The audience watching the light screen is still absorbing the information about Poseidon's treasure house. The Straw Hat Crew of Sea Circle Calendar 1525 has made another explosive revelation one after another.

"You can only barely control Zoro's sword called Tensei Ya. If you let it go a little bit, it will still let go and run away. Sooner or later, you will lose the legendary sword."

"You damn shemale, it's not just your broken principle of not being violent with women, you also need to find out who the other person is, that's the newly appointed Marine Admiral."

Zoro drew his sword and raised his legs with Sanji. The two guys started to fight as soon as they disagreed, and other crew members did not step forward to dissuade them. Everyone was accustomed to this kind of internal strife and fighting.

The two officers on the ship fought each other after eating. Fitz finished the sashimi and licked the plate clean. He praised his companions: "Sanji's cooking is delicious and he is also careful. He found the tooth in the corner. Robin also contributed to the interpretation of the mural. Without you, this knife would never have been born."

Robin likes cute and cute creatures like Fizz, and became very happy after being praised by him. "The legendary underworld knife that can bring the dead back to life. Only Luffy dared to use it. We almost couldn't get out of The fish." men island".

"I'm scared when I mention this now. Luffy, a big idiot, actually brought Tensenga to Princess Otohime's mausoleum. If the ability to resurrect the dead is fake, it's really hard to explain the sin of insulting the princess's body."

"Hey, I made the right bet. Princess Shirahoshi misses her mother. I just want to fulfill her wish. The natural teeth will not be used in vain, so I can resurrect Princess Otohime. After that, we can have a banquet for ten days and ten nights at The Fish Men Island."

The crew members also shook their heads at this reckless captain. Luffy always had extraordinary intuition and execution ability in such critical matters.

"There's no way we can hide the fact that Princess Otohime is back from the dead. She was chased by the newly appointed Marine Admiral, and the Tentenga fell into the sea and disappeared without a trace. No one got any advantage."

Thinking of the treasured sword that can bring intelligent creatures back to life, so carelessly lost, Nami hugged Xiaobei's head with a look of pain on her face. Fortunately, she got a Devil Fruit from the Poseidon Treasure House, otherwise she would have been in a big loss. .

Robin comforted his best friend and said: "Nami's natural teeth have limitations. The first point is that the deceased still has a long life before death. Those who die of natural old age and those who die of illness will not live long even if the soul is summoned back. Secondly, Secondly, the body of the deceased should be preserved as well as possible. Princess Otohime was noble during her lifetime, and her body has been specially cared for in the mausoleum. Ordinary people would not receive such treatment."

This information was interpreted by the archaeologist through the murals. The corresponding soul of the deceased who was chopped by the natural tooth will be summoned back from the underworld to restore the body of the deceased to its original state and cannot be used to treat diseases. Previously All kinds of diseases that have been suffered will be restored together, and each intelligent creature can only be resurrected once.

This legendary knife also has autonomous consciousness. Only those with pure hearts can use it to restore the dead. Instead of the other crew members of the Straw Hat Pirates using the natural tooth, this knife is just a sharp weapon. Only Captain Luffy can use the natural tooth to chop. Only people can save people.

"After resurrecting a life, it will leave automatically. Zoro's use of strength to suppress it is not a long-term solution. Tian Tianya has returned to the sea, and may also be looking for the next sword holder."

"Sister Robin is right, you can't blame me, Green Algae Head"!

"Fart, if Sanji hadn't let Marine Admiral in, Tian Tianya wouldn't have been able to escape from my grasp. It's all the fault of you, a shemale."

The two warriors on the ship are fighting together again. This is part of their daily life. The loss of teeth is just an excuse. Sanji and Zoro have to practice when they have nothing to do. No one wants the other to ride on their heads. The second in command and the third in command The battle for the handle continues on the pirate ship Thousand Sunny.

The fish men island outside the light screen is already very lively. The fish men street is discussing the resurrection of Princess Otohime in the future. Such a good leader was deeply loved by most of her subjects before her death. I never expected that she would die. The day of resurrection.

Some murlocs who cannot coexist peacefully with humans and hate humans are very interested in the Poseidon Treasure House mentioned by Straw Hat Crew. This great secret left for the mermaid kingdom will actually fall into the hands of a group of humans in the future. The weak and incompetent Dragon Palace should be overthrown as soon as possible.

Neptune, the supreme ruler of the Mermaid Kingdom in the Dragon Palace, was sitting on the throne listening to the quarrel between the princes and his ministers below. They had never heard of the Poseidon Treasure House, but even if they told the truth, no intelligent creature would believe it. Thinking that this group of mermaids want to take possession of Poseidon's treasure house.

"It will be a great thing for my mother to be resurrected in the future. I can't wait five years anymore. I want to find the Poseidon Treasure House now."

"Brother, take me with you too. Sister Shirahoshi will be very happy if the queen can be resurrected. I feel bad for keeping her locked up."

"But we don't know where the Poseidon Treasure House is? The light screen doesn't reveal the specific location. It's really annoying. Every time it says half and half is left."

The three princes, Shark Star, Emperor Star, and Kuai Star, were arguing in front of their father. They had lived here on The Fish Men Island for many years, but there was only one thing related to Poseidon.

One of Vander Deken IX's subordinates was a red-finned multi-kiloman with a height of more than 80 meters. This big bald man had the title of Poseidon, but this guy had a very low IQ and had no connection with the Poseidon's treasury.

Neptune on the throne sighed: "The appearance of the Poseidon Treasure House may be a disaster for our The Fish Men Island. Let the army of the Dragon Palace be armed and be vigilant. You are in charge of Shark Star. That legend Even if we find the treasure house in it, we can’t save it with the strength of Dragon Palace.”

Mermaid King Neptune has no other choice but to passively take beatings and wait for the unknown enemy to strike first. Unfortunately, Princess Otohime died too early. The entire Mermaid Island has become alienated from Ryugu, and no one can protect him. The people's useless king is what the people don't need.

The words of the little fish man Fitz in the light screen poured cold water on The fish men island. The Poseidon's treasure house is not so easy to obtain.

Nami smiled like a female villain, "Jie Jie Jie, without Fitz's Poseidon Trident, the mermaids turned over The Fish Men Island and couldn't find the entrance to Poseidon's treasure house. The treasure inside is still ours. Sooner or later I will One day the treasure trove will be emptied.”

Miss Navigator's face was full of wealth, which made Fitz speechless. Sure enough, Robin would be better, "When we board and find One Piece, maybe I will go back. I don't have any feelings for The Fish Men Island. Being the God of Poseidon I'm even less interested, I like to stay in the lighthouse."

Robin knew the inside story. He caressed Fitz's blue head with his jade hands and comforted him: "Don't be sad, Fitz. The mermaids and fishmen won't accept you. Our group of people will always be your partners. You will no longer be alone." ”.

"I can never forgive the fish-men race. They killed my dearest people. I can never forgive..."

A fish-man hates the fish-men, which is really the most amazing thing in the world.

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