The information about the Underworld Sword's natural tooth, the Poseidon's treasure house, and the Poseidon's Trident were recorded. Most people speculated that the rich burial objects after Nami's death may have something to do with the little fishman Fitz. Treasure, just thinking about it makes pirates excited.

With the exposure of the light curtain, The Fish Men Island started a treasure hunt craze, and the capture of mermaid slaves was also carried out simultaneously. The two things together did not delay the pirates from making money.

This shocking news broke out early the next morning, making all the viewers who watched the light screen very excited. They were even more looking forward to what happened next. Pirates were sailing around on the sea. Did the Marines just ignore it?

"With the lack of news in the past few years, why do I feel that Marine Admiral has become more popular?"

Zoro was deeply impressed by the female Admiral who used the sword. He had never seen the opponent's style before. Her sword skills were quite powerful. I really didn't know where Marine found the helper.

Sanji is practicing in the Demon Kingdom, Nami is learning astronomical knowledge at the small Sky Island, Luffy is practicing with the clowns Buggy and Rayleigh, etc. Most of the partners have been practicing hard in the past five years, and occasionally they can read newspapers. They didn't have an intuitive understanding of what was going on.

Robin's encounters with the little fishman Fitz were quite different. In the first three years, it was said that he basically didn't move anywhere. In the next two years, he was basically chased by Marine. The future Marine is like a mad dog.

"Luffy, I have some bad news here. I have been with the Revolutionary Army three years ago. One day at the end of the third year, Marine dispatched four Admiral-level combat forces. They were all Logia Demon fruit power. The headquarters of the Revolutionary Army Baldigo, the White Earth Island, was destroyed by Marine."

The Devil's Child's two years of traveling with the Straw Hat Crew had softened her heart. Faced with that one-sided massacre, Nico Robin was completely unable to help and could only escape desperately. She was also chased by a blue-haired Admiral.

"Four Marine Admirals?!"

"Why has the newspaper never mentioned the expansion of Marine Admiral? This is such a shocking event!"

"The destruction of the Revolutionary Army headquarters was also not reported. It's really strange. This kind of achievement should not be concealed."

Robin looked sullenly at this cruel memory. She didn't want to recall any more. Many people who protected her had sacrificed their lives. "If I hadn't been able to float on the sea due to my physical condition, Fitz wouldn't have had the chance to rescue me ashore." , maybe you won’t be able to see me” (big breasts, great buoyancy).

Luffy had no reaction when he heard the news. He knew that his father was the leader of the revolutionary army, but the two rarely met since childhood. It was the townspeople of Windmill Town who raised him. Occasionally, his grandfather Garp returned to East Blue, he also had to be specially trained by his fists. He was really unfamiliar with fatherly love.

"I'm not very interested in the Revolutionary Army headquarters. Doesn't Marine only have three Admirals?" Luffy picked his nose and thought with his little head. This question was a bit over the top. He had only seen Kizaru Aokiji Akainu in Summit War. These three guys were troublesome enough.

"The cadres of the Revolutionary Army are here in the Marine battle. The elite Marine soldiers call these four people Admiral, White Eagle Admiral, Blue Snake Admiral, Green Bull Admiral, Kizaru Admiral. Each of them is a natural disaster."

Robin's words attracted the attention of his friends. The names of the first three Admirals had never been heard of. Plus the fish men island was chasing the female Marine Admiral of the Straw Hat Crew. They had already encountered five Marine Admirals!

"Marine Admiral will not be awarded to people with low strength easily. After the Summit War, Marine really went through a radical reform, which is not a good thing for us pirates."

Usopp has some bad memories of Marine Admirals. When he thinks about meeting more Marine Admirals in the future journey, he may have contracted the disease that will lead to death on the island.

“The weather really changes at any time”!

It looked like the sky was clear just a moment ago, but now there is a large dark cloud above Thousand Sunny, the flashing clouds are brewing with rain, and a storm is blowing on the calm sea.

"I am a person with the Logia fruit ability. This dark cloud can't trouble me. Just dispel it."

The dark clouds above her head are pulled by the Nami Devil Fruit, and are directly scattered or split by it. She can create clouds and destroy them. She has learned astronomical knowledge for five years, which is not a problem for her.

A small amount of rain still fell on the deck of Thousand Sunny, but due to Nami's ability, the Straw Hat Crew escaped a storm at sea. The ability to control clouds is really convenient for navigators.

"Someone is on board! Everyone, be careful." Zoro, the swordsman who originally closed his eyes to rest, Observation Haki sensed the presence of a stranger on the Sonny, and he opened one eye to search for the target.

The rainwater that was originally dripping on the deck actually began to gather together on its own initiative. First, human limbs appeared one by one, and soon a human silhouette less than two meters long appeared in front of everyone in the Straw Hat Crew.

The rain finally gathered together, and a man nearly two meters tall was wearing Marine Justice on his back, with a blue shirt lining his chest, two snakes tattooed on the left and right of his exposed chest, and a head of lush blue hair. Extremely eye-catching.

"Straw Hat Luffy, do you still recognize me when I look like this?"

"You are Ajin"? !

Luffy didn't need time to think about the name of the person who was suddenly exposed. The other crew members didn't understand it, and asked in unison: "How did you recognize it?"

"Isn't this obvious? Only Ajin, whom East Blue met, has such heavy dark circles in his eyes. He is easy to recognize. He has not changed at all."

"It's easy to recognize him? It's so easy to recognize him. Everything has changed except for the dark circles under his eyes." Sanji couldn't control his fist and left a big bump on the rubber man's head. He didn't recognize it at all just now. Ah Jin. The person would have forgotten it even if he didn't mention it.

"As expected of you Luffy, when we said goodbye at the sea restaurant, I said we would meet on the Grand Line. I finally met you again after so many years."

At this moment, Jin is wearing Marine's cloak of justice, which proves that he has changed from a pirate to a Marine. However, seeing that he has no intention of doing anything, maybe we can still consider him a friend, right? Sanji, who hadn't turned into a shemale, had been kind to him once.

When Robin saw the face of the visitor, his face became even paler, full of hatred and anger, "Should I call you Mr. Akin, or should I call you Blue Snake Admiral?"

Ah Jin, who had strong dark circles under his eyes, looked even more gloomy after his identity was revealed, "Miss Robin, you should be lucky to have joined the Straw Hat Pirates, otherwise you will be buried in my rain like the revolutionary army commander Crow. You should be lucky that I am the Admiral who attacks the White Earth Island."

Character notes: Marine Admiral blue snake-Ajin, Logia rain fruit ability user

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