Although Hoshigaki Kisame and Jinbei are of the same race, they each took different paths. The former even imprisoned the latter here. Stillwater Prison is not a good place, and the days of losing freedom are the most painful.

Domino took the initiative as a guide and took Admiral, the sea tiger, to the prison where Haixia was located. After walking for about half an hour, he arrived near the second floor of Stillwater Prison.

There are separate reception rooms on each floor of the Stillwater Prison. Hai Xia Jinbei has been waiting there for a long time. Domino opened the door of the reception room from the outside and watched Hoshigaki Kisame, the fishman Admiral, enter.

The warden of the prison was not interested in inquiring into the conversation between the two of them, and there was equipment to record the entire conversation in the reception room. It would be very easy to find some video materials in the future.

As for what should be said and what should not be said, let Haihu Admiral decide for himself. This beautiful woman will not worry about it. Thinking too much will cause wrinkles.

A blue fishman became extremely emaciated and emaciated. Prison life in Stillwater Prison was more difficult than imagined.

"Kisame, we haven't seen each other for almost a year. I'm afraid you won't recognize me now."

Jinbei still has a little complaint against Hoshigaki Kisame in his heart. It's not because he put him in a water prison, but because it took a year for the sea tiger Admiral to come to see him, which made the once fat fish feel very unbalanced. .

He had promised to meet frequently, but Hoshigaki Kisame broke his promise again and again. Jinbei wanted to receive important information from the outside through the mouth of Admiral, the sea tiger. He wanted to know what happened to the fish men island after Princess Otohime was resurrected. Now, have things developed in a good direction?

Hoshigaki Kisame was not polite at all. He sat directly next to Jinbei. He took out one of the several bottles of wine he had brought with him when he entered Shizui Prison and handed it to his compatriot.

Jinbei's eyes lit up when he saw the exquisite wine bottle. He had never drank anything other than water in this damn place. Although he was not a greedy fish before, he had not drank a drop of wine in a year, and the fishmen still missed that. smell.

Hai Xia couldn't wait to bite open the mouth of the bottle and began to enjoy the wine. He had almost forgotten the taste of the wine. The sudden introduction of a large amount of wine into his shriveled stomach gave the fishman a sense of happiness in his brain.

"It's really enjoyable. Wine is indeed a good thing."

"I remind you to drink it slowly. The wine I brought you is brewed by Marine using a variety of grains. It is only open to Marine senior executives. Even if I am Marine Admiral, I can't get five bottles a year."

After speaking, Hoshigaki Kisame placed the remaining two bottles of wine in his arms in front of Jinbei. He would not even look at such rare things when given out, and compared to Marine Admiral, the prisoners of Stillwater Prison need wine more.

Jinbei nodded ignorantly, and put two bottles of wine in his pocket, intending to enjoy it when he was feeling uncomfortable in the future, and perhaps share it with the prisoners. This rare thing was a treasure among treasures here.

"When you came to see me suddenly, you probably didn't just want to buy me a drink, right?"

Hai Xia wanted to understand the other party's purpose of meeting him. Jinbei knew that he was a weak person and was not worth mentioning in front of his fellow Hoshigaki Kisame. Otherwise, he would not have been easily defeated on Cake Island. During this period, he also implicated many people. This makes him feel guilty towards the Big Mom Pirates.

"You are about to be able to go out. Princess Otohime paid a big price behind her back. On the day when the mermaid banquet is about to begin, I will take you back to The Fish Men Island."

Hoshigaki Kisame's words made Jinbei's eyes widen. He never thought that one day he would leave this hell. Kaixia, who was tortured into a fish-like shape, had tears of excitement in his eyes, and he was extremely grateful to Princess Otohime.

Jinbei couldn't imagine how much it cost to save a useless prisoner. What conditions did The Fish Men Island promise to Marshal Marine before Arturia Pendragon finally let him go? Haihu Admiral can't do it.

Compared with other misdeeds of Madara, Madara's Shichibukai can be said to be a rare good person. All the sins he caused were done when he was a member of the Sun Pirates. He has been atoning for his sins in the following years, including the death of the boss Fisher Tiger. , making this fish fall into confusion.

The loss of direction has caused Jinbei's combat power to stagnate. He can't see clearly where the fishmen and humans are going. He can only join different forces again and again to make due contributions to protecting The fishmen island. .

After the Whitebeard Pirates fought on top, the entire Four Emperors group and their influence disappeared at sea. The fish men island lost its shelter and had to find other reinforcements. The Big Mom Pirates looked around, Charlotte Linlin It is the best person to seek refuge with.

Auntie also liked The Fish Men Island's cakes very much. The two parties hit it off immediately and established their respective affiliations. Jinbei has half-stepped into the Big Mom Pirates and regained The Fish Men Island under the Four Emperors flag. , and fell into a stable period.

"If you could have appeared a few years earlier, maybe The Fish Men Island would be even better than it is now. Only strength can determine everything on this sea."

Now Jinbei has almost lost all his energy. If he returns to The Fish Men Island, he plans to retire. He is very tired after working hard at sea for these years and does not want to continue to get involved in disputes. The fish men want to have a stable old age.

Naturally, Hoshigaki Kisame was dissatisfied with such a negative attitude towards his fellow tribesmen. He also wanted Jinbei to continue to shine and contribute to the cause of the fish people. What he said to him on Cake Island remains today. Still applies.

"If our generation doesn't bleed more, the next generation will have to make more sacrifices. In this era, Jinbei, we have no way out."

Jinbei and Hoshigaki Kisame looked at each other. The two of them recalled the past near Cake Island in their hearts. It was a very bad memory. They were both fishmen, and one of them suppressed the other the whole time. The weak had no existence in front of the strong. feel.

The reason was that Marine took the initiative to abolish the Shichibukai system, and Sea Tiger Admiral was personally sent to capture his fellow Sea Hero Jinbei. Hoshigaki Kisame faithfully completed the task assigned to him by Marshal Marine.

On the territory of the Big Mom Pirates, there will eventually be a conflict between those who want to capture them. Sea Tiger Admiral will inevitably have to fight against the generals, but the difference in strength between the two sides is too great.

If Charlotte Linlin hadn't given birth to a good daughter, rushed into the battlefield and turned the tide at a critical moment, Auntie would have almost faced off against the newly arrived Marine Admiral, and the outcome would have been uncertain.

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