The woman opened her mouth and brought the topic to the direction that the man was interested in: "The stagnant water surrounding the still water prison is water that cannot flow in the true sense, and does not have any water properties." It has the characteristics of not producing buoyancy. If it is absorbed by the body through the pores of the skin, it will quickly enter the process of poisoning."

Not only is the stagnant water extremely poisonous to any living creature, it also contains a large amount of seastone ingredients. Once Demon Fruit Power breaks in, it will become a nightmare for them if it touches even a little bit.

The stagnant water surrounds the entire Stillwater Prison. This special liquid developed does not need to consider water pressure issues, and is incompatible with seawater. Therefore, the Stillwater Prison can be set up 10,000 meters under the sea.

This not only ensures the safety of the prison, but also ensures that the prisoners inside cannot escape. Even if they have the strength to escape and riot, they will only be trapped in Stillwater Prison.

Since there is a stagnant water barrier outside the Stillwater Prison, even the Sea Kings will not approach easily. It is even more impossible for the murlocs with racial superiority to cross the stagnant water. They will only become landlubbers and suffocate first in the stagnant water mass. .

Hoshigaki Kisame nodded at Domino's explanation. The fishman understood very well that this was just a superficial effect for outsiders to see. If you didn't enter the still water prison, you wouldn't know the horror inside the underwater prison.

The static water prison elevator finally broke through the stagnant water. After it was raised to a limit, the hatch was opened, and steps were very considerately laid along the way. The two Marines entered the elevator one after the other.

After the hatch is closed, the elevator begins to fall. Because it is surrounded by transparent glass, Hoshigaki Kisame can see the scenery of the seabed outside. Under normal circumstances, there is no sunlight in the deep sea and nothing can be seen. However, Marine built many lights on the seabed. The facility illuminates almost the entire seabed, making it possible to see many things on the seabed at a glance.

“It’s really an amazing facility, and it’s very qualified as a sightseeing platform.”

Hoshigaki Kisame admired the scenery of the deep sea, but it was a pity that within the area where the Still Water Prison was located, there were almost no living creatures in this part of the sea, and there was no life at all. Everything in the sea seemed to be still.

After nearly ten minutes of rapid descent, the elevator finally began to connect with the interface of Jingshui Prison. After confirming that the information on the blood factor was complete and correct, the interface called a command to accept the elevator and successfully placed the two people inside the prison.

As a beautiful woman, Domino of course gave priority to ladies. She was the first to step out of the elevator and breathed in the extremely familiar air around her. This instantly made the woman feel at ease. Entering Stillwater Prison was like going home.

"Sea Tiger Admiral, can you feel any changes in your body?"

Kisame finally stepped out of the elevator and moved his arms as Domino tried to test. However, such a slight movement made the man instantly understand the horror of Stillwater Prison.

"It's really a magical facility. Not only can it deprive outsiders of their physical strength, it can also seal the power of outsiders to a certain extent. How is this done?"

Sea Tiger Admiral is not only slowly losing physical strength, if he wants to use any ability, he has to pay almost a hundred times the usual price until he can no longer use any ability.

Stillwater Prison must be very unfriendly to Demon Fruit Power. This is their natural prison. Even if Demon Fruit Power is not wearing seastone chains, the superpowers they display can be ignored.

If a prisoner wants to forcefully use the Devil Fruit ability, he will only encounter a more terrifying backlash. Prisoners with weaker physiques may be drained of their physical strength by Jingshui Prison in an instant. After a few times, they will only be able to do it alone. As long as they don't want to die, they will be stupid. Everyone will learn to be smart.

Domino took out an outsider name tag from his pocket and motioned for Hoshigaki Kisame to hang it on his body. Sea Tiger Admiral took it and hung it around his neck.

Unexpectedly, with this magical thing, Jingshui Prison instantly lost its influence on him. The heavy pressure brought to him by the prison quickly collapsed, and here he regained his previous strength.

In front of the prison chief, Hoshigaki Kisame mentioned the prisoner he wanted to see, "Domino, I want to see a former Shichibukai, Jinbei, he is not dead here yet."

"He is still alive and well in Jingshui Prison. The previous method of torturing prisoners is no longer practiced here. The marshal still takes great care of the human rights of the prisoners."

This woman said nice words in front of Marine Admiral. As for whether the captured pirates have human rights, it is still a matter of discussion.

Marshal Marine couldn't make the pirates live too comfortably, he just tried his best to extend their living time, use these sinners to help some scientists, and facilitate some more inhumane experiments.

Guysa Courant, the chief scientist within Marine, is often a frequent visitor to Stillwater Prison and discusses human rights issues with the pirates imprisoned here.

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