One Piece, Starting With A Review Of Devil Fruit

Chapter 84 Justice Reigns Over The World

The future Smoker Admiral made his heaven-defying remarks. Marine outside the light screen looked at him in shock. Good guy, my good guy, is this allowed to be said?

Tashigi looked around and saw Marine looking at Smoker with strange eyes. She was a little worried about her boss, "Colonel Smoker, let's leave quickly with Marine's transfer order."

The current Smoker is not a Marine Admiral. What he says in the future will inadvertently offend many people and cause him a lot of unnecessary trouble. "Let's go."

Part of what Future said was what he was thinking now, comparing justice to business. Smoker had never thought of it that way, but after being exposed by Future, he suddenly realized something.

His speech refinement and strength have been greatly enhanced. This bright future makes Smoker very happy, but before he could be happy for a long time, Sakazuki's adjutant stopped him, "Smoker, Akainu Admiral wants to talk to you about justice. , you can leave on the warship later."

Tashigi: "Ah"!

Smoker: "Alas"!

Sure enough, knowing the future in advance is not necessarily a good thing, and the follow-up content of the light curtain about the future Marine is even more exciting.

"Akin, are you going to meet the Straw Hat Pirates?"

"I don't know where these people have been hiding in the past five years. Their appearance on The Fish Men Island gave us Marine a big surprise. They have not appeared in the information of Marine in the Poseidon Treasure House. The news of Princess Otohime's resurrection is expected to spread soon. sea"

The story of being able to resurrect from the dead was only half-believed by the people in the light curtain through word of mouth through the Straw Hat Crew. In the future, two Marine Admirals actually certified this matter, and the Underworld Sword's natural teeth were real.

"Straw Hat Luffy and the others behaved the same way they did five years ago. I have reported their information to Naval Headquarters and have been marked as an adventure group. Such people do not pose a threat to us Marine for the time being."

From the words of Admiral, the concept of adventure group was presented to the world for the first time.

As the name suggests, the adventure group is mainly about adventure. It is a name for a pirate group that has not committed crimes. Under the circumstances of Marine's reform, such targets are not among the targets of Marine's attack, allowing Marine to free up more hands to go. Deal with more dangerous targets on the sea.

Based on the latest concept of Acting Marshal Artoria, establish the broadest united front and unite all forces that can be united. Some pirates who have not committed crimes can also be united. It is necessary to distinguish between primary contradictions and secondary contradictions, and cannot unite those who can be united. , directly pushed into the enemy's hands.

"The concept of acting marshal as an adventure group really saves us Marine a lot of trouble. Marine can actually issue bounties or search tasks to pirates, and some brave guys can actually complete them, giving us more control over the sea. powerful"

"However, only Sakazuki Admiral can think of taking direct measures against the stubborn pirates and their relatives."

Akainu Admiral and Smoker Admiral recalled that Akainu Admiral's iron-blooded style made them both feel uncomfortable. Both radicals felt that the other was a bit too extreme.

Akainu Admiral became even more hated. Joint punishment refers to a system in which people who have a certain relationship with the criminal are jointly and severally punished for other people's crimes. This extremely cruel method of criminal law will be carried forward by Sakazuki in the future.

Cut to a scene about Sakazuki arguing with the acting marshal

"Acting Marshal, I have submitted the report for so many days, why haven't you issued an order yet? The food in Marine Prison continues to be wasted."

Five years later, Akainu Admiral had a few scars on his face. His three-meter-long body stood in front of the acting marshal, making Artoria, who was less than 1.6 meters tall, look even more childish.

"Sakazuki, it's useless for you to beat the table for me here. Your continuous sitting system is beyond my tolerance. Just kill the pirates' immediate family members. You want to be promoted to the three clans. This time you let me "You're going to kill more than 3,000 people to approve that report. Do you want Naval Headquarters to turn into a slaughterhouse?"

Arturia rarely showed an angry expression. These are all lives. With just one stroke of the acting marshal, more than 3,000 people will die.

The three clans refer to the father's clan, the mother's clan, and the wife's clan. In Akainu Admiral's concept, as long as a pirate commits a crime on the sea, the means of exterminating the three clans must be used to frighten those who come after him and take this as a warning. Marine It can be said that there have been a lot of killings over the years, and the sea near the Naval Headquarters execution ground has remained a sea of ​​blood all year round and has never faded.

"I have a table full of official documents reporting you. Akainu, get out of here. If you continue to act like this, I will remove you from your post and make you, the Marine Admiral, a top soldier."

Akainu Admiral just snorted, took his official report and slammed the door out. The acting marshal told him to get out, and he got out. If he didn't get an advantage from the acting marshal, he would find this place somewhere else. Come.

Arturia touched her blond hair with a tired look on her face, "Marshal Sengoku, Marshal Sengoku, why are there so many thorns on your hands? Sakazuki really gives me a headache."

There is a plaque hanging on the back of the blond girl, which clearly says the justice of the king. The thing behind this is not a decoration. Arturia has practiced this justice during the five years of ruling Marine.

"The performance of the Acting Marshal has far exceeded that of any Marine Marshal in terms of results. I don't know how long the World Government will keep wearing the word "Agent" on her head."

"The World Government is just deceiving itself. Two years ago, the Acting Marshal sent four Marine Admirals to wipe out the separatist forces on the White Earth Island, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army. The forces that Long had cultivated for so many years were uprooted by us. The heads of his military commanders were , all became the merits of our promotion."

"A year ago, the Acting Marshal personally formulated a plan to introduce the Red Hair Pirates into the encirclement. The eight Marine Admirals who were ambushing them took action together. No matter how strong the Four Emperors Pirates were, they would be swept into the trash heap of history by our Marines, leaving only Got the red-haired Shanks alive.”

"The justice of the former Marshal Sengoku is just empty talk. Marshal Artoria truly leads Marine to dominate the world. Sooner or later, there will be only one voice in this ocean."

After Smoker finished speaking, he became like Akin before, with a face full of admiration and fanaticism. Only in this way can the powerful Marine be worthy of their service.

The conversation between the two Marine Admirals ended, and the light screen showed another dark picture that shocked the world.

The blond girl sits high on the main seat, with six Marine Admirals sitting on both sides. A total of twelve Marine Admirals will appear in this scene in the future.

Kizaru Akainu Aokiji, the third oldest Admiral, is sitting among them, and the remaining nine are on equal footing with these three monsters. For the pirates, this is simply the most terrifying scene.

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