The former Marshal Marine in the Summit War died in the battle, and Artoria, who had no foundation, was appointed as the acting Marshal. These are not the most outrageous news.

After destroying the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army and annihilating the red-haired Shanks pirate group, one of the Four Emperors, the Marine Admiral's establishment was expanded to twelve. This kind of future was unacceptable to most pirates, and it also gave these little guys a lesson. , what is justice that rules the world?

Sakazuki will have more blood on his hands in the future. The Naval Headquarters execution ground is his favorite place. I don’t know how many pirates were executed here, and maybe some of the pirates’ direct relatives. Without the powerful Marine, he It is impossible for him to do it with a posthumous endorsement.

Taking Akainu Admiral as an example alone can prove how domineering and domineering the future Marine is. It wants money and the highest combat power. The Four Emperors pirate group will be destroyed at any time. Such a behemoth can suppress some people at the moment. Breathless, including causing dissatisfaction with the world government.

Originally, the Five Elders thought that by controlling Marine's military expenditures, they would be able to control this violent organization, but they did not expect that such a mistake would happen in the future. Where did Artoria get so much gold?

Akainu Kizaru Aokiji, these three will still be Admirals five years later. Excluding Smoker, a rising Marine, where did the other Marine Admirals come from? Are they all recruited by the future Marshal Marine? Five years later, Marine will have such a strong combat force, and it will really have the strength to challenge the World Government, and can say no to its direct superiors.

Most of the Admiral-level combat power shown in the picture are just black outlines, but some tricks can also be seen in this detail. The attentive residents of The Fish Men Island discovered that one of them, Marine Admiral, seemed to have something on his face. An organ like fish gills.

"Among the twelve Marine Admirals in the future, there is actually one who is a fishman. His physique does not look like that of the Jinbei boss."

"When did our fish-men clan have such a strong man again?"

"With Fitz joining the Straw Hat Crew, and the future Marine Admiral, our The fish men island is finally saved."

This group of fishmen and mermaids can be recognized, and naturally other intelligent creatures can also recognize them. Unexpectedly, the future acting marshal can even accept fishmen. She really fully understands the concepts she upholds.

The mermaid king Neptune issued another order. According to the outline of the murloc on the light screen, search for the future Marine Admiral in the fish men island. He can be on an equal footing with the three old Admirals and is absolutely inferior in terms of strength. If there is a difference, establishing a good relationship in advance will be beneficial to Dragon Palace without any harm.

Fizz, who inherited the legacy of Poseidon, has a bad opinion of The Fish Men Island. He can only hope that the future fish man Admiral can help the Dragon Palace and The Fish Men Island to prevent disasters. He hopes that this kind of thing will happen to others, Nip It can be said that Dun is familiar with the road.

First they were protected by the Whitebeard Pirates, then by the Big Mom Pirates, and finally it was the Straw Hat Crew's turn. In short, these mermaids have completely relied on outsiders as saviors since Princess Otohime failed to save herself. On this familiar road, The path has reached darkness, just like our ancestors did eight hundred years ago.

The scene about Marine in Sea Circle Calendar 1525 ended like this. Thousand Sunny was driving in the sea in the light curtain. Admiral's visit did not affect the joyful atmosphere of Straw Hat Crew.

After drinking and eating, everyone on the boat began to enjoy the music of Skeleton Brook. In the beautiful violin music, Luffy and others looked intoxicated. They also wanted to join the performance, but their poor knowledge of music theory stopped them.

"It would be great if we knew how to play musical instruments. We could play more beautiful music with Brook. Learning musical instruments is quick. You can even learn a song."

Luffy had a drink prepared for him by the shemale Sanji hanging around his neck. He noticed that Brook, who was playing alone, seemed a little lonely. The crew's small emotions were keenly captured.

A white cloud held Nami floating in the air with the battle pet Xiaobei, and extinguished the captain's unrealistic thoughts with words, "Luffy, I don't have any musical talent. I have a musician as my company at sea, so you can be content." .

"Luffy, I have been playing in the sea for many years. The musical ability shown by Brook can be said to be at the top level in the sea. Many musicians do not live as long as this guy. The music that Brook has accumulated for many years is full of stories." Robin's praise for this horny guy comes from the bottom of his heart. Brook is also very interesting and a reliable partner at critical times.

"Luffy, I can fulfill your wish. Just before going to Dressrosa, I, Brook, will give a grand performance to my friends, which requires my old friends to appear."

Brook put down the violin in his hand and inserted the Sword of Souls on the deck. A burst of green light emitted from the soul level spread outward from the skull, "The Lord of Souls commands here, the underworld opens the door for me." , all members of the Lumba Pirates, wake up! Wake up quickly!"

At the call of the underworld fruit user, a door to the sky appeared behind Brook. The scene of hell was carefully carved on the door. The eighteen circles represented the eighteen levels of hell, and the gate of hell was so alive that the wails of the dead could be heard.

At the request of the King of Souls, a small gap was opened in the Gate of Hell, and a fierce wind blew out from inside. The souls of the dead were released back to the living world from the Underworld along the Gate of Hell.

Everyone in the Rumba Pirates that Brook was a member of was a musician. When he appeared in the spirit state again, the dead were holding a musical instrument that they were best at. These undead were surrounding the King of Souls, waiting for the latest update. instructions.

Brook, who showed such a terrifying ability, had no empty eyes and a skull, and was already crying in front of his friends. He suppressed his sadness and gave the most wonderful performance to Straw Hat Luffy, "Captain, please enjoy, Binx's Fine wine”.

The Rumba Pirates, who appear in the form of spirit bodies, have lost their most important body, but they will not forget the music even if they have been dead for many years. Under the command of their companion Brook, the prelude of the song Binx's Wine began to play, and they After working together for many years, the tacit understanding is still maintained even if the yin and yang are separated.

"Yo ho ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho ho..."

"Yo ho ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho ho..."

"Sending Binx's wine to you, like the sea breeze, riding the waves as it pleases. On the other side of the sea, the sunset is also noisy, and the songs of birds draw circles in the sky. Goodbye, the land of harbor silk, let's sing a song , the song of sailing..."

Brook cooperates closely with his spirit partners. He alone is a whole high-level orchestra. Binx's wine once again resounds throughout the sea.

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