One Piece, Starting With A Review Of Devil Fruit

Chapter 78 Poseidon’S Treasure House

The Straw Hat Crew sailing on the sea begins today's sleep journey in the evening.

Nami was sleeping holding the snake named Xiaobei. Robin turned on the desk lamp and wanted to read a book for a while. These were books she got from The Fish Men Island. They were some sea legends she had never known.

The little fishman Fitz didn't sleep in the men's dormitory this time. He soaked in Thousand Sunny's huge fish tank, where Luffy once put a shark, and the underwater space was enough for him to swim all night.

The little reindeer Chopper pushed out the door of the medical room. He was going to go back to the men's dormitory to sleep. The bed was too tight for his body of less than one meter, and he would not fall off no matter how he rolled.

Sanji put on a pair of pink women's pajamas. He also stayed in the men's dormitory for a few nights. He covered the entire bed with a soundproof tent to isolate the snoring sounds of the smelly men while they slept. He also blocked his nose and mouth with clean paper. Live, only in this way can he sleep peacefully.

Luffy and Usopp were in bunk beds. Originally, the latter was on top and the former was on bottom. Since the sniper had trained so well in the past five years, the top bunk could no longer support his weight, so he had to switch with the captain.

The captain was not a good sleeper. He rolled to the ground before, but this time he was caught by the body of Usopp's double door, and the two men fell asleep like this.

Musician Brook, a skeleton, has completely degenerated from sleep during five years of spiritual practice. He stood on the deck and played lullabies for his friends, hoping that they would have a good dream today.

Franky has transformed from a modified human into a pure robot. He does not need sleep to supply his own energy. Sleeping is already a waste of time for him. He silently inspects the ship alone and troubleshoots problems for Thousand Sunny in advance.

Zoro is already a qualified night owl. The observation tower has been turned into a personal training room for him. He uses Observation Haki to cover the entire ship while banging iron. He is the absolute security guard after the crew members go to sleep. After boarding the ship, he took the initiative to assume this responsibility.

The light curtain has been playing from morning to night until now. Some ordinary people in the audience can't bear it anymore. Seeing that there is no special content, they are ready to take a rest like the Straw Hat Pirates.

The scene of the pirate sleeping is really nothing to watch. If the sleeping scene had been given to the two beauties on the ship, the wolf friend would have been able to lick the sleeping faces of Nami and Robin until dawn.

In the past night, the Straw Hat Crew in the light curtain woke up one after another and began today's breakfast journey. The Marines who stayed up all night picked up their notes and began to record the information revealed by them.

"It's time for Little Fitz to eat in the morning."

Robin kindly provided bed service for the little fishman. The short man with blue hair and white spots jumped out of the huge fish tank and accidentally splashed some water on the beautiful woman.

Fitz shook his body to get rid of the water on his body, and dragged his wet body into the restaurant. He knew this was an impolite thing. Robin standing aside had a blush on his face, and he was so disgusted with this ugly and cute thing. The creature is completely defenseless. She likes the little guy Fitz too much, a little more than Chopper.

"Fitz, why haven't you taken out your trident lately?"

"Oh, I put that weapon in Sea Kings' mouth. When I want to use it, I summon the big shark out. It's quite convenient."

An ugly fishman and a beautiful woman with big breasts walked to the restaurant one after another. The shemale Sanji had already prepared breakfast for them.

Sanji changed into a black dress again this morning, and put on white stockings on her hairy legs. She wore pink high heels and strong makeup on her face. When she saw Robin coming over, she took the initiative to show her courtesy, "Sister Robin, I want to eat in the morning." What do you want to order? It’s the same as before, or can I change it for you?”

"Let's have coffee and a sandwich, I'm used to it."

"Sanji made me a sashimi. I remember there was some sea fish left in the refrigerator."

The shemale Sanji will actively satisfy Robin-chan and Fizz-chan's requests and show off his cooking skills. His cooking skills have greatly improved in the shemale kingdom. Not only can he satisfy the hunger of his friends, but he can also learn from the shemale chefs. Special dishes can play more magical roles.

The friends entered the restaurant one after another and were amazed to see Fitz eating sashimi. It was not the first time they saw him eating fish, but they were surprised every time they saw him.

In this world, whether they are mermaids or fishmen, they do not eat fish. They usually make a living by eating algae or shellfish in the sea, and they will eat some food that humans eat. The fish in the sea can be said to them. It's the same kind.

"I have explained to you that I am a child raised by humans, and I have inherited the authority of Poseidon. Don't be surprised by eating fish. I have never regarded them as the same kind, the creatures living in the mermaid kingdom. It’s the same for me.”

Fitz didn't like the feeling of being watched while eating. He held a plate full of sashimi and moved next to Robin. He let the woman's body block him and ate in peace under the protection of the archaeologist. He liked eating raw fish the most. The fish is filleted, and the sauce prepared by Sanji makes the sashimi even more delicious.

"Our crew are all monsters. Why do we mind the monster Fitz? Sanji, give me a sashimi sandwich. Your captain is hungry." Luffy came in and made a speech. He didn't care what kind of monster his partner was. , as long as they are curious and interesting enough, he will invite them on board.

Robin drank bitter coffee without milk or sugar. He stared at Fitz who was eating sashimi for a while, and then looked at Luffy who was feasting on his meal. The two creatures seemed to be able to trigger some kind of chemical reaction together in the mermaid kingdom. The cooperation was extremely tacit.

"Fortunately, Luffy is the captain. Otherwise, Fizz, who sent me to the Sabaody Archipelago, would have to go back the same way and continue to swim back to guard the lighthouse. This fate is really strange."

Nami walked in with a small snake wrapped around her waist. This is a personal companion, big or small. She got it during the adventure in the Mermaid Kingdom. "Without Fitz, there would be no kid like Beckham. Sometimes Luffy is really accurate in seeing people." , strange brain circuits can always bring us good luck."

"Fitz also helped us open the Poseidon's Treasure House. If we hadn't been in a hurry in the Mermaid Kingdom, I would have emptied the treasure inside." Nami's eyes had been replaced by Bailey's money symbols.

"This is the first time I have seen what gold and silver are. The Poseidon Treasure House can't be moved all by just a few of us in a year. Each of us has a large bag of treasure. It is roughly estimated that it is worth a billion beli. It will last us a long time." "

Franky entered the restaurant and the entire cabin felt smaller. His mechanical body was like a small version of Transformers, at least five meters tall.

Zoro squinted his eyes. Yesterday's vigil was quite tiring, but he still insisted on coming over for breakfast. Hearing his companions discussing the Poseidon's Treasure House, he couldn't help but interject: "It's all the cook's fault. A healing knife that can't kill anything in this world. I actually missed it completely."

Is there a Poseidon treasure house in the Mermaid Kingdom? This is the first time the outside world has heard that even King Neptune of The Fish Men Island is confused?

The princes around him kept asking him about the Poseidon's Treasure. As the king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, he had never heard of the legend of the Poseidon's Treasure.

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