Brook is still staying in the Devil's Delta at this time. This desolate skeleton has been wandering here for many years. After his shadow was taken away by Gekko Moria, he did not dare to live in the sun and could only hide in the shadows and watch the contents of the light screen.

The appearance of the light curtain became a ray of comfort in Brook's miserable life. Through the chat room, he contacted Crocus who was still in Twin Capes, and through the conversation he learned that the whale Laboon was still waiting for him to come back.

He knew that he had to defeat Ryoma Swordsman's body so that Brook could regain his shadow and live under the sun again. In the future, he could join the Straw Hat Pirates because the other party mistakenly entered the Devil's Delta and defeated Gekko Moria, the Shichibukai.

The spirit bodies of the members of the Narumba Pirates in the light screen made the skeleton in reality cry bitterly. He really wanted to play music with his original partners again.

Although Brook is a skeleton and does not have to worry about dying of thirst or starvation, no one talks to him and he can only enjoy the music by himself. As time goes by, he becomes very lonely. Eating this underworld fruit during his lifetime did not bring him any abilities.

After being resurrected by the Devil Fruit ability, he can use some of the power of the underworld to pull the souls of the dead out of the underworld for Brook's use. This skeleton has never thought of it this way. In addition to being a musician, he is also a swordsman, but he only uses a cane. The sword is attached with the underworld cold energy as his main means of killing.

"Just because I can control the underworld five years from now doesn't mean I can't do it now." Brook stuck his cane sword on the deck of the ghost ship and learned what the future looked like in the light curtain, learning how to communicate with the underworld in a decent way, trying to open it. Open the terrifying door to hell.

"The Lord of Souls orders here, Huangquan opens the door for me, all members of the Lumba Pirates, wake up! Wake up quickly!"

"The Lord of Souls orders here, Huangquan opens the door for me, all members of the Lumba Pirates, wake up! Wake up quickly!"

Nothing happened when a gust of wind blew by. Brook, who was on the ghost ship, stood there blankly. "Is it because I lack a shadow? I can't feel the existence of Huangquan at all."

After that, the skeleton was tried hundreds of times on the ghost ship. The deck, which was already in disrepair and was fragile, had many holes poked by Brook and could no longer support the weight of the skeleton.

With a bang, Brook fell into the cabin. Fortunately, only the top floor was damaged by him. If there were a few holes in the bottom of the ship, he would have no choice but to sink to the bottom of the sea with the ghost ship, and he would no longer be able to wait for the rescue of the Straw Hat Crew. .

"Woo... Wu... Luffy, when are you coming here?" Brook fell in the cabin and was too lazy to move. His skeleton lay on the ground and kept crying. He needed a savior to help him get out of here.

Brook collapsed on the ghost ship. Gekko Moria, who was closest to him, was already thinking about him. This Shichibukai didn't expect that the devil fruit of the skeleton frame was so powerful!

"Go out and look for them all. Get Brook back. This kind of talent is what I want to decide on, Gekko Moria."

The fat man who feels good about himself thinks that if Brook's shadow is returned to him, the other party will obediently join Gekko Moria's camp and send out the zombie army he has been running for many years to control the other party.

Moreover, these two people are a perfect match. One likes to play with corpses and the other likes to play with souls in the future. Gekko Moria instantly had a new idea. Previously, he stuffed shadows into corpses to form his zombie army. Then if the souls of the strong and the strong were combined, The person's shadow is put into the corpse together? !

Gekko Moria, a fat man, had a problem with the Sand Crocodile. After being defeated by Four Emperors Kaido in Wanokuni, his original subordinates were wiped out by the Beasts Pirates. He could only escape from the sea with a seriously injured figure. Before leaving, he even dug some From Wanokuni's grave, the greatest achievement was to bring out Shimotsuki Ryoma's body and famous sword.

Both Shichibukai believe that the Four Emperors are invincible monsters. Sand Crocodile chooses to find the Ancient Weapon to kill Whitebeard. Gekko Moria chooses to use fruit abilities to form a zombie army. He firmly believes that as long as he develops long enough, sooner or later he will go to Wanokuni. revenge.

Since arriving in the Devil's Triangle, Gekko Moria has been implementing his zombie army plan. He has created quite a lot of zombies, but in terms of high-end combat power, he lacks the corpses of strong men, and he still lacks strong men. Shadow, I haven't gotten any good stuff after all these years.

"The Devil Fruit can actually manipulate the souls of the dead. It is said that Charlotte Linlin's Devil Fruit ability can attach souls to objects and turn them into living creatures. They are really two completely opposite powers. Do we really want to provoke such a person?"

Perona, who was dressed in a gothic outfit, expressed her worries to her captain. She was afraid that her group would not be able to control a powerful fruit user like Brook.

"Even if the Four Emperors are interested in him, it will take some time for them to come to the Devil's Delta. As long as we use Brook's Devil Fruit ability to summon a few more powerful souls from the underworld, we will have the strength to protect ourselves."

After Hogbark finished speaking, he looked at Shimotsuki Ryoma. He had a fantasy in his heart. If the soul of the swordsman who once killed the flying dragon was summoned from the sea of ​​​​underworld, he could become one with his body. I don’t know what kind of strength this old monster who has been dead for hundreds of years will show.

He is even more thinking about his goddess Sindori. Although the goddess's body has been put into the shadow of other people, the goddess is incomplete after all. Hogback wants to find Sindori's soul in the underworld, and then meet the goddess. Combining the corpses into one is the most feasible method of resurrection at the moment.

Absalom has a lion face, and he takes the initiative to share the worries of his captain, "I am a transparent fruit ability user and follow the zombie army. If I find the skeleton, I can approach him quietly so that Brook has no chance to escape."

He also has his own little idea in his heart. If he can get some beautiful women's souls out, and let Hogbak get some beautiful women's bodies and put them together with the beautiful women's souls, Absalom, a lecherous man, doesn't mind opening one full of beauties. Harem.

Perona looked at her two colleagues, who were already dreaming about a better future. Loli's face was also full of speechlessness. As expected, adults don't have any good things, and they think about things between men and women all day long.

There is still a trace of soul left in Ryoma's body. The shadow of someone else inhabiting the body is not as good as the soul of his original wife. It is certainly a good thing to be resurrected. A samurai soul wants to know what happened to Wanokuni.

"What kind of soul should I prepare for Oz? I must not let his original soul come back."

Gekko Moria knew very well that Oz's soul was that of a reckless man. He actually froze to death in the Land of Ice because he had no clothes on. His giant body was really blinded in vain.

In short, the force of Gekko Moria has already regarded Brook as its treasure. Such a good leader cannot be shared with other pirates.

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